One Warning more to the Hypocrites of this GENERATION


YEt once more am I to [...]ppear before you a Repro­ver, in the Name of the Lord, who is greatly pro­voked to Jealousie, by your growing still worse and worse in the Fumace under your Trials and Affictions.

Oh! who doth lay to [...]he art? who doth consider, who doth understand the work of this Day? Oh! my bowels, my bowels! my Lam [...]t [...]tions, my Distresses what they have been and are in the behalf of this Generation of Hypocritical Professor, who grow still worse? So that in the Name and Dread and Authority of the Living and Eternal God, I am to Declare unto you, and yet once more to Warn you, That the dreadful Cup of Vengeance that you are to drink, and must drink, and cannot escape, can not be measured by any thing that is past. You are gazing after Changes. As you grow worse and worse by all the Changes and Revolutions your eyes have seen, and your ears have heard of; So the Changes that shall be, shall be still worse and worse for you. Ye who are seated in Unrighteousness, who have a Lie in your right hand, in whom the love of the Earth, and Vanity, and the sensual spirit is so strong, that after your Lovers ye will go; your minds abroad after a dead Carcass of Words, of Forms, of Ordinances (as you call them) and all your scope, expectations and desires, to have these restored to you and your discontents, grudgings and murmurings, because the [...] are not Oh! the dreadful Day of Vengeance, the dreadful Day of Vengeance that yet abides such, whose hopes whose desires, whose expectations are after any thing as a Covering, as Salvation, But the Life, the Spirit of Righteousness, to flow down as a mighty stream, So as to burn up, lay naked and open, make desolate all flesh.

This is the Day of God, the desirable blessed Day; and this is come, and coming yet more and more abundantly in Power and great Glory! But Wo to the Hypocrite, to the mind that saies and does not, filled with swelling words and expectatious; and the Life, the Seed of Righteousness, that wherein is the Restauration of all things, opppressed, bur­dened in their particulars, above their measures exalted; Such shall be, shall be abundantly filled with the fruit of their own way. Oh! that all herein concerned could read their name, and hear and fear, and consider, and forbear, ere it be too late, the day of their Visitation past over, night come on wherein none, can work; their Judgment sealed, God ceased to be a Reprover in them, till the Day of Vengeance overtake as a Whirlwind; as in the Name, and Dread, and Power of the living and Eternal God I do declare, it shall this hypocritical Generation of Professors, of all Ranks, Forms, Sorts and Sizes, in a way can not be measured by any thing that is yet past.

This is the Word of the Lord God to you, whether ye Will yet hear or forbear.

J. Suintoune.

You who speak of a Deliverance, and loo [...] for a day of Deliverance, Are you delivered from the Bondage of Corruption? Then are you free [...]eed Then ye need not look out for a Day of Deliverance, You know the Liberty of the Sons of God; Then ye know the Patien [...]e, ye know the Faith that makes not haste. Ye know the Will of God, and know it to be your place to lie d [...]wn in it as to what­soever he shall permit man, or men, to do unto you: Oh Friends, this is the Deliverance to be minded, to be deli­vered from the power of the Evil One within yau, not to come under me evil Spirit at home nor abroad, to be pre­served faithful in an evil day, Do ye believe God, the just holy God that rules in Heaven and Earth And do you think be will deliver you out of the hands of unreasonable men, when ye provoke him to Jealousie through your Treachery and Rebellions? And shall you be delivered while you be­come worse and worse Come to minde the Inward Deli­verance, the Inward Liberty. Freedom, to have a Conscience in all things clear and free towards God and man: Then shall you witness the Deliverance, You shall be more than Conque­rors, overcome your Enemies with Patience with Love, with Forgiveness, with seeking their Good; and yet bear witness against their evil deeds and spirit in not coming un­der in a tittle, yeelding in one hoof or hand [...]readth; but the more opprest, the stiffer, bold and val [...] couragious in following the Lord, in what he doth or must require of you, in the fear and dread of the living God standing over the fear of Man. Were not this Deliverance enough, to be preserved faithful? Yea, and this is the Deliverance, and not another, to be brought here, and to be pr [...]ved here, to be minded by all the single-hearted. As for he hope; the ex­pectation of the Hypocrite, it shall perish at noon day.

J. S.

One of the Songs of Zion.

SIng, O Heavens and be astonished O Earth! for the Lord God is come down to Judgment: Therefore, O ye Inhabitants of the Earth, mourn; for the day of Your Judgment is come, wherein nothing ca [...] over, but that of the Spirit. Wo, Wo, Wo to the mind that is joyned to any other Covering but this alone: All flesh gather paleness, for the Terrible Judge or the whole Earth is come, from whom nothing can be hid. Oh! sing and rejoyce, O Hea­vens, ye Lambs and Little ones, whose Life and Salvation, and Covering, the Lord God alone is: He will, he will ap­pear to your Joy, and to the Confusion, the utter-Confu­sion and Desolation, and desolating of all that love not his Appearance, but gainsay it, and contradict it, Oh! where will you stand? whither will [...]e run, w [...]re will you find a Covering, that will not be [...] narrow [...] this Day, that is for the making desolate all flesh? and is [...]efore therefore, even therefore, the Blessed; in which, and because of which, all the single-hearted shall rejoyce, and shout for, joy and gladness of heart; because, even because the Lord God alone, and none besides him, is, or shall be exalted in the Day that is come and coming with Power and great Glory, to the mind that seeks its Habitation, its Covering, its Salvation, its Redemption in God alone; to be covered with the Light that makes manifest the deeds of Darkness, from which no­thing can be hid. This is the Salvation, the Covering of the Children of the Day; Glory, Glory, Glory for ever to the Lamb, the Light, the Covering, the Salvation, the Saviour. This is the Day that is come, for which many have waited, and many, many have rejoyced in it, seeing it afar off, This is the Day that makes all odds even, and answers all, and brings into the Perfect Rest and Peace, Satisfaction and Contentment; while the joy, the expectation of the Hypo­crite perisheth at noon day.

J. S.

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