To his Grace, His Majesties high Commissioner, and Honourable Estates of Parliament, The PETITION of Alexander Strachan of Glenkindie
THat the Petitioner being conveened before the Lords of Justiciarie, in the year 1676, upon them litious I [...]f [...]rmation of the deceast Adam Gordon of Glenbucket, and some other Neighbours, anent his being in Accession to the Slaughter of one Alexander So [...]r, and put under an exorbitant Bail of 20000 lib. Scots, for his Compearance upon the 27 day of November the said year, and for presenting such of his Men, Tennents and Servant [...] as should be cited as Parties, and Witnesses to the said day, which Bond was extorted from him metu Carceris, and yet he fullfilled the same in all Poin [...]s, so far as was possible for him; for he gave punctual Obedience and Attendance himself, and presented such of his men, Tennents and Servants, as he was informed were cited; and yet some persons designed in the Executions, Servants to him, being absent, he and his Cautioner were unlaw'd in the haill foresaid Sum of 20000 lib. as if he had performed no part of his Bond, and this Penalty after a long time in the late Reign, was gifted to Sr Adam Blair of Carberrie, and thereupon Diligence done against your Petitioner and his Estate. and thereby your Petitioner subjected to a most illegal and unwarrantable Burden; For Remeid whereof, he having applyed to the Lords of Justiciary, in February last: Their Lords [...]ips refused to liberat your Petitioner from the foresaid exorbitant Penaltie, and the Diligence which followed thereupon; But prejudice to the Petitioner to pursue the same before the next session of Parliament; whereupon the Petitioner obtained a Warrand from the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, and caused Summond the said Donatar and his Facttor, with the other lawful Contradictors in the Cause, to compear before your Grace, and the Honourable Estates, to a certain day now elapsed, as the Signet Summonds and Executions herewith produced doth bear.
May it therefore please your Grace, and the Honourable Estates, to hear the Petitioners Advocats in the said Cause, or to Remit to the Committee for privat Causes, to hear and prepare the same, that Your Grace, and the States may determine therein according to Justice.
And Your Petitioner shall ever pray, &c.