A Supplemental Word, necessary to be made known, and understood aright, and to be done accordingly, in order to the Healing of these Nations.

WHen the French were moving upon the Waters in the Year 1692. It was given out throughout all this Nation, To make the People more Unanimous in opposition of them, That they came to spoil and make a Conquest over this Coun­try. They did not then come so near, as to send out their Declarations, and make their Pretences known. But if they had, and declared accordingly, That they came only to restore the deprived King; And that they did covet and design no more than barely to effect This; and they would be contented only with the Charge of the Expedition paid, with some moderate Gratuities to the Souldiers and Seamen; and henceforward these Nations should abide by one another in Unity, Peace and Concord: If the usual Consultation, Treaty and Security was had hereupon, the People of England might credit and fully rely on these their so far seeming Reasonable and just Demands, all one as they did take the P. of O. his Word to let him come in when he had before declared, That He did not in­tend to make a Conquest over them. Indeed there is somewhat more to be consi­dered in the disparity of the Numbers and Power which the One hath over what the Other had. But the Word and Promise of the Princes and Potentates of the Earth is much alike, that there is no sure Trust and Reliance to be given to any of them. They were wont to speak in old Time, saying, Thou shalt surely ask Counsel at Abel, and so they ended the matter 2 Sam. 20.18. As we are allowed, yea, and commanded to search the Scriptures, so any one at his leisure may read the four following Verses, as they lie open in the Bible. I am one of them that are peaceable and faithful in England. It seemeth hard and unequal to me, that a whole Nation should be endangered to be ruined, and swallowed up by Strangers and Forreigners for the Ambition and Contention of two Men. Whereas Right might be done in a Peaceable and Prudent way (without their Aid, or violent in­terposure and medling) upon the terms of Ʋniversal Forgiveness, not one Man excepted. But if one is so stiff as not to grant that; As I suppose He would be glad with all his Heart, and consent to be Re-admitted in upon those mild and e­quitable Conditions, which will make him both Revered and Loved; for it is neither Duty, nor yet Wisdom to speak or behave ones self Proudly in the day of Distress. They are Adversaries to the King, 2 Sam. 19.22. and they hinder his Restauration, who dictate otherwise notwithstanding their ignorant Zeal, and vain Talk for him. And if the Offenders are afraid to trust to this, as Wicked­ness and Guilt is very timorous and suspicious (it being but what is natural and usual, That they who have transgressed without a Cause, should be also fearful without a Cause, that is, without a true Cause.) Then let all those that are in­deed criminal stand by themselves; for there is no reason why others, who as yet are not so, should make themselves criminal also in defending them. And let him come singly to punish them, whilst all others stand perfectly Neuter, and Disin­terested as to that Cause, only in defence of their Country, to stop the Incursion and Spoil of Strangers and Robbers. The right understanding of, and acting ac­cording to this Truth, would go a great way towards the bringing and setling Peace again in our Borders.

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