A SOLEMN League and Covenant FOR Reformation, AND Defence of Religion, The Honour and Happinesse of the King, and the Peace and Safety of the three KINGDOMES OF Scotland, England, and Ireland.

Jer. 50.5.

Come let us joyne our selves to the Lord in a per­petuall Covenant that shall not be forgotten.

Prov. 25.5.

Take away the wicked from before the King, and his throne shall be established in righteousnesse.

2 Chron. 15.15.

And all Judah rejoyced at the Oath, for they had sworne with all their heart, and sought him with their whole desire, and hee was found of them; and the Lord gave them rest round about.

It is this day Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, That this Covenant bee forthwith printed and published.

H. Elsynge. Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Edinburgh, Printed by Robert Bryson. 1643.

Sess. XIV. August. 17. 1643.
The Generall Assemblies Approbation of the draught of the League and Covenant presented to them.

THe Assembly having recommended unto a Committee, appointed by them to joyn with the Committee of the Honourable Convention of Estates, and the Commissioners of the Ho­nourable Houses of the Parliament of England, for bringing the Kingdomes to a more near counjunction and Union, received from the aforesaid Committees, the Covenant after-mentioned, as the result of their consultations: And having taken the same, as a matter of so publick concernment, and of so deepe importance doth require, unto their gravest consideration, Did with all their hearts, and with the beginnings of the feelings of that joy which they did finde in so great measure up­on the renovation of the Nationall Covenant of this Kirk and Kingdome, all with one voice approve and embrace the same, as the most powerfull mean, by the blessing of GOD, for setling and preserving the true Protestant Religion, with perfect peace in his Majesties Dominions, & propagating the same to other Nations, and for establishing his Majesties throne to all ages and generations. And therefore with their best affections recommend the same to the Honourable Convention of Estates, that being examined and approved by them, it may be sent with all diligence to the Kingdome of Eng­land, that being received and approven there, the same may bee with publick humiliation, and all Religious [Page] and answerable solemnitie, sworn and subscribed by all true Professours of the Reformed Religion, and all his Majesties good subjects in both Kingdomes.

A. Johnstoun.

The Convention of Estates their Approba­tion of the draught of the League and Covenant aforesaid, 17 August 1643.

THe Noblemen, Commissioners of Shires and Burrows now conveened, having re­ceived the Covenant above-mentioned from their Committee, as the result of their consultations with a Committee of the General Assembly, & the Commissioners from both Houses of the Parliament of England; and having ta­ken that Covenant unto their gravest consideration, Did with all their hearts and great expressions of joy and unanimitie approve and embrace the same, as the most powerfull mean, by the blessing of God, for setling and preserving the true Protestant Religion, with a perfect Peace in all his Majesties Dominions, & propagating the same to other Nations, & for establishing his Majesties thron to all ages. And being very confident that their brethren in the Kingdom of England wil heartily receive and approve the famin; Therefore according to the earn­est recommendation of that venerable Assembly of this Kirk now met, thinks it most necessarie for the good ends aforesaid, that it be sent into that Kingdome with all diligence, that being received and approved by their brethren there, the same may be with all religious solem­nities sworne, and subscribed by all true Professours of the Reformed Religion, and all his Majesties good sub­jects in both Kingdomes.

Arch. Primrose, Cler. Com.

Ordinance for the solemne receiving, swear­ing, and subscribing of the League and Covenant.

THe Commissioners of the Generall Assembly, having received from their brethren sent unto the Kingdome of England, the solemne League and Covenant under-written, as it was appro­ven by the Honourable Houses of the Parliament of England, and the Assemblie of Divines in that King­dome, and solemnly sworn and subscribed there. After due examination therof, did all in one voice most hearti­ly receive and embrace the same, as agreeing with the draught, and unanimously and chearfully approven and embraced by the late Generall Assemblie, and Conventi­on of Estates, as the most powerfull mean by the bles­sing of GOD, for settling and preserving the true Prote­stant Religion with perfect peace in his Majesties Domi­nions, and propagating the same to other Nations, and for establishing his Majesties throne to all ages and gene­rations: And therefore according to the power given to them by the said Assembly, Ordain this solemn League and Covenant to be with publick humiliation, and all religious solemnities received, sworn, and subscribed by all Ministers and Professours within this Kirk; And, that this may be universally performed, It is also ordained that this League and Covenant be forthwith printed, and that the printed copies, bound with some clean sheets of paper be sent unto the Ministery, And that every Mini­ster upon the first Lords day, after the same shall come to his hands, read and explain it, and by exhortation [Page] prepare the people to the swearing and subscribing ther­of solemnly, the Lords day next immediatly following. And it is further Ordained that Presbyteries take ac­count of the performance hereof in their severall bounds, and that they proceed with the censures of the Kirk, against all such as shall refuse, or shift to swear and subscribe this League and Covenant, as enemies to the preservation and propagation of Religion, And that they notifie their names, and make particular report of their own diligence hereintill, to this Commission, or their Moderator, or Clerk to be delivered to them. And the Commissioners think it very convenient, for good ex­ample, and the better encouragement of others, that this Covenant be solemnly sworn, and subscribed by them­selves now present, before the Congregation, in the East Kirk upon Friday next the 13. of this instant, after Ser­mon and exhortation to be made by Master Robert Dou­glas Moderator; And that the Commissioners of the Convention of Estates now in towne, and the Com­missioners from the Parliament of England, and the Divines of that Kingdom here present, be earnestly de­sired to joyne with them in this solemn and religious Action.

A. Ker.

At Edinburgh the 12 of October, 1643.

THe Commissioners of the Convention of E­states, having received from the Commissio­ners of the Generall Assembly, the solemne League and Covenant under-written, approven and solemnly sworne and subscribed, in the Kingdome of England. And having taken the fame to their serious [Page] consideration, do unanimously and chearfully receive and embrace it, as agreeing with that draught, appro­ven by the late convention of Estates and Generall As­sembly. And therefore ordains the same to be with all religious solemnities sworne and subscribed by all his Majesties subjects of this Kingdome: and that un­der the pain to such as shall postpone or refuse, to be esteemed and punished as enemies to Religion, his Ma­jesties Honour, and peace of thir Kingdomes; and to have their goods and rents confiscate for the use of the publick, and that they shall not bruik nor enjoy any be­nefite, place nor office within this Kingdome. And als ordains all Sheriffs, Stuarts, and others his Majesties Magistrates to Burgh and Land, and Committees in the severall Shyres, to be assisting to Ministers and Presby­teries, in procuring reall obedience hereunto. And that with all diligence they make report to the Committee of Estates, of the names of all such persons, as shall post­pone or refuse, to the effect course may bee taken with them as aforesaid. And that they may be cited to answer to the next Parliament, as enemies to Religion, King and Kingdomes, and to receive what further punish­ment his Majesty and Parliament shall inflict upon them. And further ordains thir presents to be printed with the former act of the Estates, and published at the Market Crosses of the head Burrows of this Kingdome; Where-through none pretend ignorance of the same.

Arch. Primrose Cler. Com.

A Solemne League and Covenant, for Reformation, and defence of Religion, &c.

WE Noblemen, Barons, Knights, Gentlemen, Ci­tizens, Burgesses, Ministers of the Gospel, and Commons of al sorts in the Kingdoms of Scot­land, England, and Ireland, by the providence of God living under one King, & being of one Reformed Religion, having before our eyes the glory of God, & the advancement of the Kingdome of our Lord and Sa­viour Jesus Christ, the honour and happinesse of the Kings Majestie and his Posterity, and the true publicke Liberty, Safety, and peace of the Kingdomes, where­in every ones private condition is included, and calling to minde the treacherous and bloudy plots, conspira­cies, attempts, and practices of the enemies of God, against the true Religion, and professors thereof in all places, especially in these three Kingdomes ever since the Reformation of Religion, & how much their rage, power and presumption, are of late, and at this time increased and exercised; whereof the deplorable state of the Church and Kingdome of Ireland, the distressed estate of the Church and Kingdome of England, and the dangerous estate of the Church and Kingdome of Scotland, are present and publick testimonies; We have now at last, (after other means of Supplication, Remon­strance, Protestations and sufferings) for the preser­vation [Page 4] of our selves and our Religion, from utter Ruine and Destruction, according to the commendable practice of these Kingdoms in former times, and the Example of Gods people in other Nations; after ma­ture deliberation, resolved and determined to enter in­to a mutuall and solemn League and covenant, wherein we all subscribe, and each one of us for himself, with our hands lifted up to the most high God, do swear:

  • 1 THat we shall sincerely, really and constantly through the Grace of God, endeavour in our severall places and callings, the preservation of the Re­formed Religion in the Church of Scotland in Doctrine Worship, Discipline & Government, against our com­mon Enemies, the reformation of Religion in the King­doms of England and Ireland, in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government, according to the word of God, and the Example of the best Reformed Chur­ches, and shall indeavour to bring the Churches of God in the three Kingdoms, to the neerest conjunction and Uniformity in Religion, confession of Faith, Form of Church-government, directory for Worship and Cate­chizing; That we and our Posterity after us, may as Brethren, live in Faith and Love, and the Lord may delight to dwell in the middest of us.
  • 2. That we shall in like manner, without respect of persons, indeavour the Extirpation of popery, Prelacy (that is, Church government, by Arch Bishops, Bi­shops, their Chancellors and Commissaries, Deans, Deans and Chapters, Archdeacons, and all other Ec­clesiasticall Officers depending on that Hierarchy) Superstition, Heresie, Schisme, Prophanenesse, and [Page 5] whatsoever shall be found to be contrary to sound Do­ctrine, and the power of Godlinesse; lest we partake in other mens sins, and thereby be in danger to receive of their plagues, and that the Lord may be one, and his Name one in the three Kingdomes.
  • 3 We shall with the same sinceritie, reality and con­stancy, in our severall vocations, endeavour with our estates and lives, mutually to preserve the Rights and Priviledges of the Parliaments, and the Liberties of the Kingdomes, and to preserve and defend the Kings Majesties person and authority, in the preservation and defence of the true Religion, and Liberties of the Kingdomes, that the world may beare witnesses with our consciences of our Loyaltie, and that we have not thoughts or intentions to diminish his Majesties just power and greatnesse.
  • 4. Wee shall also with all faithfulnesse endeavoure the discovery of all such as have been, or shall bee In­cendiaries, Malignants, or evil instruments, by hinde­ring the Reformation of Religion, dividing the King from his people, or one of the Kingdoms from another, or making any Faction or parties amongst the people, contrary to this League & Covenant, that they may be brought to publick triall, and receive condigne punish­ment, as the degree of their offences shall require or de­serve, or the supreame Judicatories of both Kingdoms respectively, or others having power from them for that effect, shall judge convenient.
  • 5. And whereas the happinesse of a blessed Peace between these Kingdomes, denyed in former times to [Page 6] our Progenitors, is by the good Providence of God granted unto us, and hath been lately concluded, and setled by both Parliaments, we shall each one of us, according to our place and interest, endeavour that they may remain conjoyned in a firm Peace and Union to all Posterity; And that Justice may be done upon the wilfull Opposers-thereof, in manner expressed in the precedent Article.
  • 6. We shall also according to our places & callings in this Common cause of Religion, Liberty, and Peace of the Kingdomes, assist and defend all those that en­ter into this League and Covenant, in the maintaining & pursuing thereof, and shall not suffer our selves direct­ly or indirectly by whatsoever combination, perswasion or terror, to be devided & withdrawn from this blessed Union & conjunction, whether to make defection to th­contrary part, or to give our selves to a detestible indif­ferency or neutrality in this cause which so much cone cerneth the glory of God, the good of the Kingdoms, and honour of the King; but shall all the dayes of our lives zealously and constantly continue therein, against all opposition, and promote the same according to our power, against all Lets and Impediments whatsoever; and what we are not able our selves to suppresse or o­vercome, we shall reveale and make known, that it may be timely prevented or removed: All which we shall do as in the sight of God.

And because these Kingdoms are guilty of many sins & provocations against God, & his Son Jesus Christ as is too manifest by our present distresses and dangers, the fruits thereof; We professe and declare before God [Page 7] and the world, our unfayned desire to be humbled for our own sins, & for the sins of these Kingdoms, especi­ally, that we have not as we ought, valued the inesti­mable benefit of the Gospel, that we have not laboured for the purity and power thereof, and that we have not endeavored to receive Christ in our hearts, nor to walk worthy of him in our lives, which are the causes of o­ther sins and Transgressions, so much abounding a­mongst us, and our true and unfeined purpose, desire, and endeavour for our selves, and all others under our power and charge, both in publick and in private, in all duties we owe to God and man, to amend our lives, and each one to go before another in the example of a reall Reformation, that the Lord may turn away his wrath, and heavy indignation, and establish these Churches and Kingdoms in truth and peace▪ And this Covenant we make in the presence of Almighty God, the Searcher of all hearts, with a true intention to performe the same as we shall answer at that great day when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, Most humbly beseeching the Lord to strengthen us by his Holy Spirit for this end, and to blesse our desires and proceedings with such successe as may bee deliverance and safety to his people, & encouragment to other christian Churches groaning under, or in danger of the yoake of Anti-chri­stian Tyranny; to joyne in the same, or like Association and Covenant to the glory of God, the enlargement of the Kingdome of Jesus Christ, and the peace and Tranquility of Christian Kingdomes and Common-wealths.


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