The so much Fam'd TABLETS.

ONE of which at a time being only chew'd or held in the Mouth, rowling it about with the Tongue, attracts by the Glandules of the Mouth, and evacuates by moderate and inoffensive Spit­ting all Defluxions of Rheum or obnoxious Hum­ours that fall upon the Brain, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Teeth, Throat, Lungs, &c. thereby won­derfully purging the Head and Brain, curing Head­achs tho' never so violent or of long standing, Ver­tigoes, or Giddiness or Swimming, Lethargies, Epi­lepsies, Apoplexies, Palsies, Convulsions, weak Me­mories, Sore Eyes, Noise in the Head, Deafness or thickness of Hearing, Red Faces, sore, ulcer'd or canker'd Mouths, sore Throats, &c. being daily used for some time.

They Cure the Tooth-ach in a few Moments, render the Breath exceeding Sweet, tho' never so Strong or Stinking, and far beyond any Powder, Mouth-water or Gargle, make and keep the Teeth white, fast and sound, cleansing and preserving the Gums from the Scurvy, Soreness and Foulness, &c.

They remove Catarrhs, Tickling, Phthisical or Ashmatical Coughs, whether from Colds or sharp Humours, which if not timely remedied, fall upon the Lungs and cause of consumptions.

By a constant using them they attract and eva­cuate by Spitting, the Morbifick Cause of Rheu­matisms, Gouts, Sciatica's, and other Pains, King's-Evil Swellings or Sores, Scurvies, Dropsies, Va­pours, Melancholly, and many other chronick Distempers.

They exceedingly sweeten the Blood and Juyces, thereby conducing admirably to the Cure of Cancerous and other Swellings, whether in the Breasts, Mouth or elsewhere, all running Sores, Ul­cers, Fistula's, Itchings, Pimples, Scabs, Tettars, Le­prosies, &c. in any part of the Body, answering all the ends, and saving the trouble and danger of Sa­livation, if used for a continuance, and that with great safety, without the least Pain or Disturbance whatsoever.

They create an Appetite, and strengthen Dige­stion, beyond all the inward Medicines known in the World, as will immediately appear by only using one of them as foresaid for about an hour before eating, and the same after eating, for they bring off the watery flegmatick Humours which lodge in the Stomack, depraving the Appetite, and cause Wind, Crudities and Indigestions.

If one of them be used for about two hours, 'twill attract near a Pint of Rheum, and by Spit­ting out at any time the Tablet, the Flux imme­diately ceases, and the Mouth and Tongue not left hot, dry and furr'd, as with Tobacco, but cleans'd, refresh'd, and render'd cool, moist and pleasant, being therefore excellent to take off the Heat and Driness of the Mouth, and extinguish Thirst in Fevers or otherwise.

They vastly exceed the use of Tobacco either smoak'd or chew'd, all your celebrated Snushes in Vogue, Errhines, Lozenges, or any the like means, performing in every respect beyond what 'tis pos­sible for any of them to do, and that with far more Pleasantness, Safety and Ease.

They are, of Chymical Preparation, a Secret lately found out [...]y an Eminent Physician, being of an exceeding delightful Scent, and most charm­ing Flavour in the Mouth, and as harmless, tastless and small (only soft and flattish) as Peas, and may be used without hindrance of Business by the nicest Person, old or young, at any time of the day, not causing the least Offence or nauseating.

Elderly Persons and others whose Teeth are loose or tender had better hold them in the Mouth, rowling them about with the Tongue, than chew them so much as others may whose Teeth are sound, which will draw forth the Rheum as well as if chew'd.

They are to be had only (by the Author's ap­pointment) at Mr. Varenne's a Bookseller at the Sign of Seneca's Head near Somerset-house in the Strand, London, Price 3 s. 6 d. each Box, containing twenty Tablets.

And since I have this fair opportunity I cannot but make use of it, in taking notice of the perni­cious use of Snush as it is taken now-a-days, it be­ing become so A-la-mode, as that 'tis used by most without any Reason or Consideration, notwith­standing many Experiences confirm that Apo­plexies (so Fatal of late) have been induced there­by; but Mankind is so infatuated to Fashions, and fond of Novelties, that they will not be perswaded [Page 4] off from a thing, tho' it be injurious to their Healths, and apparently brings along with it, its own Danger and Ruin.

It is too true that Apoplexies are now become as it were the Epidemick Distemper of all Nations where Snuff or Snush is taken, and I am very con­fident we have Forty seiz'd with that Disease now, to One that was taken with it Forty or Fifty Years agone, it having been observ'd, that there is scarcely one in an hundred who dye of Apoplexies, that has not been a Snush-taker: And that this Disease should affect the Snush-takers only, or them chiefly, is apparent, because by the constant and assiduous use of it, the thinner Juices of the Recriments of the Brain are continually separated and discharged through the Os Ethmoides or Strainers, which pass to the Nose and Mouth, leaving the thicker parts of the same behind, which not afterwards being able to pass through, stays to be increased by con­tinual additions till the Augmentation becomes considerable; where still remaining and still in­creasing without probability of getting out (un­less by the use of one particular sort of Snush now and then to be taken) the quantity at length comes to press upon the Meninges of the Brain, by which a grand Obstruction being made, an Apoplexy is forthwith induced.

And I think this is evident not only by the Snush-takers of our own Nation who daily dye of Apoplexies, but also those of Spain where Snush is most of all taken, and where Apoplexies are more Epidemick than in any other part of the World: If then the taking of Snush be no essential or real Good, but manifestly a dan­gerous [Page 5] and for the most part a Mortal Evil, Why should the use of it be continued as it is, or Men be so fond of their own Hurt, unless (as I have said before) because they resolve to be in the Mode, let the Consequence of it be never so de­structive.

But I would not that it should be thought I therefore explode or decry the use of all sorts of Snush, for there is one sort (and scarcely any more, or at leastwise none to compare with it, being a Chymical Preparation) that may be taken with Safety and Success, it being to be taken but sometimes neither, the Receipt of which none knows but my self, and which I have also appointed to be Sold by Mr. Varenne aforemention'd at One Shilling per Paper, to be taken the quantity of a small Pea up each No­stril in a Morning, which will be found to ope­rate pleasantly and acceptably and corroborate the Head, Brain and Nerves, and bring away much Foulness and thick Humours which obstruct the Passages of the Brain, causing Sore Eyes, Blindness, Head-achs, Vapours, Wind in the Head, &c. it being very safe, and working with­out the least danger of taking Cold, bringing away congeal'd or clotted Blood or glutinous Matter, or Imposthumes in the Head, whether from Blows, Falls, or otherwise, and effectually Cures Stuffings in the Nostrils, and draws out Mercury lodg'd in the Head by irregular Saliva­tions or the use of Mercurial Remedies, and can­not but be the only Snush in the Universe for Lethargies, Vertigoes, Epilepsies, Apoplexies, Mad­ness, and the like.

In this Snush there is not the least Grain of either Hellebor, Euphorbium or Tobacco, which are the chief Ingredients of all your Snushes in vogue, whether Foreign or Domestick made, and which by causing violent and long Sneezing, concuss and shake the Brain, thereby inducing the same Diseases, for which this Snuff of mine is often­times a perfect Cure; and as strong Sneezings are apparently hurtful if not pernicious, (Nature abhorring Violence) such Snushes ought carefully to be avoided.

But this here recommended makes the stag­nated Humours fluxile, and brings away not only a thin Water through the Nostrils as other Snushes, but also a thick glutinous Matter, insomuch that when the Faculties or Intellectuals are torpid, dull and heavy, as in Apoplexies, Lethargies, and other sleepy Diseases, the excrementitious Hum­ours causing the same, are, as it were, dissolved and made with ease to pass away through the Nostrils, it working gently for a long time together, at­tracting powerfully and bringing away from all parts of the Head and Brain such a vast quantity of Excrements, that Deafness, tho' of never so long standing, as also Cataracts and Suffusions which over-spread the Sight and cause Blindness, may possibly be cured thereby, or at leastwise it will so far help the Sight and Hearing, as to be found exceeding beneficial and safe when all other sorts of Snuff have been so far from helping therein, that they have manifestly been destru­ctive to both the one and the other.

But for those other Head-Diseases before men­tioned, and in an especial manner for Apoplexies, [Page 7] it may possibly do more than any other thing in the World beside, and that more particularly if it be snuff'd up the Nostrils every Morning, or upon extraordinary occasions at Nights also for two or three or four days successively. And if the Tablets also be used daily as in the following Directions, they may together work such won­derful Effects in those Diseases, as would be al­most incredible to relate, for they will cause such a total Evacuation and Discharge of the foul ex­crementitious Humours which cause most Head-Diseases, as must needs beyond all inward means work far greater and indeed very surprizing Effects.

Directions for using the Tablets.

PUT one of them into your Mouth, and as soon as soft (which will be in a moments time) chew it or hold it there, rowling it about with your Tongue, for as long or as short a time as your Distemper may require you should Spit more or less, always Spitting out the Rheum as it is attracted, which will come faster after a quarter of an hours time, but never so fast as to be troublesome.

If you would Spit a Quart in a day, use thus one or two of them one after another for four or five hours at times, and so in proportion more or less as you have occasion; and if before you are aware you should swallow your Spittle; or by chance the Tablet, 'twill no ways harm you or disorder your Stomach.

They will not stick to your Mouth or Teeth neither do they dissolve or waste by using, so that one will last a whole day if you please.

In some Persons the Rheum is harder to be attracted, and may not come so free, the Glan­dules of the Mouth and Throat not being so open and relax'd, therefore such must only use them longer at a time than others, and will re­ceive the same benefit, which at most is so far from being tiresome, that when you have been used to them, you will scarcely at all care to be without them in your Mouth, they being easie and pleasant, refreshing to the Memory and In­tellectuals, giving one the opportunity of think­ing with greater Perspicuity and Apprehension.


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