A SHORT HISTORY of the Succession of the Kings and Queens of England, FROM William the Conqueror, to His present Majesty King William, the III. to the Imperial Crowns of these Realms of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland; Is briefly Illustrated and Declared.
William the Conqueror, was by birth a Norman and the 7th Duke of Normandy in a direct Line, from Rollo his Progenitor the having overthrown King Harald in Battel, Conquered the Realm of England, Anno Dom. 1066. Crown'd at Westminster on Chirstmas day ensuing, by Aldred the Archbishop of York. Married to Maud Daughter of Baldwyn, fifth Earl of Flanders, by whom he had several Children, of which in order they Succeeded. Dyed in 1087. at Rom in Normandy, of an inward Rupture. Reign'd 20 Years and 10 Months. Buried at Caen in Normandy. His Title, Willielmus Rex.
William the II. sirnamed Rufus, Succeeded his Father, tho his elder Brother Robert was then Living: The Conqueror having by his Will, dispos'd of Normandy to Robert, and bequeath'd England to this William Crowned October 15th 1087. at Westminster, by Land [...], Archbishop of Canterbury. (Never Married) Dyed August the 2.d. 1099 in the [...] Year of his Age, being casually Slain [...], Sir Walter Tyrel, his Bow-bearer, as he was Hunting in New-Forest, after he had Reigned 1 [...] Years and 10 Months. Buried in St. Swithins Church at Winchester. His Title, Willielmus Dei gratia Rex Anglorum.
HEnry the I. Son of the Conqueror, and first of that Name, (tho Robert was still living) Succeeded; he was Crown'd August the 5th, [...] at Westminster, by the Bishop of London, Married to Maud, Daughter unto Margaret Q of Scotland, who was Daughter to [...] Iron [...] the Blood and [...] out ancient English Kings; the Sister of [...] Atheling which restor'd the Saxon Line [...] Maud his only Daughter Dyed December the [...] in the [...] of his Age, of a [...] of Lompry: Reigned 35 Years. Buried viz. his Bowels, Brains and Eyes at Roan, his Body at Reading. His Title, Henrious Dei gratia is Rex Anglorum.
Stephen, a French [...] or Boleyn, Son to Stephen Earl of Blois, by Addela, Daughter of William the Conqueror, Succeeded in the Throne, in Wrong to the substantial, Title of Maud, the only Daughter of K. Henry, and the colourable Title of Theo [...]d, his elder Brother. Crown'd on St. Stephen's day, 1135. at Westminster, by William Archbishop of Canterbury. Married to Matild, Daughter and Heir of Eustace, Earl of Boleyn, by whom he had no Issue; who died at 18 without Issue at Dover, October 25. 1154 of an Iliac Passion, in the 49 th year of his Age, after he had Reigned 18 Years and 10 Months. Buried in Feversham Abby. His Title, Stephanus Dei gratia Rex Anglorum.
HEnry the II. a French-man, Duke of Anjou, by his Father Jeoffery Plantagenet, (From whence the Name of Plantagenet arose) Succeeded Stephen, whom he preceeded in Right, as being Son and Heir of Maud, sole Daughter and Heir of Henry the I. Crown'd December the 17. 1154. at Westminster, by Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbary. Married Eleanor, Daughter to William Duke of Guien, by whom he had several Children, as follows. Dyed in Normandy, in 1189, in the 61 st Year of his Age, of Grief, after he had Reigned 35 Years. Buried in Fount Everard in France. His Title, Henricus Secundus Rex Anglorum, Dux Normaniae & Aquitaniae, & Comes Andegaviae.
RIchard the I. sirnamed Ceur de Lyon, Son of King Henry the II. his two elder Brothers being dead, Succeeded his Father: Crown'd the 3d. of September, 1189. at Westminster, by Baldwyn Archbishop of Canterbury. Married to Berrangaria, Daughter to the King of Navar. He had no Issue. Dyed the 6 th of April, 1199. in the 44 th Year of his Age, by the Wound of an Arrow in his Arm, Wilfully shot by Peter Basil, after he had Reigned 9 Years and 5 Months. Buried at Fount Everard by his Father, his Heart at Roan, and his Bowels at Chalons. In his time were those famous Robbers and Out-Laws, commonly known by the Names of Robin Hood and Little John; and for the Bow and Arrow also. His Title Ricardus Rex Anglorum, Dux Normaniae Aquitaniae, & Comes Andegraviae
JOhn, the youngest Son of Henry the II. in wrong of his elder Brother Geoffrey's Son and Heir, Arthur, then living, Succeeded his Brothe Richard. Crown'd upon Ascension Day, 1199. by Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury, at Westminster. Married thrice, his first Wife died without Issue; from the second he was divorced; the third was Isabel, Daughter and Heir of Ailmer, Earl of Angolesm, by whom he had Issue. Dyed the 19 th of October, 1216. in the 51 Year of his Age, at Swinster Abby, and said to be poysoned by a Monk: He Reigned 17 Years and 5 Months. Buried, viz. his Bowels at Croxon Abby, his Body at Worcester. His Title Johannes Rex Anglorum, Dux Normaniae & Aquitaniae, Comes Andegaviae, & Dominus Hiberniae.
HEnry the III. Son to King John, Succeeded his Father Crown'd the 28 th of Octob. 1216. by Peter Bishop of Winchester, and Joceline Bishop of Bath, at Glocester. Married to Eleanor the second of the five Daughters of Raymond, Earl of Provence, by whom he had Issue Edward and Edmond; the first Succeeded him, and from the latter arose the Original of the great Contest between the Houses of York and Lancaster. Dyed the 16 th of November, 1272. in the 65 th Year of his Age, a natural Death, after he had Reigned 56 Years. Buried at Westminster, which he had newly built. His Title the same with his Father to his to his 44th Year, when he only writ, Rex Anglorum, Dominus [...]erniae, & Dux Aquitaniae.
EDward the I. after the death of his Father, was Proclaimed King of England, tho then at the Holy Land Crown'd together with his Queen, the 15 th of August, 1272. by the Archbishop of Canterbury, at Westminster. Married twice, his first Wife was Eleanor, Daughter to Ferdinand the III. of Spain. And his second wife was Margaret, eldest daughter of Philip King of France, by both he had Issue, as afterwards. Dyed the 7th of July. 1307 in the 68 th Year of his Age, of a Bloody-flux, after he had Reigned 37 Years and 7 Months. Buried at Westminster. His Title, Rex Anglorum, Dominus Hiberniae, & Dominus Aquitaniae.
EDward the II. was King Edward's Son by his first Wife, Succeeded his Father, Crown'd the 24 th of February, 1307. by the Bishop of Winchester, at Westminster. Married to Isabel Daughter of Philip the Fair, King of France. by whom he had Issue; Edward, who Succeeded him, and others. Murdered in the Year 1327. in the 43 d. Year of his Age, after he had Reigned about 19 years and 6 Months, and Deposed about half a year. Buried at Glocester. His Title, Edvardus Secundus, Rex Anglorum, Dom. Hiberniae, & Dux Aquitaniae.
EDward the III. eldest Son of King Edward the II. by Order of Parliament, on his Fathers Resignation, was Proclamed King the 25 th of Jan. 1326. Crown'd the 1st Day of February following, at Westminster, by Walter Reginald, Archbishop of Canterbury: wherupon a General Pardon was granted; whence the Custom since. Married Philipps the Daughter of William Earl of Henault, by whom he had several Children, as afterwards. Dyed the [...]1th of June, 1377. in the 64 th year of his Age, and partly through Grief, for the death of Edward the Black Prince, his Son. Buried at Westminster. His Title, Edwardus Tertius Rex Anglorum, Dom. Hiberniae, & Dux Aquitaniae, till his 13 th year, when he left out Dux Aquitaniae, and adde'd Rex Francia.
RIchard the II. called Bordeaux, being there Born, Succeeded his Grandfather, Edward the III. and the only Son of Edw. the Black Prince, his eldest Son. Crown'd at Westminster, the 16 th Day of July, 1377. by Simon Sudbury Archbishop of Canterbury Married twice, first with A [...] Daughter to the Emperor Charles the IV. and afterword to Isabel Daughter to Charles VI. K. of France; he left a Male Issue Was Murdered in Pomfred Castle, in the 33d. year of his Age, after he had Reigned 22 Years and 3 Months. and was some time Deposed. Buried in the Church of the Fryars Preachers, at Langly in Buckingham-shire. His Title Rex Anglorum, Franciae, & Dom. Hiberniae.
HEnry the IV. Kinsman to the late King, was Son to John of Gaunt, by his Wife Blaunch, Daughter of Henry Earl of Derby, and first Duke of Lancaster, by Isabel daughter of Henry, Lord Beamont, who was Son of Henry Lord of Monmouth, the Son of Edmond Crouchback, Brother to Edward the I. the first King of the Lancaster Line, and came in Wrong to the Issue then living, of Lionel Duke of Clarence, elder Brother of John of Gaunt. Crown'd the 13th Day of October, 1399. at Westminster, by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Married Mary one of the Daughter and Heirs of Humfrey de Bolun, Earl of Hertford, &c. By whom he had Issue, as afterwords. Dyed the 20th of March, 1413. of an A [...]plexy, Aged 46 Years, and Reigned 13 Years and 5 Months. Buried at Canterbury. His Title the same as the last.
HEnry the V. eldest Son of Henry the IV. Succeeded his Father: Crown'd the 9 th of April, 1412. at Westminster, by Thomas Arundell, Archbishop of Canterbury. Married Catharine of Valois, Daughter to Charles the VI. King of France, by whom he had Issue Henry. Dyed in France the 31 th of August, 1422. of a Plurisie, at the Age of 38 after he had Reigned 9 Years and 5 Months. Buried at Westminster. His Title the same as his Fathers tile the 8 th of his Reign, then Rex Angliae, Hiaeres & Regens Franciae, & Dom. Hiberniae.
HEnry the VI. only Son of Henry the V. Succeeded his Father, at the Age of 8 Months Crown'd K. of France in Paris, at 9 Years of Age, by the Bishop of Winchester and Cardinal Usebius and on the 6 th Day of November. 1422. Precedent, was Crown'd at Westminster. Married to Margaret Daughter of Reynor. Duke of Anjou: He had no Issue that survived him. Murdered the 21 th of May, in the Year 1472. in the Tower, by Richard Duke of Gloucester; afterward Richard the III. in the 52 th Year of his Age, after he had Reigned 38 Years, 8 Months, and 4 Days. Then removed March the 4 th 1460. from the Government; after which he lived 11 years. Buried first at Chertsed, [...] to Windsor. His Title, Henricus Sextus Dei gratia Rex Anglorum & Franniae & Dem. Hiberniae.
EDward the IV. Succeeded him, as eldest Son to Richard Duke of York, obtained the Kingdom, 1460. he was the Son of Ann Mo [...] [...]her Countess of Cambridge, and Richard Plantagenet her Husband lineally descended from Lionel Duke of Clarence, elder Brother to John of Gaunt, who was the Ancestor of the three former Kings. Married the Window of Sir John Gray, by whom he had Issue, Sons and Daughters, as hereafter. Dyed the 9th of April, 1483. of a Feaver, in the 41 th Year of his Age, after he had Reigned 22 Years and one Month. Buried at Windsor. His Title, Edvardus Quartus Rex Anglorum & Franciae, & Dux Hiberniae.
EDward the V. eldest Son of Edward the IV. Succeeded his Father, but was never Crown'd nor Married, was accounted King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland; He begun his Reign on Friday the 9 th of April, 1483. Reigned two Months and thirteen Days. He with his younger Brother tho Duke of York were smother'd to death in the Tower with Pillows, Their Murderers were Miles Forrest and John Deighton, Servants to Sir James [...]. And Buried privately, in deep Hole under a Stair-case in the Tower.
Richard the III. Succeeded; he was the youngest Brother of Edward the IV. but came in Wrong of his Nephew whom he slew, and of Elizabeth the the Daughter of Edward the IV. his elder Brother Crown'd the 6th of July 1483. at Westminster, Married to Ann the youngest Daughter of the Earl of Westminster whom he had no Issue that survived him. Slain by Henry Earl of Richmond at the [...] of Bosworth, the 22 th of August, 1485. Aged 39 years, and Reigned 2 years and 2 Months. Buried at Leicester in the Gray-Friars Church. His Title as his Brother Edward the IV. and in him ended the Plantagenets, as to the Male Line.
HEnry the VII. the Son of Edward Tudor, and descended from John of Gaunt by Catherine Swinford, and inter-Married with Elizabeth the only surviving Daughter of Edward the IV. by which Alliance the two Houses of York and Lancaster were United. Crown'd the 30 th day of October, 1485. Married as abovesaid, to the Princess Elizabeth, by whom he had Issue that survived him, Henry and Margaret, the first Succeeded him, the latter was Married to James the VI. King of Scotland. Dyed the 22 th of April, 1508. of the Ptisick, in the 52 th Year of his Age, after he had Reigned 23 Years and 3 Months. Buried at Westminster. His Title, Rex Anglorum & Franciae, & Dom. Hiberniae.
HEnry the VIII. his only Son Succeeded, Crown'd togerther with his Queen at Westminster, on Midsummer-day, 1509. by Will. Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury. Married his Brother Arthur's Relict, Catherine the Daughter of Ferdinando, the VI. King of Spain, by whom he had Issue Mary; but being Divorced from her, his second Wife was Anna Bullen, by whom he had Elizabeth; and a third Wife, viz. Jane Seymor, by whom he had one Son named Edward. Dyed of a Dropsie, the 30 th of July, 1546. Aged 55 Years, and had Reigned 37 Years 9 Months. Buried at Windsor His Title the same with his Fathers till his 10 th Year, then he added Dei gratia, in his 13 th [...] Defensor; Supremum Caput Ecclesia Anglicane; and in the 23 th; Henricus Octavus, Dei gratia Angliae, Franciae, & Hibernia, Rex, fidei Defensor, &c. & in Terra Ecclesiae Anglicanae & Hiberniae, Supremum Caput.
EDward the VI. Son to Henry the VIII. Succeeded his Father: Crown'd the 20 th of February, 1546. at Westminster, by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Never Married. Dyed, or by some thought Poisoned, the 6 th of July, 1553. in the 15 th Year of his Age, after he had Reigned 6 Years and 5 Months. Burried at Westminster. His Title the same with his Father when he Dyed.
MAry, eldest daughter of Henry the VIII. Succeeded her Brother Edward: Crown'd the Last of September, 1553. by the Bishop of Winchester, at Westminsters. Married to Philip Prince of Spain, eldest Son to the Emperor Charles the V. but had no Issue, Dyed of a Dropsie and Feaver, the 17 th of November, 1558. when she had Reigned 5 Years 4 Months and 11 Days. Buried in the Minister of St. Peter's Church at Westminster. Her Title at first as her Father, then she left out Supremum Caput, and after she was Married, she had the greatest Title of any King of England, viz. Philip and Mary, by the Grace of God, King and Queen of England, France, Naples, Jerusalem and Ireland, Defendors of the Faith; Prince of Spain and Cicely. Arch-Dukes of Austria, Dukes of Milan, Burgundy and Brabant: Counties of Hasburg, Flandern, Tyrol, in their fourth and fifth Years, Naples put out, and both Cicilies put in.
Elizabeth, second Daughter of Henry the VIII. Succeeded her Sister Mary; Was Crown'd the 2 [...] th of July by Dr. Oglethory, Bishop of [...] by Parliament, and all Queen Mary's Statutes in favour of R [...] [...]. Then the Parliament [...] her to marry she answered, Th [...] intended a Virgin Life which according to [...] performed for being Courted by Ma [...] the Emperor. Ericus Son to the King of Sweden, and by the Arch-duke of Austria Duke of Anjou she denied them all. And now the Blessed Restoration came on apace and Divine service being celebrated in England and Images thrown out of the Church [...] She Dyed a natural Death on the 24th of March 1602 in the 69th Year of her Age [...] she had Reigned 44 Years, 4 Months, and 7 Days. She was buried at Westminster With this [...] expired the Soveraignty of the [...] yielding place to the Stuarts to Succeed Her Title Elizabeth Dei gratia Anglicae Franiae Hibernius, [...] Defensor [...]
James the I. Succeeded Queen Elizabeth, and United the Realms of England and Scotland; He was the Son of Mary Queen of Scots, by Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley, she was Daughter of James the V. King of Scotland, who was Son of James the IV. King of Scotland, by Margaret eldest Daughter to Henry the VII. Crown'd 25 th Day of July, being St. James's Day, 1602. together with his Queen, by John Whitgift, Archbishop of Cantebury, at Westminster. Married with Ann Daughter of Frederick the II, King of Denmark, by whom he had Issue, as hereafter. Dyed at Theobalds of an Ague and Feaver, the 27 th of March, 1625. Aged 55 Years, Reigned 22 Years and 2 Days. Buried at Westminster. His Title, Jacobys Dei greatia, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Rex, Fidei, Defensor. &c.
Charles the I. of thee Name, second Son of King James, his elder Brother being dead, Succeeded his Father. Crown'd the 2d of February, 1625. Married with Henrietta Maria, youngest Daughter of Henry the IV. Sir-named the Great King of France, by whom he had Issue, Charles, James and Henry. His Rebellious Subjects upon the 27 th Day of January, 1648. by a Court of Mock-Justice. They pronounced Sentence against him; That he, the said Charles Stewart was faln from all Dignity, was guilty of High Treason, and was to be put to Death, by severing his Head from his Body for being a Tyrant, a Murtherer, and an Enemy to the Commonwealth. And now this Wicked Sentence being thus Pronounced, they shortly after proceeded to Execution, although the Holland Ambassadors, and the Scott, endeavour'd to disswade them from it; but to no purpose, they thirsting for the Blood of this Pious Prince, and on the 30th of January, 1648. won a Scaffold erected before his Palace of White-hall where they cruelly Murdered him. Lies Buried at Windsor. His Title, Carolus Dei gratia Angliae Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae Rex. [...] defensor &c.
Charles the II. Son of King Charles the I. Succeeded his Father Crown'd on St. Georges Day, the 23 th of April. 1661. at Westminster, by William Archbishop of Canterbury. Married to Catherine Daughter of John the IV. King of Portugal, our now Gracious Queen Dowager. Dyed at White-Hall, February the VI. 1684. of an Apoplexy, after he had Reigned 17 years and 6 days. Buried at Westminster the 14 th of the same Month. The same Title as his Father.
James the II. Son of Charles the Martyr, and Brother to Charles the II. Crowned together with his Queen on St. Georges Day, the 23 th of April, 1685. by William Archishop of Canterbury, at Westminster. First Married with Ann, the eldest Daughter of the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Clarendon, by whom he had Issue; the late Princese Mary, who Married VVilliam Henry of Nassaw. Prince of Orange, &c. And the present Princess Ann Married George Prince of Denmark: His second Wife is Marry de Este, Sister to Francis the present Duke of Moolen [...], Daughter of Alpho [...] de Este, third of that Name, Duke of Modon [...] by Laura Masenesss.
In the first Year of his Reign, there broke out two Horrid and unnatural Rebellions, the one in Scotland, Headed by Arhibald late Earl of Argile, The other in the West of England, by James Scot. late Duke of Monmouth, in 1689.
William the III. and Queen Mary the II. Ac [...] the Imperial Crowns of these Kingdoms, for the Preservation of the Protestant Religion and was Crowned together with his Queen, the [...]th of April, 1689. by Henry Lord Bishop of London, and assisted several other Bishop, viz. York, Rochester, Winchester, and Bristol, at Westminster, and dyed the 28th of December at [...] In the 32th. Year of her Age, He Reigned [...] Years 8 Months and 17 days. Buried in Westminster Abby, on Tuesday the [...]th of March, 169 [...].