To his Grace, Their
Majesties High Commissioner, and the Right Honourable the Estates of
The PETITION of The Principalls and Regents of the Ʋniversity of S.
Andrews, in behalf of the said Ʋniversity and Colledges thereof.
THat where it is notourly known, that the foresaid University, is the first and most ancient University within the Kingdom, and was from the beginning endwed with the greatest Rents and Priviledges, and hath ever since been so respected and cared for; so that King Charles the first, after the suppression of Bishops in the year 1637. did give to the said Ʋniversity, a Charter of Mortification of the whole Priory and Bishoprick of St. Andrews, with a few Reserves; which yet would have amounted to at least, One thousand Pounds Sterling yearly, for the use thereof; as the Charter dated in the year 1641, (ready to be produced) testifies: Which Donative, though ratified in Parliament the third of November the said year, and many years possessed, was not only taken away by the restoring of Bishops in the year 1662. But by the said Restitution, the Ʋniversity was further laesed without Remedy, in as much as, several Kirks which belonged before to its Patrimony, were upon the account of the said Donative taken from the University, and Augmentations granted to their Incumbents: And yet when the Donative was taken away, the loss of the Kirks was not repaired. And for any other Provision that was made afterwards, either by the gift of vacant Stipends of five considerable Bishopricks, (whereof to this day, nothing hath been received) or by the King's Bounty and Benevolence out of his own Exchequer, of 200 lib. Sterling yearly, (whereof very little hath been received to this day, and the present Incumbents have gotten nothing thereof as yet;) and though what is yet gotten of the half months Cess, hath made some little Stock, yet no ways suitable to the necessity of that University; whereby it is but too well known, that this famous University, once the most frequent & most convenient for Study, and best provided of all the Ʋniversities, both for variety of Professions, the number of Professors, and a competent allowance for those, is at this day the worst provided of all the Universities: And what for want of publick Professors, and what for want of due Encouragment to those that are, it is like to become desolate. And albeit it hath pleased His Majesty of late, to give the four Universities of the Kingdom, the sum of 1200 pounds Sterling amongst them, out of the Bishops Rents, by a Signatour under his Hand, yet the same is to Forraign Professors, and hath taken no effect, and is likely to take no effect [Page 2]until the Signatour be further explained and perfected. And seing, that for the visible Good, both of Church and State, these things deserve a Parliamentary Consideration,
May it therefore please your Grace, and the right Honourable the Estates of Parliament to recommend our deplorable condition effectually to his Majesties Bounty, in restoring us to the Bishoprick and Priory of St. Andrews, in as full and ample a way as it was granted by his Majestie, in the year 1641, and confirmed by the Estates of Parliament November thereafter, that this antient and renowned University may be restored to its former Integrity, and provided with Professors, and other founded persons according to the foundation, and may no longer continue in such a Necessitous Condition, and the Professors exposed to such Straits, for want of Provision. And may it also please your Grace, and the Honourable Estates of Parliament, that the late Gift of 1200 lib. Sterling, may be explained, and applyed to the present Exigence of the Universities.