THE Devout Companion: Containing MEDITATIONS AND PRAYERS, For every Day in the Week, &c.
A Preparatory Prayer against wandring Thoughts, and vain Imaginations.
Thrice Holy, Blessed and Glorious Trinity, Three Persons and One God, have mercy upon me a miserable Sinner.
O Almighty God, the only Giver and Bestower of all good things, and without whose [Page 8] special Favour and Grace, no Man hath Power to perform any spiritual Duty as he ought to do: O Lord! I know not what to pray for as I ought, O let thy Spirit help my Infirmities, and enable me to offer up a spiritual Sacrifice, acceptable to thee by Jesus Christ.
Make me to remember into whose Presence I am come, and with whom I have to do; even with a God of infin [...]te Majesty; before whom the Cherubims veil their Faces, as being astonished at the Presence of so great a God as thou art. How dare I then, a mo [...]t vile and sinful Creature, who am but Dust and Ashes, presume to appear at this time before thee, who have drunk Iniquity like Water, breaking so often thy holy Laws and Commandments, [Page 9] by committing those things thou forbiddest: and leaving undone those good things thou commandest.
But I come unto thee, O Lord, in the name of thy dear Son, Jesus Christ the Righteous; who hath redeemed me with his most precious Blood. O then look upon me in him, and for the merits of his Sufferings, pardon all my Sins, and blot out my Offences. Strike an awful reverence in my Soul, that I may continually keep a watch over my Thoughts, Words, and Actions, least my Presumption, and want of due Reverence unto thy Deity, should turn my Prayers into Sin.
Give me a lively apprehension of all my wants and necessities, [Page 10] and a right Understanding both of those Blessings which I have received from thee, and of those great Mercies which thou hast promised to bestow on them that ask thee; that so I may be endued with Expressions both for Prayer and Thankfulness; and may become able, by the assistance of thy Grace, to pour out my Soul continually before thee. Support me with Faith, that I may come with a good assurance to thy Throne of Grace, to offer up my earnest Supplications unto thee, and let me not go away from thy presence without a Blessing.
Grant, Lord, that this holy Exercise of Prayer may prove a delight to me! O make me constant and diligent in the use of it; remembring the speedy [Page 11] access the Prayers of the Faithful have in thy Presence; and what a great Privilege it is for poor Mortals to unfold their Wants, and lay open their Desires and Griefs before thee.
Ever, O Lord, let the end of my Prayers be to thy Glory; always exercising a Conscience void of Offence, by offering up my Thanksgivings for Mercies received, as I shall be earnest in suing for those Gifts and Graces I stand in need of. Grant this, O heavenly Father, for the sake of thy dear Son, my only Saviour and Redeemer, Amen.
Meditations for Sunday.
THis is the Day which the Lord hath made, a Day of Rest to our Bodies, and for the Benefit of our Souls. O let us rejoice, and [Page 12] be glad in it all the Days of our L [...]; leaving off our worldly Thoughts and Employments, and be [...]eeking after our future Happiness.
Great i [...] the Lord, and great is the Honour of this day above all others. The Jews kept Holy the Seventh Day, and we Christians the Sunday, or Lord's Day: They in their Sabbath were especially to remember the Creation of the World, but we in ours, the Resurrection of Christ, who hath made a way for us into that better wor [...]d which we expect hereafter.
This convinceth the Folly of the Jews, who are so superstitious in observing the Ceremony of Rest, as that they think they ought not to prepare any Food for their bodily sustenance on the Sabbath-Day; neither do any work, tho' it be for the Resection of Life it self. [Page 13] But God in the Institution of the S [...]bbath so rested, whose Example we ought to imitate, as that he ce [...] not in [...]sting from doing good, but in c [...]sing to Create, he continued to Preserve, of which our Saviour saith, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.
This Day is set apart, to be employed in the Worship and Service of God; First more solemnly and publickly in the House of God, from whence none ought to absent himself, unless sickness or some extraordinary occasion prevent him. Secondly, at home privately praying with your Family, or in your Closet, exercising those other Duties of Reading and Meditation.
O Praise the Lord then, O my Soul, and enter into Contemplation with thy self upon all his Mercies, Consider what a great Benefit it is to thee, that there is such a [Page 14] set time weekly for thy spiritual Relief and Comfort; cast off all worldly Business then, and freely embrace this joyful Day of harvest whereby we may lay up in store for the whole Week, nay even for our whole Lives.
This day furnishes us with that Golden Rule, by which we may square all our Actions, and at last attain to the perfection of him whom the Royal Psalmist makes mention of, to be a pattern of true Goodness, and tells you, The Lord ordereth a good Man's going, and maketh his way acceptable to himself: Though he fall, he shall not be cast away; for the Lord upholdeth him with his Hand.
The Law of God is in his Heart and his goings shall not slide. O send out thy Light and thy Truth, that they may lead me and bring me unto thy holy Hill, and to thy [Page 15] Dwelling. And that I may go unto the Altar of God, even unto the God of my Joy and Gladness, and upon the Harp will I give Thanks unto thee, O God my God. We wait for thy Loving-kindness, O God, in the midst of thy Temple.
A Morning Prayer for Sunday: For the Worship of God.
MOst mighty and gracious God, which hast brought me out of the Night's Darkness into the marvellous Light of thy Truth, to see the Light of thy Love, that I may rejoice in the Day of my Visitation and Salvation, whereby the Dayspring from on high hath visited me, and in the Day of Salvation thou wilt succour me.
This Day make me hear thy Voice, and not harden my Heart [Page 16] through unbelief or deceitfulness of Sin, but that by Faith I may enter into thy promised Rest: Give Grace unto me, O Lord, and to all People, to walk circumspectly and diligently, to do such good Works wherewith thou may'st be well pleased; so that walking in thy Ways, and according to thy Commandments, I may work out my own Salvation with fear and trembling; that as my Body draws nearer the Grave, my Soul may approach the nearer Heaven.
O Lord, I beseech thee, to be merciful unto me, and as of thy goodness thou givest me time to Repent, so of thine infinite Mercy give me such a true, holy, and perfect Repentance, never to be repented of: And grant, O Lord, that I may unfeignedly [Page 17] Resolve and effectually Labour to amend my Life this Day, even to my Life's end, that so I may never be tempted above what I am able to bear.
I am beginning the Week, but alas I begin not to be re [...]ormed in my Life and Conversation, but the more Weeks pass over my Head, the greater burthen of Sin I take upon my Back, and do the more defile my Conscien [...]e. Day by Day I run on in my Wickedness, and never say to my self, What have I done? If I should at this Week's end cast up the Account of my good Deeds, how few Lines, alas would they contain!
O Lord, I beseech thee, pardon and forgive me all my Sins, remove them out of thy presence, [Page 18] as far distant as the East is from the West. Accept of me in the Death and Passion of thy Son Jesus Christ, that wher [...] I shall come into thy Temple, to compass thine Altar, my Prayers may come up before thee as Incense, and the lifting up of my Hands as an Evening Sacrifice.
And as I desire that thou wouldst hear me calling upon thee in my Prayers, so give me Grace to hear thee calling upon me in thy Word. It is the word of Truth, Wisdom, Righteousness, and Reconciliation, which is able to save my Soul in the Day of the Lord Jesus▪ grant therefore that I may hear it with Reverence, receive it with Meekness, and mingle it with Faith, that it may accomplish in me [Page 19] that good Work, for which thou hast sent it.
I know not alas how to Worship thee as I ought; my Sins have made a Wall of separation betwixt-thee and me, so that neither my Prayers can ascend up unto thee as they should, nor thy Graces descend upon me as I would desire them. O break, I beseech thee, this partition-Wall, slide thou down into the secret Habitation of my Heart by thy mighty Power, and strengthen every privy Corner of that neglected House, by the brightness of thy Illumination; feed thou every secret part both of my Mind and Body; keep me from Sin, and let me serve thee this Day in thy Sanctuary.
Bless those Messengers o [...] thine, O Lord, that break unt [...] me the Bread of Life. As tho [...] hast placed them like Beacons o [...] thy holy Hill, the Church, giv [...] them Grace (with the five Wis [...] Virgins) that their Light may never go forth, but still shine brightly to arm us thy People against the Invasion of that Enemy of Mankind, the Devil, and his Army, that Day and Night seek to devour us.
Let me spend the rest of my uncertain Life in a renewed Repentance for my Sins past, and an holy Resolution to serve thee for the time to come. Grant, O Lord, these and all other Graces meet for me, for thy Son's sake, my only Lord and Saviour; To whom with Thee [Page 21] and the Holy Ghost, be all Praise and Glory, for evermore.
A Prayer at our Entrance into the Church.
O Almighty God, who dwellest in that Light which no mortal is able to approach unto, yet art present with us in this thy sacred House! O Lord, my God, my only Comfort and Riches, what am I that I dare speak unto thee? I am thy poor Servant, teach me to climb and ascend up unto thee by Invocation and Prayer.
Make this Religious Place as thine Ark, and let thy Dove, thy holy Spirit, enter in at these windows; let a good measure of thy word, and an effectual [Page 22] preaching thereof, be evermore preserved and distributed in this place; let no evil Leprosie ever enter into these Walls, nor the hand of Sacrilege ever fall upon them.
The Harvest is great, but the Labourers are few; send forth, I beseech thee, more into thy Vineyard, and endue them with such Wisdom as becometh thy holy Gospel. Open unto them the Door of Utterance, and unto me the Gate of Understanding, that they may faithfully dispend thy Mysteries, and I fervently embrace the same, to thy Glory, and the Salvation of my Soul, through Jesus Christ my only Lord and Saviour,
A Prayer for Sunday Noon: For Perseverance.
O God, most gracious and merciful, who hatest no [...]hing that thou hast made, but [...]rt willing that all should par [...]ake of thy Coelestial Love; I [...]ave this day visited thy House, [...]he Place where thine Honour dwelleth; grant, I beseech thee, that I may still persevere and press forward in that holy Duty of serving thee all the Days of my Life.
Vouchsafe to me, O Lord, I beseech thee, thy Heavenly Grace, that I may avoid the precipices of Sin, which lead to destruction, and endeavour to serve thee, in Holiness and Righteousness all the Days of my Life: Grant that in thy [Page 24] Light I may see Light; and as I have begun this Day in praising and lauding thy holy Name so let it end to thy Glory: To whom be ascribed all Honour, Power, and Glory, both now and for evermore.
A Prayer for the Afternoon, after Sermon. A Thanksgiving for the Word preached.
O Lord most Holy, whose Truth endureth from everlasting to everlasting; Thou hast been merciful and gracious to me, and hast filled me which am hungry with good things, and none of thy Servants dost thou send empty away from thy holy Sanctuary: Plant thy Fear in my Heart, give me Wisdom and good Understanding, and make me to have pleasure [Page 25] in thee and all thy works; that [...]beying the Precepts of thy ho [...]y Gospel, and performing the Conditions of thy Covenant which thou hast established for [...]ver in Truth and Equity, in Verity and Judgment, I may [...]orthily praise and adore thy [...]oly Name among the Faithful [...] this Life, and in the Congre [...]ation of Saints in the Life to [...]ome, through thy Mercies, O [...]lessed Jesu, to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be [...]ll Honour and Glory, now and or ever.
A Prayer for Sunday Evening: For Pardon of Sin.
O Almighty God, I acknowledge and confess those many weaknesses and imper [...]ections I am guilty of, in [Page 26] my performance of the Duti [...] of this Day: I have called up on thee for the pardon and fo [...] giveness of my Sins: I hav [...] heard thy holy Word, but y [...] find my self a very unprofit [...] ble Servant. So that, O Lord though I have done thy Wor [...] I have done it so negligently that I may rather expect th [...] fire of thy Anger, than a Ble [...] sing from thee.
But if thou, O God, should be extream to mark what done amiss, O Lord, who ca [...] abide it: or stand before th [...] when thou art angry? Remember that I am but dust and ashe [...] and the work of thine ow [...] hands: Pardon, I beseech the [...] and pass by all my Sins, Negl [...] gences, and Ignorances; loo [...] not upon the weakness of m [...] [Page 27] Flesh, but upon the willingness [...]f my Spirit, and so cover all [...]y imperfections, with the [...]erfect and absolute obedience [...]f thy dear Son, that those Sa [...]rifices offered up by me this day [...]ay be by thee accepted, in, [...]nd for that Sacrifice which Christ Jesus offered upon the Cross once for me.
And as I earnestly desire that my Sacrifices may be pleasing and acceptable to thee, so let thine Ordinances be profitable to me. And as thou hast this day sown [...]n my heart the precious seed of thy Word, so let neither the Fowls of the Air devour it, nor the Cares of the World choak [...]it; but let the former and the [...]atter Rain of thy blessing come often upon it, that it may bring forth in me the Fruits of true [Page 28] Repentance, and hearty amen [...] ment of Life. Pardon my m [...] nifold Sins by which I hav [...] provoked thee this very day.
Be thou unto me a mercifu [...] God, in despite of the Snare and Delusions which Sin lays i [...] the way for my Destruction and keep me under the shadow of thy Wings, in perpetua [...] Peace and Safety. Bless me thi [...] Night; sleeping or waking, giv [...] thine Angels charge over me that at whatsoever hour thou callest me, I may, like a faithful Soldier, stand ready prepared to encounter Death, and to follow the Lamb wheresoever he goeth. Grant these things, O blessed Father, for thy Son Jesus Christ his sake my only Saviour and Redeemer.
Meditations for Monday: Out of the Psalms: For a holy Life.
MY song shall be of mercy and judgment, unto thee, O [...]ord, will I sing. Let me have un [...]erstanding in the way of godliness.
When wilt thou come unto me? [...] will walk i [...] my house with a per [...]ect heart. I will take no wicked [...]hing: I hate the Sins of unfaith [...]ulness: there shall no such cleave [...]nto me.
A froward heart shall depart [...]rom me; I will not know a wick [...]d Person.
Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I destroy.
Whoso hath also a proud look and high stomach, I will not suffer him.
There sh [...]ll no deceitful person dwell in my house, he that telleth [...]yes shall not tarry in my sight.
I shall s [...]on destroy all the ungodly [Page 30] that are in the Land: that may root out all wicked doe from the City of the Lord.
A Prayer for Monday Morning For a Holy Life.
O God most Holy and Righteous, who shewest Mercy unto thousands, and hates [...] nothing thy own hands hav [...] made: who fillest me with thy loving kindness every Morning and keepest me in Peace and Safety in the Night season.
I confess, O Lord, that I am altogether Vanity, a shadow of Death, a dark Dungeon, a barren and empty Ground, where no Water is, but deluges of Wrath and Confusion: But, O Lord, I abhor my self, and repent [Page 31] before thee in dust and ashes; and as Sins of Infirmity have thrown me down, raise me up again, I beseech thee, by the Gift of Penitence, that I may lead a holy Life with all Humility, Truth and Justice, Godliness and Honesty, in this present World.
I bless thy holy Name for thy Care and Protection over me this Night; that thou hast safely brought me to the beginning of this day, delivering me from the shadow of Death O Lord continue thy wonted goodness towards me this Day, and grant that all my Prayers, Words, Works and Actions, may begin and end in thy Glory.
Keep me, O Lord, I beseech thee, this day without, [Page 32] sin, and so replenish me with thy Favour and Grace that my heart may rejoyce and delight in thy praises. Deliver me, O Lord, from lying Lips, and from a deceitful Tongue; keep me from the Snare of the Hunter, and from the noisom and infectious Pestilence; from deadly Vexation, mortal Sickness, and sudden Death.
Protect me in the day of my Trouble; give me a contented Mind, which may remain unto me a continual Feast, in whatsoever changes or chances may befall me in this transitory Life. Grant that I may yield up my self to thy good Pleasure in all things, and be obedient unto those holy Commandments which thou hast appointed for my Rule and Guide. So that [Page 33] at the last I may find, that in keeping thy Holy Laws there is great Reward: Grant this, O heavenly Father, for thy Son's sake, my only Redeemer.
A Prayer for Monday Noon: For Forgiveness of Sins.
O God the searcher of all hearts, and from whom no secrets are hid, but are laid open to thine all-seeing Eye; I here acknowledge my Sins unto thee, and mine Iniquities, which are many in number: I come unto thee, O Lord, who art the fountain of all goodness, and forgivest all those that with hearty Repentance come unto thee: Pardon and remit all those Sins, which this day I have committed against thy Divine Majesty. Purge me with Hyssop [Page 34] and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than Snow: Let the dew of thy Favour, and the fire of thy Love, blot out all my Sins and purifie my Soul.
Create in me a clean Heart, and renew a right Spirit within me: Let me not be for ever separated from the sweet refreshings of thy Favourand presence; but give me the comfort of thy help again, and let thy free Spirit loose me from the bondage of Sin, and establish me in the freedom and liberty of the Sons of God: So shall I praise thy Name, and evermore sing of thy Righteousness in the Congregation of thy redeemed ones, now, henceforth, and for ever.
A Prayer for Monday Night: For Preservation.
O Lord most Holy, I praise and magnifie thy holy Name for preserving of me this Day both in Soul and Body. O thou who art Alpha and Omega, bless and defend me with thy heavenly Grace this Night: let my rest be in thee, and grant that neither much sleep overwhelm me, nor Satan invade me: though my Eyes sleep, yet, O Lord, keep my Heart waking; lest the subtle Tempter overtake me, and I sleep in perpetual silence. Keep me in the arms of thy Providence; give sleep to my Eyes and slumber unto my Eye-lids; compass me about, and raise me up again to the joyful sight [Page 36] of the [...]ext Morning Light; and a [...]ter this miserable Life is ended, grant that in thy Light I may see Light for evermore.
Meditations for Tuesday: For defence of our Innocenc [...], and against the malice of our Enemies.
O Lord, my God in thee have I put my trust: Save me from all them that pers [...]cute me, and deliver me.
Lest he devour my Soul like a Lion; and tear it in pieces, while there is none to help.
O Lord my God, if I have done any such thing, o [...] [...]f there be any wickedness in my hands;
If I have rewarded evil unto him that d [...]al [...] friendly with [...]e▪ yea I have delivered him that without any cause is mine Enemy:
Then let [...] Enemy pers [...]cute [Page 37] my S [...]u [...] and take me: Yea, let him [...]ead my life down upon the Earth, and l [...]y mine honour in the dust
Stand up, O Lord, in thy wr [...]th, and lift up thy self; because of the indignation of mine Enemies, arise up f [...]r me in the judgment that thou hast commanded.
And so sh [...]ll the Congregation of the people come about thee: For their sakes therefore lift up thy sel [...] again.
The Lord shall judge the people: Give sentence with me, O Lord, according to my righteousnes [...], and accord [...]ng to the innocenc [...] that is in me.
O let the wickedness of the ungodly come to an end; but guide thou the just.
For the righteous God trieth the very heart and reins.
My Help cometh of God, which preserveth them that are true of heart.
God is a righteous Judge, strong and patient; and God is provoked every day.
If a man will not turn, he will whet his sword; he hath bent his bow, and made it ready.
He hath prepared for him the instruments of death: he ordained his arrows against the persecutors.
Behold he travaileth with mischief: he hath conceived sorrow and brought forth ungodliness.
He hath graven and digged up a pit, and is fallen himself into the destruction that he made for others.
For his travail shall come upon his own head; and his wickedness shall fall upon his own pate.
I will give thanks unto the Lord according to his righteousness, and will praise the Name of the Lord the most High.
A Prayer for Tuesday Morning: For Protection from our Enemies.
O Almighty God, who art a strong rock of defence to all those who trust in thee; deliver me, I beseech thee, from those Mouths, who, like Lions roaring for their Prey, seek to devour me: Abate their Pride, asswage their Malice, and confound their Devices; save me from the hands of all those who seek to do me evil, and let their wickedness and Hellish contrivance come utterly to an end for evermore.
I magnifie thy holy Name for thy preservation of me this Night. Grant that I may walk this Day according to thy heavenly will in all things, not returning [Page 40] evil for good, but on the contrary good for evil. Disperse from me all clouds of Envy, Hatred or Malice which seem to hover over me; and though heaviness may endure for a Night; yet, O Lord, let thy Joy, and light of thy countenance appear in the Morning.
Give me Grace not to rejoice in any thing that displeaseth thee, but evermore to delight in those things which are most pleasing to thee, be they never so disagreeable to my desires. Defend me, O Lord, from all shame and disgraces of this life; mortifie all the corrupt affections that are in me, and pardon the innumerable Sins which I have committed. Bless, preserve and keep me this Day by thy power from sin, shame and [Page 41] all evil, and so direct me by thy [...]ace, that all my thoughts, words and works may please [...]hee, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my only Lord and Saviour.
A Prayer for Tuesday Noon: For God's Grace and Favour.
O God most Holy, who guidest and governest all those that trust in thee; I beseech thee defend me daily; cherish, comfort, govern, and counsel me in all my enterprises, so that I may employ this Day, and all the days of my Life, according to thy blessed will; setting thee always before my eyes, and aiming at thy Glory.
Let me earnestly seek, and find thee, O my hearts desire; and [Page 42] let me hold thee fast, whom my Soul loveth; let me enjoy thee, O my spiritual comfort, in all my faculties, even in my heart let me possess thee. Be thou for ever present with me in all my undertakings; let thy Favour refresh me, and thy Grace which is sufficient for me, support me; though I walk through this valley and shadow of Death, I may fear no Evil while thy rod and thy staff comfort me.
Convert and turn the hearts of those which seek to do me Evil; and do hate me without a cause: keep me from their anger, which is fierce, and from the wrath of them which are cruel; and bring them down in their high imaginations, lest they be too proud. Grant that the [Page 43] remaining part of this Day, I may walk in thy Fear; so that at the last I may enter into thy Glory, through the merits of Jesus Christ my only Saviour.
A Prayer for Tuesday Night: Of Thanksgiving for God's Mercies.
I Render thee most humble and hearty Thanks for thy Preservation of me this Day, and relieving me according to my several Necessities. Thou hast this Day past defended me from all Danger, given me my daily Bread, and hourly breath: continue still, I beseech thee, thy undeserved Mercies towards me; and accept this my Evening Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving.
Let not the meanness of my Devotion cause thee to turn away thine Eyes from me, but according to thine accustomed kindness, spare thy Servant, good Lord, and be not angry with him for ever. Preserve me this Night, O thou that preservest all the World; and taking my natural repose, I may through thy protection and ready help, be defended both now and evermore.
Meditations for Wednesday.
THe Heavens declare the glory of God, and the Firmament sheweth his handy-work.
One day telleth another; and one night certifieth another.
There is neither speech nor language; but their voices are heard among them.
Their sound is gone out into all lands; and their words unto the ends of the world.
In them hath he set a Tabernacle for the Sun; which cometh forth as a Bridegroom out of his Chamber, and rejoiceth as a giant to run his course.
It goeth forth from the uttermost part of the Heaven, and runneth about unto the end of it again; and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
The Law of the Lord is an undefiled Law, converting the Soul; the Testimony of the Lord is sure, and giveth wisdom unto the simple.
The Statutes of the Lord are right, and rejoice the heart; the Commandment of the Lord is pure, and giveth light unto the Eyes.
The fear of the Lord is clean, and endureth for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than [Page 46] gold; yea, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey, and the honey-comb.
Moreover, by them is thy servant taught: and in keeping of them there is great reward.
Who can tell how oft he offendeth? O cleanse thou me from my secret faults.
Keep thy servant also from presumptuous sins, lest they get the dominion over me: so shall I be undefiled and innocent from the great offence.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be always acceptable in thy sight,
O Lord my strength and my redeemer.
A Prayer for Wednesday Morning; For Repentance.
O Eternal God, before whom all Creatures both in Heaven and Earth do bow, fear and tremble; I a most wretched and miserable Creature, dejected with the weighty burthen of my Sins, fly unto thee for Succour. Plant in my heart the Fear of thy Name, and in my body the purity and cleanness of Charity; and let them abide there for ever. Cleanse me from all my secret Sins, and preserve me from presumptuous and great Offences: Touch my heart, O God, with true Repentance, that thy Judgments present and imminent, may be prevented and removed; and the overflowing silver stream and [Page 48] current of thy Mercies, be never at an end.
Be gracious to my Relations in the flesh, my Friends in the spirit, with all those to whom I am any way bounden, or desire to be commended unto thee in my Prayers and Supplications. Expel, O Lord, and cast out of my heart all evil Imagination, Hatred, Malice, and all Uncharitableness, and whatsoever is contrary to thy holy Commandments.
I praise thy holy Name for thy preservation of me this Night past, for the Gifts and Graces of thy Blessed Spirit; as Faith in thy Promises, Hope of a better Life when this is ended, and strength against all the temptations of Satan; all which have [Page 49] proceeded from the Fountain of thy Mercy: As thou hast of thy Providence kept me ever since I was born, and in Mercy preserved me the beginning of this Week, so to my Comfort grant me the continuance of the same, through Jesus Christ, my only Redeemer and Advocate.
A Prayer for Wednesday Noon: For God's particular Care of us.
O Almighty God, I cry unto thee for Mercy, by reason my Sins cry against me for Justice; all the day long will I lift up my Heart unto thee: shut not thine Ear, O Lord, but hear my complaint, and that right soon. Let me in all things see that I am upheld by thee: Let me perceive it is thy Work, by the Health of my [Page 50] Body and Peace of my Conscience in the Gift of my Mind, the Credit of my Name, and the Work of my Calling.
But, alas, can there be greater Mercies, O Lord, than thou hast already expressed towards me! for whilst I have enjoyed all thy Mercies, others have lived in penury and want, in ignorance, profaneness, and without thee in the World.
What can I render unto the Lord for all his Mercies towards me? Let me not pledge Joseph's Botler in his Cup of Oblivion, but David rather in his Cup of Salvation; and if my single heart be too barren of thankfulness, let me borrow a magnificat O my Soul, to magnifie Thee O Lord, and let my Spirit rejoyce [Page 51] in thee, O God my Saviour. What shall I say unto thee, O thou Redeemer of all Mankind? I will praise thy holy Name. For evermore inspire me with thy Spirit, convert me from Evil, confirm me in all Goodness, and bring me at last unto thy heavenly Kingdom.
A Prayer for Wednesday Night: For deliverance from Sin.
MOST merciful God, I beseech thee to open the Eyes of my understanding, that I may come to a particular knowledge of my secret Sins, especially those I am most inclined to. Soften my hard and flinty heart, that I may sigh and groan under t [...] weight of my most pressing sins; and acknowledge [Page 50] [...] [Page 51] [...] [Page 52] them a Burthen too heavy for me to bear.
Stir up in me all dull and dead Affections, that I may hunger and thirst after thee, the wellspring of Life. Forgive me all my misdemeanours of this day past; make me to remember, that Sin is filthy and loathsome, even in the greatest pleasure and act thereof; teach me to keep a continual watch over my inward and outward Man, whereby I may be afraid to commit the least Sin, that so I may walk according to thy holy will in all things.
Give me this Night sweet and comfortable rest, and fit me, O Lord, for the duties and service of the next day: Turn from me O Lord those judgments which [Page 53] my sins have justly deserved, and renew those hopes which thou hast been pleased to frustrate; crown me with those blessings, which thou hast promised to all these that fear thy Name, so that at the last I may attain everlasting Happiness, and live with thee in perpetual peace and safety for evermore.
Meditations for Thursday.
O Sing unto the Lord a new song; for he hath done marvellous things. With his own right hand, and with his holy arm hath he gotten himself the victory.
The Lord declared his Salvation: his R [...]ghteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the Heathen.
He hath remembred his Mercy and Truth towards the House of Israel; and all the ends of the [Page 54] world have seen the salvation of our God.
Shew your selves joyful unto the Lord, all ye lands; sing, rejoice, and give thanks.
Praise the Lord upon the harp: sing to the harp with a Psalm of Thanksgiving.
With trumpets also and shawms: O shew your selves joyful before the Lord the King.
Let the Sea make a noise, and all that therein is; the round world, and they that dwell therein.
Let the floods clap their hands, and let the hills be joyful together before the Lord; for he is come to judge the earth.
With righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity.
A Prayer for Thursday Morning. A Sacrifice of Praise.
O Most glorious and powerful Lord God who with thy holy arm hath gotten for me the Victory over Sin, Hell, and the Grave. I praise thee, O Lord, from the very bottom of my heart, for all thy love and boundless mercy and kindness; for thy holy Incarnation, Passion, Resurrection and Ascention into Heaven, and sitting at the right hand of God the Father; where thou makest Intercession for me.
In thy merits I beseech thee to look upon me: thou art that living Sacrifice that was offered up for me, and in thy Name do I offer up unto thee this my [Page 56] morning Sacrifice; evermore praising thee, and magnifying thy holy Name. Mortifie in me all fleshly Corruptions; quicken me in the inner Man: By the power of thy death let me die unto Sin, and by the power of thy Resurrection, let me rise to Righteousness and newness of Life. Let the one as an antidote expel the poison of Ungodlyness, and the other as a restorative excite me to Holiness.
Enlighten my Understanding, that I may know thy Will; reform my Life, that I may do all things aright, and to discern Good and Evil. Teach me to fear thy Name, to neglect all things in regard of thee, to be grieved at my own and others Sins; but rejoyce exceedingly [Page 57] whensoever I can please thee. Let me this Day labour, that whatsoever I do may be pleasing in thy sight; as I am thy Servant, let me depend upon thee, and as I am a Christian, walk worthy of my Vocation and Calling.
Be gracious and favourable unto the whole Church, and bless every particular Member thereof; be good to the light of our Eyes, the breath of our Nostrils, thy Solomon, our gracious King; bless thine own Tribe, the Tribe of Levi, the Nobility, Gentry, and Commonalty, and let thy Peace rest upon those that pray for our Peace, wheresoever dispersed over the Face of the whole Earth. Lord keep me the remaining part of this Day in thy Truth, [Page 58] and give me Peace and true Faith in thee, now and for evermore.
A Prayer for Thursday Noon: For God's Blessing on our Endeavours.
O Eternal and most gracious God, who though thou art ever infinite, yet enlargest thy self by the number of our Prayers, and takest our often Petitions to thee to be an addition to thy Glory; so great is thy Humility toward poor Mortals. I most humbly beseech thee, O Lord, that thine Eyes may continually attend upon me, and thy Grace daily defend me from all danger: succour, cherish, and comfort me in my Necessities, and govern all my counsels, Studies, and Labours, so that I [Page 59] may spend this Day according to thy blessed Will, and the discharge of my own Conscience; that warily avoiding all things, that may displease thee, and setting always before my Eyes thy Fear▪ I may by the assistance of thy heavenly Grace, and the guidance of thy holy Spirit, work that which is acceptable and pleasing unto thee, unto thy Praise and Glory, for ever.
A Prayer for Thursday Night: For Deliverance from Sudden Death.
O Lord most holy, the giver of all good things, and the protector of all those that love thee, I give thee most humble and hearty thanks, nor only for thy preservation of me this [Page 60] day, but all my life; O Lord forgive me the Offences I have committed against thee this Day, blot out all my sins with the blood of thy dear Son [...]esus Christ, and I beseech thee for his sake remember them no more.
Vouchsafe, O Lord, to extend thine accustomed goodness, and protection over me this Night, that I may peaceably and quietly take my rest, which thou hast appointed for the refreshing of my wearied and weak body: and I beseech thee to defend me, that nothing hurt me; keep me also, good Lord, from sudden and unprovided Death, and preserve me by the guard of thy holy Angels, that I may enjoy my rest this Night in thee until the Morning, and then give [Page 61] my self to the fulfilling of my Duty, the discharge of my Employment, and the working of thy will unto my life's end.
In whose Name I referr my self wholly to the Almighty Protection, even in the Name of thy blessed Son Jesus Christ the Righteous; beseeching thee that when this Life shall have an end, and my last sleep being come, I may take my everlasting Rest with thee in thy heavenly Kingdom; for the which Kingdom, I do heartily beseech thee of thine inestimable goodness, to fit and prepare me and all other thy Servants to the attainment of the same; for the glory of thy holy Name, and the everlasting comfort of our own Souls.
Meditations for Friday,
THe Lord, even the most mighty God hath spoken, and called the world, from the rising up of the Sun unto the going down thereof.
Out of S [...]on hath God appeared in perfect beauty.
Our God shall com [...] and shall not keep silence; there sh [...]ll go before him a consuming fir [...]; and a mighty tempest shall be stirred up round about him.
He shall call the Heaven from above, and the Earth, that he m [...]y judge his People.
Gather my Saints together unto me: those that have made a Covenant with me with Sacrifice.
And the Heavens sh [...]ll declare his Righteousness; for God is Judge himself.
Hear, O my People, and I will speak: I my self will testifie against [Page 63] thee, O Israel; for I am God, even thy God.
I will not reprove thee because of thy Sacrifices, or for thy Burntofferings; because they were not always before me.
I will take no Bullock out of thine house, nor He-goats out of thy fold.
For all the Beasts of the Forest are mine, and so are the Cattle upon a thousand hills.
I know all the Fowls upon the mountains: and the wild Beasts of the field are in my sight.
If I be hungry, I will not tell thee; for the whole world is mine, and all that is therein.
Thinkest thou that I will eat Bulls flesh, and drink the blood of Goats?
Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most highest.
And call upon me in the time of trouble; so will I hear thee, and thou shalt praise me.
But unto the ungodly, said God, why dost thou preach my Laws, and takest my Covenant in thy mouth?
Whereas thou hatest to be reformed, and hast cast my Words behind thee.
When thou sawest a thief, thou consentedst unto him; and h [...]st been partaker with the Adulterers.
Thou hast let thy mouth speak wickedness, and with thy tongue thou hast set forth deceit.
Thou satest and spakest against thy Brother; yea, and hast slandered thine own Mother's Son.
These things hast thou done, and I held my tongue: and thou thoughtest wickedly, that I am even such a one as they self; but I will reprove thee, and set before thee the things that thou hast done.
O consider this, ye that forg [...]t God, lest I pluck you away, and there be none to deliver you.
Whoso offereth me thanks and praise, he honoureth me: and to [Page 65] him that ordereth his conversatition aright, will I shew the salvation of God.
A Prayer for Friday Morning: A Confession of Sins.
O Most mighty and merciful God, I presume to present my self this Morning before thy Divine Majesty, to offer up unto thee this my early sacrifice; but in the performance of it, I make known my unworthiness and disclose my Weakness, and exceedingly discover my imperfections and wretchedness.
For, alas, I draw near unto thee with my lips, but my heart is far from thee; I call upon thee with my tongue, but my [Page 66] soul at the same time commits wickedness against thee: My righteousness comes short of the Scribes and Pharisees, and are but as filthy Rags: my holiness but as a morning Dew, yea all my actions of Devotion (if weighed in thy Balance) are but abomination in thy sight: From the soal of the Foot, unto the crown of the Head, I am altogether polluted and unclean; yea nothing to be found in me but wounds, and putrefied sores, imprinted and stamped into my soul and flesh by the custom of my Sin.
My Eyes are full of Vanity, my Ears full of [...]niquity, my Hands of Impurity, my Will perverse to that which is Good, my Remembrance affable [...]nd pleasing to that which is Evil, [Page 67] my Understanding is darkned, my Conscience seared, my Head full of mischief, my feet swift to shed blood; Destruction and Wickedness are in all my ways, and the way of Peace have I not known.
Since then, O Lord, that my Sins are so great and grievous against thy Law and against thy Gospel, if thou shouldest be so extream as to mark against me what I have done amiss, who is able to abide it? If thou shouldst call me suddenly to a strict account, how should I shew my Face? If I deny waht is laid to my charge, my Conscience will accuse me; If I forswear, the dumb and senseless Creatures will bear witness against me.
Whom have I in Heaven but [Page 68] thee, and there is no Friend in the Earth beneath, which I have in comparison of thee, no other Mediator amongst Men and Angels, but even thine only begotten Son Christ Jesus, in whom only thou art well pleased? by the virtue of whose Death and Passion, and the remembrance of whose precious blood, which trickled down from his side, wash me from my sins; and besprinkle my polluted Heart from an evil Conscience.
And I beseech thee O Lord, not only to wash away my sins with the blood of thine immaculate Lamb, but also to purge my heart by thine only Spirit, from the dross of my natural Corruptions, that I may feel thy Spirit more and more, killing Sin in the power & practice [Page 69] thereof; so that I may with more freedom of mind and liberty of will, serve thee the ever▪ living God, in Righteousness and Holiness this Day, and all the days of my Life, for evermore.
A Prayer for Friday Noon: For God's Direction.
O Lord most holy, I beseech thee to direct all my ways, correct my wanderings, and erect my wild and worldly Thoughts unto thee, the God of my Salvation. Learn me that divine Art of living in thy Fear, to labour in thy Service, and evermore run swiftly in the ways of thy Commandments. Direct my Thoughts, Words and Works; preserve and bless me in my going out and [Page 70] coming in; and grant that whatsoever my heart shall think, my tongue utter, or my hands exercise this day, may tend to the glory of thy holy Name, the good of others, and the comfort of my own Conscience.
End these sinful days; O blessed Redeemer, and hasten thy coming; and give me Grace to stand ready prepared to meet thee, who art the sweet Bridegroom of my Soul; that at thy coming, whether it be by the hour of Death, or at the day of Judgment, I may joyfully pronounce those blessed words of, Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.
Deliver me, O Lord, from all those heavy Judgments which hang over my head as due unto me for my Transgressions: separate [Page 71] them as far from thy presence in distance, as the East is from the West; bury them all in thy Grave, that they neither rise to shame me in this Life, nor condemn me in the World to come: To whom be ascribed for thine infinite Mercy, all Honour, Praise and Glory, from this time forth and for evermore.
A Prayer for Friday Night: Against carnal Security.
O Merciful Father, I here prostrate my self in all humility and reverence of heart and mind, beseeching thee to guide and protect me this Night with thy blessed Spirit, and though my sinful flesh shall slumber and sleep, yet grant that my Soul may continually [...]e vigilant.
Let not the Enemy come upon me unawares and find me slumbering or sleeping, as rocked in the Cradle of carnal Security; lest I being unarm'd and destitute of thy favour and help, he enter into the House of my sinful Body, and their takes possession of my leprous Soul; and endanger both to be thrown into the Lake which burneth with Fire and Brimstone.
Make me to consider that my Bed is but a pattern of the Grave, and that when I lay my self down in it, I cannot rise up unless thy heavenly Providence enables me. Teach me to acknowledge that sleep is the very Figure and Image of Death, to whose stroak at thy appointed time, I must submit and resign [Page 73] my self; endue me with Love and Charity to all Men; let my Lamp, O Lord, be filled with fresh Oil, that whensoever thy Messenger, Death, approaches, and knocks at the Gate of this mortal Body, I may at his Summons in the day of the Resurrection of the Dead, be ready to attend on thee my Bride with my Lamp burning.
Let me be ever mindful of the great and last day, wherein I must render an account of every idle thought, word, and work, and grant I may be prepared with Faith and Repentance, as with a Wedding-Garment, against the time that thou, O Lord, shalt call for me out of this sinful World. In the mean time, let me fly from Sin as from a Serpent, and from [Page 74] unrighteousness as from a Cockatrice, and above all things seek thy Glory; and when this mortal Life is ended I may be made partaker of Immortality, and Life Eternal, in thy most blessed and glorious Kingdom.
Let thy Mercy and Lovingkindness follow me, O Lord, all the days of my Life, that I may dwell in thy House and evermore praise thy holy Name? grant that I may in the acknowledgment of thy greatness, confess my own unworthiness; and visit me, O Lord, by driving from me all the Assaults of my Enemies, both ghostly and bodily.
Let thy holy Angel be with me, to keep me this Night, and evermore; fit me for the duties [Page 75] of the next day, if it be thy heavenly will to spare me this Night▪ this, O Lord, I beg at thy merciful Hands, through the Merits and Mediation of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee, and the Holy Ghost, now and for ever.
Meditations for Saturday.
I Will cry unto God with my voice; even unto God will I cry with my voice, and he shall hearken unto me.
In the time of my trouble I sought the Lord: my sore ran and ceased not in the night season my Soul refused comfort.
When I am in heaviness, I wi [...]l think upon God; when my heart is vexed I will complain.
Thou holdest mine eyes waking; I am so feeble that I cannot speak.
I have considered the days of old, and the years that are past.
I call to remembrance my Song; and in the night I commune with mine own heart, and search out my Spirits.
Will the Lord absent himself for ever? and will he be no more intreated?
Is his mercy clean gone for ever? and his Promise come utterly to an end for evermore?
Hath God forgotten to be gracious? and will he shut up his loving kindness in displeasure?
And I said it is mine own infirmity; but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most highest.
I will remember the works of the Lord, and call to mind thy wonders of old time.
I will think also of all thy works; and my talking shall be of thy doings.
Thy way, O God, is holy: who [Page 77] is so great a God as our God?
Thou art the God that dost wonders, and hast declared thy power among the people.
Thou hast mightily delivered thy people; even the Sons of Jacob and Joseph.
The Waters saw thee, O God, the Waters saw thee and were afraid; the Depths were troubled.
The Clouds also poured out Water, the Air thundred, and thine Arrows went abroad.
The voice of thy Thunder was heard round about; the Lightning shone upon the Ground, the Earth was moved, and shook withal.
Thy way is in the Sea and thy paths in the great Waters; and thy footsteps are not known.
Thou leadest thy People like Sheep by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
A Prayer for Saturday Morning: For God's Providence.
MOst gracious God, I yield thee humble and hearty thanks for preserving and defending me this night past from all those Perils and Dangers, which poor Dust and Ashes are subject to fall into. Had I not been preserved by thy almighty Providence, I had long since, both Body and Soul, been carried into everlasting Perdition; but thou art a God infinite in Mercy, and whose compassions fail not towards poor Sinners, by supporting them in their several necessities.
Vouchsafe, O Lord, to forgive whatsoever I have committed against thy divine Majesty [Page 79] this Night, either sleeping or waking; or at any other time, secretly or openly: Grant unto me unfeigned Repentance, and newness of Life; open unto me, O Lord, that ever-streaming Fountain, which thou hast opened for Sinners, even the Blood of thy dear Son Christ Jesus; and which thou hast promised under the New Testament to open to the penitent of the House of David.
Give unto me thy holy Spirit which thou hast promised to give (to the World's end) unto all thine elect People, and let the same thine holy Comforter purge my heart, heal my Corruptions, sanctifie my Nature, and consecrate my Soul and Body, that they may become lively Temples, to serve [Page 80] thee in Righteousness and Holiness all the days of my Life. Give me, I earnestly beseech thee, a supply of all those Graces I stand in need of, with an increase of all those good Gifts thou hast endowed me with.
As thou hast now wakened my Body from Sleep, so, I beseech thee, rouse my Soul from the sleep of Sin and carnal Security; give me Grace, as a Child of Light, to walk in all holy Obedience before thee this day; and grant me to endeavour to keep Faith and a good Conscience towards Thee, and towards all Men.
To this end I recommend my self, with all my ways, thoughts, words, and actions, (together with all that belongs to me) [Page 81] unto thy divine Protection, praying thee to keep both them and me from all Evil, and to give a Blessing to all my undertakings this Day, and for evermore.
A Prayer for Saturday Noon: For Tranquility of Spirit.
O Most merciful God, and loving Father, who beholdest all the dwellers upon Earth; and none can live without thy arm of Providence supports him: No sooner do I enter upon the Affairs of this World, but I am surrounded about with a cloud of Miseries; the Flesh provokes me to Lust, the World allures me to Pleasures, and the Devil tempts me to commit all manner of Wickedness.
Fears of Enemies abroad afright me, Wrongs of ill Neighbours do oppress me, Cares for the things of this Life do consume me, and even all the day long something or other doth afflict and torment me. Adversity on the one hand frets me, and Prosperity on the other hand flatters me. Over my head Heaven's Vengeance, due to my Sins, is ready to fall heavy upon me; and under my feet Hell gapes ready to devour me.
Amidst those many toils and perplexities, where to find rest I know not, or to fly for succour, but to thee, O Lord, most holy and mighty; direct me and guide me in these difficulties, protect me from these Perils [Page 83] and dangers, settle me in a course of Godliness, and let me walk, soberly and circumspectly, as becometh a Good Christian, spending and ending that small remnant of days which thou hast allotted me in this World, in thy Fear and Service.
Teach me so to number my days, that I may apply my heart unto true Wisdom. Make me wise unto Salvation, simple to that which is Evil, and prone to that which is Good. Fructifie me unto good works, and grant that I may be Charitable, Peaceable and Conscionable towards all men, now and for evermore.
A Prayer for Saturday Night: For Remission of Sins.
O Almighty God, I humbly beseech thee to bury all my Sins and Transgressions in thy Grave, which I have committed from my Infancy, unto this present, against thy divine Majesty. Be thou, O Lord, my light in darkness, then shall my light shine clear as the day.
O God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy upon me, and bless me; O God, the Son, Redeemer of all the World, preserve and keep me; O holy and blessed Spirit, proceeding from the Father and the Son, deliver me this Night from all Sin and Evil; O holy blessed and glorious Trinity, Three Persons [Page 85] and One God, direct, guide, and sanctifie me.
Be thou my protector and defender amidst all dangers, that when I lay me down to rest, I may fear no Evil: And grant, O Lord, at my last hour thy spiritual illumination; that when my strength faileth, and the light of my Eyes is departed from me, mine Ears wax deaf, and my Mouth dumb, and all my senses have forsaken me; then infuse some sense into me of eternal Life, that I may taste and relish, in this mortal Body, the beginning of thy everlasting Comfort; that at my departure out of this World, I may, by the Eye of Faith, behold the divine Presence.
Open my Eyes more and [Page 86] more, that I may discern the wonderous works of thy Law; and open thou, O Lord, likewise my Lips, that my Mouth and Tongue may shew forth thy Praise, and extol thy great and glorious Name. Prepare my Heart, O Lord, I beseech thee, for thy divine Service, this next day following: It is thy holy-day; O fit me for the sanctifying of the same, that I may not spend it on my Lusts and the pleasures of Sin, but dedicate it wholly to thy Honour and Glory.
Let my chief delight be to cease from the works of Sin, as well as from my worldly Employment, that I may, through thy Blessing, feel in my Heart the beginning of that eternal Sabbath, which is Joy unspeakable [Page 87] and full of Glory. Govern, O Lord, my heart in thy Fear, and guide and steer all the whole course of my Life in thy Favour: Fit and prepare me against the hour of Death, and day of Dissolution, that if thou shouldest this Night make my Bed in the Grave of Silence, I may live and die unto thee, who livest for ever; to whom be ascribed all Power and Glory, Adoration and Subjection, now and for evermore.
An humble Confession of Sins, before the most holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
O Most holy Lord God, who, according to the multitude of thy tender Mercies, dost put away the Sins of all those that truly repent, and remembrest [Page 88] them no more. Open, O Lord, I beseech thee, the Eyes of thy boundless Mercy, and fatherly Compassion upon me, the most unworthy of all thy Servants: from the very bottom of my heart I earnestly implore thy pardon and forgiveness for all my past Sins and Offences; the number of them exceeds the ordinary expectation of thy Mercy, and are so heinous that they can plead no excuse: the sad Account being cast up, is no less than the breach of all thy holy Commandments, both in Thought, Word, and Deed: thy Mercy and Goodness, which should have led me to Repentance, I have abused: I have slighted thy Judgments, and thy Punishments have I not feared; I have utterly neglected the means of my own Salvation, [Page 89] and by my Wickedness have most grievously provoked thy Wrath and Indignation against me? my Life which should have been wholly devoted to thy Service, I have mispent in the desire and sinful Lusts of the Flesh: my ways have been evil, and that continually; the secret cogitations of my heart most wicked, and so detestable hath the whole course of my Life been, that my heart is vexed within me, and my soul trembleth to look up to heaven for Mercy, for fear of thy displeasure. If therefore thou O Lord, shouldst be extream to mark what I have done amiss, and take Vengeance for my Sins, I should be as Chaff before the face of the Wind, and in Justice might be swept away into the place of everlasting Torment.
But, O Lord, from thy ever flowing Fountain there is Mercy, that thou may'st be feared; thou art a God of all Comfort and Consolation, a merciful, loving, and gracious Father, ready and willing to hear all penitent Sinners, that with hearty Repentance, and true Faith come unto thee: I come unto thee therefore, in the name of Jesus Christ the Righteous, thy beloved Son, and my blessed Redeemer; I humbly prostrate my self before the Throne of thy Mercy-seat, provided with no other hope but what proceeds from the greatness of thy Clemency; for his sake only have Mercy upon me.
In all humility of Spirit, and with hearty Contrition, I submit [Page 91] my Soul and Body to thy Goodness, beseeching thee not to let my Sins be as a Cloud to intercept between my Prayers and thy Pity, thy Goodness and my necessities: blot all my Transgressions out of thy remembrance, the Sins of my Youth, or Sins of my Age; Sins of my Body, or Sins of my Soul; the Sins that I know, and the Sins that I know not; Sins of Remissness, Omission, and Commission; all notorious and presumptuous Sins; Sins of Pride, Envy, Hatred, Malice, and all Uncharitableness; [ here mention thy particular Sins] from all which, good Lord deliver me; and grant me a full and a free Pardon, perfect Remission and Absolution for the same.
As one deep calleth upon another, [Page 92] with the prophet David, out of the Depth of my Misery, I cry unto thee for the depth of thy Mercy. O Lord, hear my Petitions, and hold not thy peace at my Tears: consider the Contrition of my Heart, and the Sorrow of my Soul; and by the Merits of his most precious Blood that was so plentifully shed upon the Cross for all Penitent Sinners, and True Believers, wash away the multitude of my Transgressions, that my Soul, by thy Mercy, being cleansed from the guilt of Sin, I may be found a worthy partaker and receiver of this holy and divine Mystery.
And now, O holy Lord, that I am about to receive the blessed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, how shall [Page 93] I, that am so great a Sinner, Dust and Ashes, dare to presume and come into thy Sanctuary, or to approach thy holy Table! Thou in whose sight the very Heavens are not clear, and the Pillars of the Earth shake at thy Presence. What then shall become of me, poor, wretched, and miserable, that I am! but O thou that art the true Balm of Gilead, hast left us a command in thy holy Gospel, Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laiden, and I will give you rest, Matth. 11. 28.
Upon which Command, I come, O Lord, unto thee at this time, in a confident Assurance of thy Promise in Christ Jesus, thou wilt have Mercy upon me, ease and refresh my Soul, that is wearied with the [Page 94] burthen of my Sins; wash me and cleanse me throughly from all my Wickedness, and renew a right Spirit within me. Direct me in this great Mystery with a reverend and awful dread of thy Majesty, that all the faculties of my Soul and Body may rightly apprehend, and joyfully receive this eternal Food, this Bread of Life: And grant me thy heavenly Grace, that I may obtain the virtue, fruit, and benefits of my Saviour's Death and Passion, with a full remission of all my Sins, and everlasting Salvation, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
A Prayer before the Sacrament.
O Most gracious God, I humbly beseech thee, help thy Servant, whom of thy great [Page 95] Mercy thou hast created out of nothing; repair the ruins of my Soul, and enlarge the frame of my Understanding; cleanse it from all filthy Corruptions, and supply it with all heavenly Graces, that it may be both conveniently fit and furnished to receive thee, who art a God of all Purity: O Make an entry into my Heart and take thy residence there for ever; possess that which is thine own, both by Creation, Redemption, and Merits of that bitter Death and Passion, through Jesus Christ.
A Thanksgiving after Receiving of the blessed Sacrament.
O Almighty God, I praise thee for my Creation, Redemption and Preservation; and by [Page 96] whose Grace and Mercy I hope to be glorified; more-especially for feeding me this Day with the precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. I will therefore offer unto thee the Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving, and always praise thy holy Name, beseeching thee to pour upon my Heart the sweet Streams of thy Mercy: Conform my Life, confirm my Faith, and let thy Grace evermore guide me, that I may with a strong assurance of thine infallible Truth, and promised Mercy, vanquish and subdue whatsoever rebelleth against thy blessed will.
Keep holy my Soul and Body, and suffer them not to be defiled through delectation of Sin; but that my full delight and joy may be in thee, and [Page 97] walk before thee in sincerity of Heart and godly Conversation, that I may here on Earth glorifie thy Name, and after this Life, with all thy falthful flock, possess that everlasting Inheritance, which thy Son, Christ Jesus hath purchased with his most precious blood. To whom with thee, and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world without end.
A Morning Prayer for a Private Person.
O Eternal God, and most merciful Father, I thine unworthy Servant do in all humility prostrate my self before thy divine Majesty, acknowledging my own Vileness, natural Corruptions, and abominable Sins, which from time to time have been committed against thee. I am unworthy, O Lord, to appear in thy holy Temple, or approach the remotest limits of the Place where thine Honour dwelleth.
But I beseech thee, for the sake of thy dearly beloved Son, accept of this my morning Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving for thy manifold Mercies extended [Page 99] towards me this Night past, and heretofore till this moment: For my Rest, Food, Raiment, Health, Peace, and Liberty, with the hopes of a better Life when this is ended: Continue thy all supplying mercies unto me this day. Govern me with thy Fear, and compass me about with thy Favour; set all my Sins to that accompt, which thy Son Jesus Christ, my only Saviour hath made up for them upon the Cross, and never lay any of them to my charge, but freely forgive and forget them all.
Prosper, O Lord, all that I shall take in hand this Day; let my directions proceed from thy holy Will, and the success from thy merciful Hand: Give me a Competency for maintenance [Page 100] in this mortal Life, that I may with quietness of mind, and thankfulness of heart, pass my time in this vale of misery, in doing good to all men according to my ability, without disparagement to my self or harm to others.
Grant these things, O Heavenly Father, and whatever else thou seest most necessary for me, and all other thy Servants in the World, for the good of our Souls and Bodies; guide and conduct me in the doing and performing diligently those things that thou hast required of me; and that the end of all my labours may tend to the Praise of thy holy Name, and the benefit of my poor Brethren. Grant this good Lord, I humbly beseech thee, for Jesus Christ his sake.
An Evening Prayer for a Private Person.
O Almighty and everlasting God, I do confess I am unworthy of the least of all thy Mercies; yet being bound in duty, for thy preservation of me this day past, and all the time of my whole Life, I offer up unto thee Praise and Thanksgiving for my Election, Creation, Redemption, Vocation, and Sanctification, with all other Gifts and Graces appertaining to this Life, or that which is to come.
O thou that sittest above the Cherubims, my tongue and lips shall praise and glorifie thee, for preserving me by thy Providence this Day past, from so [Page 102] many Miseries and Casualties, which I might justly have fallen into, hadst thou entred into Judgment with me. But thou art a God full of Mercy and Compassion, and passest by Offences, to win me the more by thy patience and long-suffering: make me truly thankful for thy Mercies, ready and willing to make a good improvement of thy most gracious Forbearance, and careful to obey thy Will with Conscience, Diligence, and Constancy.
Strengthen me from above with thy mighty hand, to walk in every good way without fearfulness, and to bring forth the Fruits of a true and lively Faith in my Life and Conversation, all the days of my sojourning here. Arm me with thy Grace [Page 103] and holy Spirit, against the Corruptions and Vanities of the World, and Wiles and Temptations of the Devil, and the Allurements of the Flesh; and so settle and frame my mind to the continual exercise of devout Prayer, hearing of thy sacred Word, and watching for thy coming, both in publick and private.
Keep me, O Lord, this night from all Evils which may happen, either to my Body, or my Soul: Extend thy Goodness towards all those that have any dependance upon me; give me sweet and comfortable rest, that when I shall awake, all my Thoughts & Meditations may be on thee, and thy Law. Bless me, O Lord, all the nights and days of my Life, and at the end [Page 102] [...] [Page 103] [...] [Page 104] thereof, send me a blessed departure, and afterwards a joyful Resurrection both of Soul and Body, unto Life eternal; grant these things, O heavenly Father for thy Son Jesus Christ's sake, my only Saviour.
A Morning Prayer for a Private Family.
O Almighty and most merciful Father, thou hast promised, That where Two or Three are gathered together in thy Name, thou wilt be in the midst of them, we poor sinful Creatures, dust and ashes, here in all humility do prostrate our Bodies and Souls before thee as living Monuments of thy Mercy. We are unworthy of the least of thy mercies, yet hast thou from time to time [Page 105] made us partakers of many, for which we praise and magnifie thy holy Name, beseeching thee to give us understanding Hearts, to be sensible of our Evils, with direction and assistance from thy holy Spirit to avoid the same.
And as thou hast, O Lord, kept us this Night, in the time of darkness and dangers, so we beseech thee to preserve us this Day, that the Sun of Righteousness may rule in our Hearts, and all the darkness that lurketh in them may be scattered, to the comfort of our own Souls in the day of our Lord Jesus. Endue us with those Gifts and Graces thou seest to be most needful for us, and grant that with sincere Hearts & pure Consciences, we may wholly employ them in thy service to thy honour and glory.
Continue to us, we earnestly beseech thee, thy blessing of Health, Peace, and Maintenance, so far as thou seest them convenient for us; chase away from us all Rancour and Malice, Covetousness, Uncharitableness, and Unkindness, and whatsoever is contrary to thy Law; take from us all Ignorance and Negligence, and prevent all those things that thou knowest may hinder us in our Christian Calling or Employment: Encrease our Faith, Patience and Obedience, and let thy Blessing be upon this whole Family; guide us in thy Truth, protect us in our Ways, and all those whom thou hast made dear unto us, whether they be present or absent.
Give us Grace, by thy Chastisements, [Page 107] to fear thee more carefully, and to grieve for our sins more heartily; let our minds be set upon thee, and give us such hearts as we may learn something of every thing, and make a Spiritual use of all our Earthly Affairs here till we come to dwell with thee in the Kingdom of Glory.
Bless, O Lord, the universal Church, with Truth, Peace and Unity, Soundness of Doctrine, and holy Discipline; Preserve our gracious Sovereign, and all the Royal Family; Bless his Majesty's most honourable Privy Council, and all others in Authority, with necessary Graces.
Bless all Schools of Learning and good Education, especially [Page 108] the two Universities of this Land: Bless this City and Place wherein we live; remove the Punishment due for the Sins thereof, and give them a double portion of thy Grace, to repent in time, before the Destroyer enters again amongst them.
Bless all our Friends, Relations, or others, for whom thou hast appointed us to make Prayers and Supplications; strengthen them that lie upon their Beds of Sickness, send them the comfort and help of thy Spirit, that lie in anguish of Conscience for remorse of Sin, and convert all those that go astray from thy Commandments; teach us by their Examples to view our own Weakness, and to walk more circumspectly for the time to come.
Bless this Family with Grace and Peace, that all of them, from the highest to the lowest, may know their several Duties, and may rightly and duly practise the same in thy fear, and unto thy glory, through Jesus Christ, our only Lord and Saviour.
An Evening Prayer for a Private Family.
OEternal God, the Father of Mercies, and great Creator of Heaven and Earth, we render thee humble and hearty Thanks for thy merciful Preservation of us this Day, and all the whole course of our Lives; that thou hast brought us safe through so many Dangers and Difficulties we might [Page 110] justly have fallen into, had not thy Arm of Providence been stretched out to support us.
Morning and Evening thou takest care of us, and heapest upon us so many Blessings and Benefits, both Spiritual and Temporal; yet we neither fear thee nor serve thee, as we ought to do; but thou art a God slow to anger, and of great pity, and art ready to forgive our manifold Sins, which we from time to time have committed against thee.
Good Lord, we beseech thee keep us evermore from day to day, as thou hast done, and make us constant in the profession of thy holy Name, and the practise of thy Law, that neither the Malice of Man, nor [Page 111] Subtilty of Satan be able to make us turn away from thee, Lord, turn thy Face from our Sins, even from those Sins wherein we have so much delighted; take from us those hearts of Stone, and give us hearts of Flesh, and wash and cleanse our poluted Souls in the Blood of the Lord Jesus.
Forgive us all that is past, and grant us the assurance of that Forgiveness, sealed up by the holy Spirit in our Consciences; Oh kindle thy love more and more in our hearts, that we may never depart from thee, but attain unto a due thankfulness for thy benefits, and a most unfeigned and earnest Repentance for all our Sins and Tranfgressions.
Suffer us not to close our Eyes till our Souls have reckoned and made even for all the Offences which not only this day, but all the former minutes of our lives, we have committed against thy divine Majesty: Give thine Angels charge over us, that at what hour soever thou callest us out of this Vale of Tears, where we do but travail and toil all the day long, we may not be found to be idle Loiterers in thy Harvest, but good and acceptable Servants, having Oil in our Lamps, and on us the Robe of Righteousness, and Wedding-Garment of Regeneration, that we may be able to encounter Death, the King of Terrors, to meet our blessed Lord in the Clouds, when he cometh to Judgment, [Page 113] and to follow the Lamb wheresoever he goeth.
Expel and remove far away from us all wicked Spirits, and graciously protect us from our Persecutors, which lay Snares to subdue us; do thou, O God, assist us, that we may peaceably sleep and rest in thee: hide us in thy Tabernacle, from the strife of all Men, and keep us that we may fear no Evil. O thou that neither slumberest nor sleepest, let thy Rod and Staff evermore comfort and defend us.
Let thy mighty Hand and stretched out Arm, O Lord, be still our Defence; thy Mercy and Loving-kindness in thy beloved Son, our Salvation; thy true and holy Word our Instruction, [Page 114] thy Grace and holy Spirit our Comfort and Consolation: Let thy Mercy, O God, prevent and follow us all the days of our Lives, that we may dwell in thy House of Defence, in length of days, praising thee evermore.
Let thy Blessing be upon all of us within this Houshold, guide us in our Ways, and lead us into thy Truth: Bless our Parents, Kindred and Friends, wheresoever dispersed, and howsoever linked unto us: Be a merciful Judge unto us, and continually protect us from the snares of Satan the Old Serpent; and finally conduct us into the society of Angels, and of all Saints, in thy holy Paradise; to whom be ascribed, as is most due to thee the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one true, gracious [Page 115] and everlasting God, all Honour, Power, and Glory, Might, Majesty, and Dominion, now and for evermore.
Meditations for the Sick.
O Lord rebuke me not in thine Indignation; neither chasten me in thy heavy Displeasure.
Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am weak. O Lord heal me for my Bones are vexed.
My Soul is also sore troubled; But, Lord, how long wilt thou punish me?
Turn thee, O Lord, and deliver my Soul; O save me for thy mercies sake.
For in death no Man remembreth thee, and who will give thee thanks in the Pit?
I am weary of my groaning, every night wash I my Bed, and water my Couch with my Tears.
My Beauty is gone for very trouble; and worn away because of all mine Enemies.
Away from me all ye that work Vanity, for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping.
The Lord hath heard my Petition; the Lord will receive my Prayer.
Hearken unto my voice, O Lord, when I cry unto thee; have mercy upon me, and hear me.
O hide not thou thy face from me, nor cast thy Servant away in Displeasure.
Thou hast been my succour, leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my Salvation.
What profit is there in my blood when I go down to the Pit?
Shall the dust give thanks unto thee? or shall it declare thy truth?
Hear, O Lord, and have mercy upon me: Lord, be thou my helper.
Shew thy Servant the light of thy Countenance; and save me for thy mercies sake.
A Prayer in time of Sickness.
O Almighty and ever-living God, in whose hands consists the life of all Mankind, and who correctest every Son, whom thou receivest; mercifully, I humble beseech thee to hear my voice, and despise not the Prayer I make now unto thee, in the time of trouble: In the vexation of my Spirit, and in the very anguish of my Soul, I cry unto thee for mercy.
O thou that hast created, and made me of nothing, and hast redeemed me from the slavery of Sin, Death and Hell, by the most precious Blood of thy dear Son Jesus Christ, which was spilt upon the Cross for my Sins, Have mercy upon me: Bow [Page 118] down thine all-hearing Ear unto my complaint, and cast me not away in thy fierce anger.
My Sins cry aloud to Heaven for Vengeance, and I have deserved thy wrath and heavy displeasure against me: Thou hast cast me down upon the Bed of Sickness, and I begin to fall as leaves beaten with a vehement wind; yet thy Chastisments are less than my deservings; but of thy mercy and goodness, O Lord, correct me not to death, but to amendment of Life, for thine own sake, for thy holy Name's sake, for thy Son Christ Jesus s [...]ke, be merciful unto my Sins, for they are great.
Spare thy Servant, good Lord, which confesseth his Sins unto thee, pour the Oil of thy sanctifying [Page 119] Grace into my Heart, and work thereby in me a true and immediate Repentance and restore me again to thy favour, according to thy gracious Promise to humble Penitents; let thy merciful Providence so guide and govern me in this affliction thou hast been pleased to lay upon me, that I may never fall into utter darkness, ignorance of thee, or inconsideration of my self.
Let the faintness of my Spirit, and the Condemnation of my self be overcome by thy irresistable Light; thou that art the God of all consolation, grant that I may be mindful of the great account I have to make at the day of Judgment, and that I may bear in mind the reward which is due to [Page 120] the faithful, the end of misery, and the beginning of all happiness; but to the secure and careless, the beginning of eternal punishment.
Strengthen my Faith, accept my penitential Tears, speak peace to my Soul and Conscience; and say, Thou art my Salvation, then let thy holy Spirit descend into my Heart, with this express, My Grace is sufficient for thee; then shall my Heart leap for joy, and my Soul shall be exceeding glad, desiring to be dissolved, and be at peace, that after this frail mortal Life is ended, I may enjoy the eternal fruition of they heavenly Presence.
Suffer me not, O Lord, in this my trial, to be possess'd [Page 121] with a fear of Condemnation, or to despond of thy Promises; but in sure considence of heart apply to my self the remission of all my Sins, that at the last hour, by Faith in Jesus Christ, I may enjoy a tast of eternal Salvation: Let not Death (if thou art pleased to send it) be terrible or bitter unto me; but when it cometh, I may rejoicingly receive the fame; and having escaped the storm of Temptation, and the dangers of Satan, I may triumph like a Conqueror, and behold the Power and Presence of thy holy Spirit.
Let my last words be the same which thy Son did utter upon the Cross, saying, Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit; and when my Speech is departed from me, hear the [Page 122] groanings, and sighs of my Heart, and the desire of my Soul, that at the last thy Servant may depart in Peace, and reach those heavenly Mansions prepared for him: My Soul, O Lord, heartily desireth to attain to that supernatural City whereof such glorious things are spoken.
Breathe inward Comforts to my Heart; tho' my Body be going the way of all Flesh, yet let my Soul go the way of all Saints. Lord, hear me and help me, stand by me and save me, and if thou hast determined to lay my Body into the Grave, receive my Soul into thy Kingdom, to rest in joy and peace for evermore, through Jesus Christ.
A Prayer to be said by those that visit the Sick.
O Most gracious God, who hast Compassion upon all Men, and hatest nothing that thou hast made, mercifully we beseech thee to have Compassion on this thy Servant, who by thy Visitation hath been sorely afflicted, and by the same even brought to the end of his Days, and period of his Life; be pleased therefore, good Lord, to have Mercy upon him, accept of him as the work of thine own Hands, a Lamb of thy Fold, thy Servant redeemed by Jesus Christ, who is willing, by thy appointment, to leave this miserable World, in full assurance of thy Mercy in Jesus Christ, for the remission of his Sins.
Guide him, good Lord, in this his last Journey, that he being quit of all the troubles of this transitory Life, he may be safely conducted by thy power to the Heaven of Eternal Happiness into the Arms of boundless Mercy, to everlasting Peace and perpetual Joys, there to reign with all the Company of blessed Saints and Angels with thee in continual Bliss for evermore.
And, gracious God, we beseech thee, by thy abundant Goodness, by the multitude of thy tender Mercies, and Compassions, by the Merits of thy bitter Death and bloody Passion, by thy glorious Resurrection and Ascension, and by the Coming of thy holy & blessed Spirit, have mercy upon him, deliver [Page 125] him from the burthen and guilt of his Sins, from the fears and terrors of Death, and from the fury and power of Hell.
Lift thou up the light of thy Countenance upon him, that in all the pains of his Body, in all the agonies of his Spirit, let thy Comforts refresh his Soul, and enable him patiently to wait till his Change shall come: And grant, O Lord, that when this earthly House and Tabernacle of his Body shall be dissolv'd, he may have a Building of God, an House not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens; and that for his sake, who by his most precious Blood hath purchased Salvation for all those who truly believe in him, even Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour.
Meditations after Recovery.
Psal. 116.
1. I Am well pleased, that the Lord hath heard the voice of my Prayer.
2. That he hath enclined his Ear unto me: therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.
3. The Snares of Death compassed me round about; and the Pains of Hell got hold upon me.
4. I shall find trouble and heaviness, and I shall call upon the Name of the Lord: O Lord, I beseech thee deliver my Soul.
5. Gracious is the Lord & Righteous; yea, our God is merciful.
6. The Lord preserveth the Simple: I was in misery, and he helped me.
7. Turn again then unto thy rest, O my Soul, for the Lord hath rewarded thee.
[Page 127]8. And why? thou hast delivered my Soul from Death, mine Eyes from Tears, and my Feet from falling.
9. I will walk before the Lord in the Land of the Living.
10. I believed, and therefore will I speak, but I was sore troubled: I said in my hast, all Men are Lyars.
11. What reward shall I give unto the Lord, for all the Benefits that he hath done unto me?
12. I will receive the Cup of Salvation, and call upon the Name of the Lord.
13. I will pay my Vows now in the presence of all his People: right dear in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints.
14. Behold (O Lord) how that I am thy Servant. I am thy Servant, and the Son of thine Handmaid; thou hast broken my Bonds in sunder.
15. I will offer to thee the Sacrifice of Thanksgiving; and will [Page 128] call upon the Name of the Lord.
16. I will pay my Vows unto the Lord in the sight of all his People; in the Courts of the Lord's House, even in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise the Lord.
A Thanksgiving after Recovery.
O Holy and immortal God, I Laud and Praise thy holy Name that thou hast been pleased to deliver me from the Jaws of Death, and the Pit of Corruption; and in some measure restored me again to my former Health, crowning me with thy mercy and loving kindness, my Soul, and all that is within me, shall magnifie thee; I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole Heart, and will extol [Page 129] thee, O thou that dwellest in the Heavens.
It is thou alone that hast preserved my life from destruction; thou didst cast me down upon my Bed of Sickness, and hast raised me up again by thy Almighty Power; thou hast chastened and corrected me, but not given me over unto Death. My time is in thy hand, O God, thou art the God of the Spirits of all Flesh; grant that this remnant of Life, that thou hast thus graciously spared, may be wholly dedicated to thy Service, that I may walk before thee in newness and amendment of Life.
O thou that art the only Physician of Soul and Body, thou hast once more permitted me to take [Page 130] up my Bed and walk; O make me strictly careful, as the watches of the Night, to be vigilant over all my Thoughts, Words, and Actions, that I may sin no more, lest a worse thing happen unto me. Let not this great mercy thou hast now given me, make me supine and negligent, and entertain those Thoughts that my Lord delayeth his coming; but grant, I beseech thee, that I may make a right use of this thy Fatherly Chastisement, and employ the remainder of my Life to thy Glory.
I have found by experience of thine afflicting hand, what a dreadful thing it is to be snatched away by the hands of Death, without our accompts, and unprepared; O let it be a perpetual admonition to me, to stand [Page 131] upon my Guard, and to watch for my Master's coming; and whenever the Pleasures of Sin, which endure but for a Season, shall present themselves to entice and allure me, make me to remember the bitterness of them at last. Lord, hear me, and grant me grace to work out my own Salvation, for thy dear Son's sake.
A Prayer fit to be said at any time.
O Most glorious and powerful Lord God, who createdst all things out of nothing, and support'st the whole Universe by thy Providence; I confess, O Lord, I was conceived in Original Sin, now full of actual transgressions; I was in the Womb a loathsome Substance; I am in the World a [Page 132] Lump of Corruption; and I shall be in the Grave a prey for Vermin.
But, I know (blessed Jesus) thy Grace is sufficient for me; thy Mercy can express it self in my Misery. I know and confess (O Lord) that my Sins are exceeding many, mighty, and heinous, yet thy Mercy is far greater; for thou art infinite in mercy, but I cannot be infinite in sinning; and the Righteousness of Christ Jesus the Righteous is more prevalent for me than my own Unrighteousness can be against my self.
The Fountain of thy Mercy (O God) hath quenched the fire of thy Justice, and graceless Man falling from Goodness, is by thee repossessed of Greatness. [Page 133] Wherefore I humbly beseech thee, O Lord, give me the Grace of continual Thankfulness, strengthen my Weakness, correct my Sinfulness, direct my future Frailty, and protect me against the Adversary, kindle my Zeal, enlighten my Understanding, soften my stony Heart, and save for ever my immortal Soul.
And though my whole Life, O Lord, hath been impure and undefiled in thy sight, yet through thy precious Blood and Passion, by thine all-sufficient Sacrifice, Obligation, and Satisfaction, revert my deserved Punishment, and convert my passed Evils, to present good and future joys, in thine eternal and most glorious Kingdom.
Pardon, good Lord, my loss of Time, my abuse of thy good Creatures, my negligence in my lawful Employment, my unthankfulness for thy Lovingkindness; and whatsoever is wanting in my Person, Practice, Prayer, or Thanksgiving, make a supply of it in the Merits of thy Son Christ Jesus; to whom with thee, and thy blessed Spirit, be all Praise and Glory, now and evermore.