The SECOND PART of The Loyal Subject's LITANY.
FRom measuring Devotion with Beads or with Sand,
In a Language or Phrase that we don't understand;
From a Preacher with Reliques or Spoons in his hand,
Libera nos Domine.
From stripping Religion to avoid the Excesses
Of a cumbersom Ruff, and a Collar of S S;
From His Holiness, and Their Holinesses,
Libera nos Domine.
From Plot upon Plot, which no Herald admits,
Nor any Man else that is well in his Wits;
From Conscience that comes like an Ague, by Fits,
Libera nos Domine.
From the Pope in One Stick, or the Pope in a Faggot;
From the Catholick Worm, and Schismatical Maggot;
From such as swear round to keep what they ha' got,
Libera nos Domine.
From Penance reformed to a Stool of Repentance;
From a new Inquisition to aid the
And the Savager Courts where the Godly give Sentence,
Libera nos Domine.
From setting Christ's Vicar to teaze his Vicegerent;
From the Saints in whom the same Sin is inherent,
The best Friends he has, though they seldom appear in't,
Libera nos Domine.
St. Omers Consult, and a
Leyden Cabal,
inveterate Foes both to
Pauls and
From a Plot
pro and
con, like a Tennis-ball,
Libera nos Domine.
From the
Roman Disease, and
Geneva Physician;
From admitting Prophaneness to purge Superstition;
Raviliack's or
Bradshaw's Commission,
Libera nos Domine.
From taking the Covenant, or baulking the Test;
From both the Renouncers when th' are but in jest;
From the Pope's hatching Eggs in a Presbyter's Nest,
Libera nos Domine.
From the Godly Disguises of Cropping and Shaving,
The different Ear-marks of Fooling and Knaving,
Though both can do both for the sake of Soul-saving,
Libera nos Domine.
From a Jesuit transformed to a Sanctified Elder,
And cursing
Romes Church to her dear
From hugging her Brats, and yet hope w' ave expell'd her,
Libera nos Domine.
From the
Mass and the
Directory bound in one Volumn;
From the
Trent Conventicle, and the
Dort What d'e call 'um;
From the Votaries of Saints, & those that
Peter 'um &
Paul' um,
Libera nos Domine.
From transforming a Cowl to an
a-la-mode Jump;
From the Jusuit's Bucket in the Minister's Pump;
From a Representative Monster, that's all over
Libera nos Domine.
LONDON, Printed for B. Tooke. 1680.