[...]N Requiring all Heretors and Free-holders, under an hundred pounds Scots of Valued yearly Rent, to come presently out and attend the Kings Host.
FOrasmuch as His Majesty, with Advice of His Privy Council, Having by His Royal Proclamation of the eleventh instant, Required and Commanded all Heretors and Free-holders within this Realm, above One hundred pounds Scots of valued yearly Rent, to be in a readiness, sufficiently Armed and provided, to come out and attend His Host on Horse-back, with their Followers and servants, and [...] ty four hours advertisement, to obey such Orders as they should Receive from the Counil, or one of His Majesties General Officers, under the pains and Certifications mentioned in the foresaid Proclamation: And whereas Heretors and Free-holders, under the said sum of One hundred pounds Scots of valued yearly Rent, may suppose themselves exempted from attending His Majesties Host, by which their number would be greatly lessened, and His Majesties Service Retarded, not withstanding of His Majesties Proclamation, of the 28 day of April last past, Requiring all his Subjects to be in a readiness to attend His Host. Therefore, and that the saids petty Heretors and Free-holders may not pretend ignorance, His Majesties high Commissioner, and the Lords of Privy Council, Do hereby Require and Command all Heretors and Free-holders, under an hundred pounds Scots of valued yearly Rent, as well as above, to come presently out, and March with the Heretors in the several Shires on Horse-back, or with the Militia on Foot, if they cannot be provided with Horses, sufficiently Armed, and with twenty dayes Provision, and herein they are not to fail, as they will answer, under the pain of being holden, and repute as absents from His Majesties Host, and being proceeded against, and punished accordingly, conform to the saids two Proclamations, And that all persons concerned may have notice hereof, Do Ordain these presents to be published by the Macers of Council, at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and at the Mercat Corosses and places needful, by Messengers at Arms, requiring all Sheriffs, and other Magistrats to cause publish the same accordingly.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno Dom. 1685.