[monogram of 'W' (William) superimposed on 'M' (Mary)]



A PROCLAMATION, For Rouping the Rests of the Hearth-money.

WILLIAM and MARY by the Grace of GOD, King and Queen of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith;
[...] To Macers of Our Privy Council, or Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting:

Forasmuch as the Estates of Parliament of this Our antient Kingdom, by their Act of the date the Tenth Day of September One Thousand six hundred and ninety Years, made an humble Tender and Offer to Us, of fourteen shilling Scots for every Hearth within this Kingdom, payable at the Term of Candlemass, One Thousand six hundred ninety one Years, by the Inhabitants Dwelling in the Houses where the saids Hearths are, without exception or exemption of any, except the Hearths of Hospitals, and of poor people, who were upon the Charity of the Parish; and where any Houses were not Inhabited, that the said Hearth-Money should be payed by the Heretor, Liferenter, or proper Wodsetter, to whom the same for the time did belong: And albeit We by Our Commission under Our Royal Hand, Named a Collector, with power to him to constitute and appoint Sub-Collectors, for the In-bringing, Uplifting and Receiving of the foresaid Hearth-money; and with Advice of Our Privy Council, Did Emit and Publish divers Proclamations, Acts and Orders, for the better helping and assisting Our said Collector and his Deputs, in the Execution of their saids Commissions; Nevertheless a great part of the Money that would have a­risen from the Hearths of this Kingdom, is yet deficient, and not uplifted or Collected from the persons lyable in payment thereof, to the great prejudice of Our Service, and frustrating the intent of the foresaid Act of Parliament. And We Con­sidering that what rests unpayed of the foresaid Hearth-money, freely offered to Us by the foresaid Act of Parliament, may be most effectually uplifted, and profitably brought in, for the interest of Our Service, and satisfaction of the inten­tion of Our Estates of Parliament in their foresaid offer, by way of publick Roup, in favours of the Persons who shall offer most for the same: THEREFORE WE, with Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, Do hereby make publick Intimation to all Our Leidges, that what is resting unpayed of the Hearth-money, offered to Us by the foresaid Act of Parliament, is to be publickly Rouped by the Lords of Our Thesaury and Exchequer, at Edinburgh in the Exche­quer-House, upon the Twenty fifth Day of July instant, betwixt Four and Six Hours in the Afternoon, and that who sh [...]ll bid most for the same, shall be preferred, and have Commission or Right granted to them for uplifting and Collecting there­of. As also, That the Articles and Conditions of the said Roup, are lying in the Hands of the Clerks of Our Thesaury and Ex­chequer, to be seen by all concerned before the said Roup, and thereafter to be published both for the Security of Our Leidges against exactions, and better Direction of the said Fermorer, in uplifting and Collecting of the same. OUR WILL IS HEREFORE, and We Charge you strictly and Command, that incontinent, these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and to the Mercat-Crosses of the Head-Burghs of the several Shires of this Kingdom, and there in our Name and Authority, by open Proclamation, make publick Intimation of the Premisses, that none pre­tend Ignorance.

Per actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii. GILB. ELIOT, Cls. Sti. Concilii.

GOD Save King William and Queen Mary.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs of Andrew Anderson, Printer to Their most Excellent Majesties, Anno Dom. 1694.

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