PROCLAMATION For Publishing the
Peace betwixt His Majesty and the
French King.
Whereas, a Peace hath been Treated and Concluded at Our Royal Palace of Reswick, the Tenth day of September last, between Us and the French King, and the Ratifications thereof since Exchanged, in conformity thereunto; We have thought sit hereby, to Command that the same be Published throughout all Our Dominions: And We do hereby Declare, that all Ships, Merchandizes, and other moveable Goods whatsoever, which have been, or shall be taken from the Subjects of the French King, after the Twenty second of September last, in the Brittish and North Seas; after the Twenty second of October Instant, from the said Brittish and North Seas, as far as the Cape-St. Vincent; after the Nynteenth of November next, beyond the said Cape-St. Vincent on this side of the Equinoctial Line, as well in the Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, as else where; And lastly, after the Tenth of March next to come, beyond the said Line throughout the whole World, without any Exception or distinction of Time or Place, and without any Form of Process shall immediately, and without Damnage be Restored to the Owners, according to the said Treaty. OUR WILL IS HEREFORE, and We Charge you strictly, and Commands, that Incontinent these Presents seen, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and other places needful, and in Our Name and Authority make Publication hereof, that all may have Intimation, and none may pretend Ignorance.
GOD Save the King.
EDINBƲRGH, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, Anno DOM. 1697.