A PROCLAMATION For providing Magazines of Corns, Hay and Straw, to Their Majesties Troops.
We taking into Our Royal Consideration, the great and many Inconveniencies, which Our Troops, as well as the Countrey, do, or may sustain, in case Provisions and Stores of Corn, Hay and Straw, he not timously and orderly made, at the respective Burghs and Places, where Our Forces shall be Quartered. Therefore We, with the Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, Require and Command, the Commissioners of Supply, or the plurality of such of them as shall conveen, conform to the 6th Act, 3d Sess. of Our first Parl. within the several Shires, where any of the Troops of Our Forces, Horse, or Dragoons shall happen to be Quartered, to meet each first and third Tuesdays of every Moneth, during the continuance of the Forces in the saids Shires, and to appoint reasonable prices of Corns, Hay, and Straw, at which the same shall be sold and furnished; And We with Advice foresaid, Require and Command the saids Commissioners, to Ordain the Collectors of Supply, within the several Shires of this Kingdom, upon a competent allowance for their pains, to provide, buy up, and furnish, where they can best have it for ready Money, (to be payed by them out of the Cess of the saids shires, received by the said Collector) sufficient Magazins of Corn, Hay, and Straw, for the space of fourteen dayes, at the several Burghs of the saids Shires, for the number of Horses quartered, or to be quartered upon them, and in the present Service of the saids Officers, Troopers, or Dragoons themselves; with Certification, that if any Horse not presently in their Service, shall be intertained upon the said Magazin, the Horse shall be Confiscat, and the Officer, Trooper, or Dragoon, in whose Name he is intertained, shal be Cashired, and turned out of the said Troop, and so from time to time, during the continuance of their Quarters at that place: And We Declare, That what Provisions have been, or shall be furnished by the saids Collectors, forth of the forsaids Magazines, to the Officers or others of Our Forces, and shall be unpayed by them, the same shall be allowed to the saids Collectors, and retained by them, out of the first end of the Cess, due and payable by the saids Shires, conform to the Receipts thereof granted to them by any Trooper or Dragoon, or any of their Officers, condescending upon the Names of the saids Officers, Troopers, or Dragoons, and upon the Troop and Regiment, to which they do belong; And the saids Officers are hereby Required from time to time, to call such of their saids Troopers as cannot Write, before themselves, and in their Names grant Receipts to the Collector for what hath been or shall be delivered by him to them, out of the saids Magazines, under the Certification above-written. And We, with Advice foresaid, Do hereby peremptorly Command and Require, the General Receivers of the Cess and Supply, to allow to the Collectors foresaids, what shall be instructed to be given out by them in the terms above-written, in the first end of the Cess and Supply of the Shire, where the saids Provisions have been, or shall be made, and to receive the saids Receipts from the Collectors in the several Shires, as sufficient exoneration to them of the Cess of the Shire pro tanto, and only Order Quartering for what shall be resting by the saids Shires, after the saids Magazines and Provisions are allowed, under the pain of being deprived of their Offices as General Receivers in all time coming, and the Premisses to be observed as the Rule of providing, and furnishing such of Our Forces, as are upon the Scots Establishment; and as to these of Our Forces which are upon the English Pay, We with Advice foresaid, Ordain the Collectors foresaids of the respective Shires, to furnish them forth of the saids Magazines, upon their making payment by ready Money for what they shall receive at the reasonable prices foresaids, to be set down or appointed by Our saids Commissioners of Supply in the several Shires, as said is, and no otherwise. And to the effect Our Pleasure in the Premisses may be known, Our Will is herefore, and We Charge you straitly and Command, that incontinent, these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and to the Mercat-Crosses of the whole remanent Head-Burghs of the several Shires within this Kingdom, and there, in Our Name and Authority, by open Proclamation, make Publication of the Premisses, that none may pretend ignorance, as ye will answer to Us thereupon; The which to do, We commit to you, conjunctly and severally, Our full Power, by these Presents delivering them by you, duly Execute, and Indorsed again to the bearer.
GOD save King William and Queen Mary.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to Their most Excellent Majesties, Anno Dom. 1690.