A PROCLAMATION For Choosing the Additional Representatives of Barons to the Parliament.

WILLIAM and MARY by the Grace of GOD; King and Queen of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith, to Our Lovits, [...] Macers of Our Privy Council, Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting: Forasmuch as by an Act of the Second Session of Our Current Parliament, of the Date the Fourteenth day of June, One thousand six hundred and ninety years, We with the Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament, have Statute and Ordained, that in all Parliaments, Meetings and Conventions of Estates, from thence­forth, and thereafter, the Barons and Free-holders of the Shires after-mentioned, shall add to their former Representation, the number of Commissioners after-exprest, viz. The Shire of Edinburgh two, the Shire of Hadingtoun two, the Shire of Berwick two, the Shire of Roxburgh two, the Shire of Lanerk two, the Shire of Dumfreis two, the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright one, the Shire of Air two, the Shire of Stirling one, the Shire of Perth two, the Shire of Aberdene two, the Shire of Argile one, the Shire of Fife two, the Shire of Forfar two, and the Shire of Renfrew one: Declaring, that the said Act should take effect in the next Session of our Current Parlia­ment: And We considering, that by the said Act, there is no day or days prefix'd by Us and Our Estates of Parliament, for Conveening the Barons and Free-holders within the respective Shires above-mentioned; Do therefore with Advice and Consent of the Lords of Our Privy Council hereby Ordain all the Barons, Free-holders, and others, who by Law have a Vote in the E­lection of Commissioners, to Meet and Conveen at the Head Burghs of the respective Shires and Stewartrie above-mentioned, upon the particular days after exprest, viz. These of the Shires of Edinburgh, Berwick, Lanerk, and Fife, upon the Twelfth of August instant, and these of the Shires of Hadingtoun, Roxburgh and Perth, upon the Fourteenth day of the said Current Moneth; These of the Shires of Dumfreis, Stirling, Renfrew, and Forfar, upon the Fifteenth day of the said Moneth; These of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, the Shires of Air and Argile upon the Ninteenth day of the said Mo­neth, and these of the Shire of Aberdene upon the Twenty seventh day of the said Moneth of August in­stant. And that the saids Barons, Free-holders, and others foresaids, may have the more timely notice hereof, We, with Advice and Consent foresaid, appoint the Sheriff-Clerks of the several Shires above-mentioned, and the Stewart-Clerk of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, immediatly upon receipt hereof, to cause make Publication and Intimation of the Pre­misses, not only at the Mercat-Crosses of the Head Burghs of the several Sheriffdoms, and Stewartrie above-exprest; But likewise at the several Paroch-Church-Doors within the respective Jurisdictions foresaid, upon a Sabbath day in the Fore­noon, after Divine Service, preceeding the time of the saids respective Elections. And whereas by an Act of the Second Ses­sion of Our Current Parliament, all the Electors of Commissioners, before they proceed to choose their Representatives, are appointed to Swear and Sign the Oath of Allegiance to Us, under the Certification and Penalty contained in the said Act of Parliament: And that by another Act of the Second Session of the same Parliament, all Persons who are in Law obliged to Swear and take the Oath of Allegiance, are appointrd to Subscribe the Certificat, and Assurance subjoyned hereto. Therefore We, With Advice foresaid, Command and Require all the Barons and Free-holders of the respective Shires and Stewartries a­bove-mentioned, to Swear and Sign the Oath of Allegiance to Us, and also Subscribe the Certificat and Assurance above-men­tioned, before they proceed to their Election, under the pains and Penalties contained in the saids Acts of Parliament. And We Ordain these presents to be Printed and Published at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and whole remanent Crosses of the Head Burghs of the several Sheriffdoms and Stewartrie above-written, and to be intimat at the several Paroch Church-doors within the respective Jurisdictions, in manner foresaid, that none may pretend ignorance.

Per Actum Dominorum Sti. Concilii.
GILB. ELIOT Cls. Sti. Concilii.

Follows the Certificat and Assurance.

I [...] Do in the Sincerity of my Heart, Assert, Acknowledge and Declare, That Their Majesties, King William and Queen Mary, are the only Lawful Undoubted Soveraigns, King and Queen of Scotland, als well de Jure as de facto, and in the Exercise of the Government; And therefore I do Sincerely and Faithfully Pro­mise and Engage, That I will with Heart and Hand, Life and Goods, Maintain and Defend Their Majesties Title and Government, against the late King James, his Ad [...]e­rents, and all other Enemies, who either by open, or secret Attempts, shall Disturb, or Disquiet Their Majesties in the Exercise thereof.

God Save King VVilliam and Queen Mary.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to Their most Excellent Majesties, Anno Dom. 1690.

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