
A PROCLAMATION, For Bringing in the Accompts due by Their Majesties Forces.

WILLIAM and MARRY, by the Grace of GOD, King and Queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith; To Our Lovits, [...] Macers of Our Privy Council, Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly, and severally, specially con­stitute, Greeting: Forasmuch, as by an Act and Proclamation of Our Privy Council, of the date, the tenth day of January, 1690 pears, The Lords of Our Privy Council, by Our special warrand and Authority, Did Require and Command the Commissioners of Assessment, or excise, or either of them, where any of Our Forces have been Quartered, to make Intimation by beating of Drums, and publick Proclamation at the several Mercat-Crosses, that the Land-Lords and other might bring in their Accompts, due by Our Forces to them, betwixt and the twentieth day of Fe­bruary last by past; And We Considering, That by an Act of the Second Session of Our Current Parliament, there is a Fond secured for payment of what is due by Our Forces to the Countrey; And We out of Our Royal Care, being earnestly desirous that these who have so seasonably and willingly furnished any of Our Forces, with Meat, Drink, Forrage, and other necessary Provisions, or have advanced, or payed to them any sums of Money for their Subsistence, should be thankfully re-imbursed, and satisfied for the famine; And in respect that the former Proclamation took not its full effect, and that since the day therein prefixed, there may be Debts contracted by Our Forces, yet resting unpayed; Therefore We, with advice of Our Privy Council, Do hereby Allow and Ordain, the saids Land-lords to repair to the saids Commissioners of Assessment and Excise, or any two of them, and before them state and verifie by Writ, or Witnesses, how many Soldiers were quartered on them, and how long, and by Writ, or the Oath of the Land-lord, what they advanced to them, not exceeding two thirds of their Pay, and that they have received no part thereof, and report the saids Accompts due to them by the Forces, as well upon the Scots as English Establish­ment, with the verifications and probations thereof, to the Clerks of Our Privy Council, betwixt and the first day of November next to come, with Certification to the saids Land-lords and others, to whom Our saids Forces are adebted, that if the saids Accompts be not report­ed betwixt and the said day, that thereafter they shall be understood as satisfied: And to the end that all persons concerned may have timous notice of Our Pleasure in the Premisses; Our Will is herefore, and We Charge you straitly and Command, that ye passe to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh and the remanent Mercat-Crosses of the Head-burghs of the several Shires and Stewartries within this Kingdom, and in Our Name and Authority, make Publication hereof, that none may pretend ignorance. And We Ordain these Presents to be Printed, and Published in manner foresaid.

Per actum Dominorum Sti. Concilii.
GILB. ELIOT, Cls. Sti. Concilii.

GOD save King WILLIAM and Queen MARY.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to Their most Excellent Majesties, Anne Dom. 1690.

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