A PROCLAMATION For a Solemn National Fast and Humiliation.
Forasmuch, as the Continuance of a dangerous and necessar [...] War, wherein We and Our People are engaged, and which inevitably exposes Our Royal Person to great and continual Danger, and that in the Success and Prosperity of Our Arms by Sea and Land, the Welfare of our Kingdoms, and of the Churches of God both at Home and Abroad, are highly concerned, do Call for earnest and fervent Prayer to God, for Success to Our Arms, Protection to Our Royal Person, and for his Gracious assisting Us and Our Allies, with a Spirit of Wisdom, Counsel and Courage, in all our Consults, Designs and Undertakings against the common Enemy, and that deep Humiliation and Fasting before the Lord, should be Joyned, with Our fervent Supplications for the Causes foresaids; And that a Day should be solemnly Set apart, to be keeped through all the Churches of this Kingdom for that Effect. And for Appointment of which solemn Fast and Day of Humiliation; the Ministers and Elders now Met at Edinburgh, Commissioners Appointed by the late General Assembly, of the National Church of this our Ancient Kingdom, have also Addressed the Lords of our Privy Council, and that for the same Causes and Ends foresaids, and others contained in their said Address, which we have Allowed to be Printed. Therefore We with Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, Command and Appoint a Day of Solemn Humiliation and Prayer, to be Observed for the Causes foresaids, throughout the whole Kingdom, upon the Days following, viz In all the Churches upon this side of Tay, upon Tuesday the sixtenth Day of June currant: and in all the rest of the Paroch Churches within this Kingdom, upon Tuesday the thirtieth Day of the said Month: Upon which Days of Solemn Humiliation and Prayer, respective foresaids, as We and Our People are to be deeply Humbled, for Our great and manifold Provocations, and to Deprecat the Wrath of God for Our Ingratitude for former Deliverances; so We are Importunatly to Implore the Divine Majesty, for the continuance of his Protection, and good Hand upon us; and that he would turn away his Anger and threatned Judgements from Us and Our People, so justly deserved for Our great Unthankfulness and manifold Provocations. Which Days respective foresaids, We with Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, Require and Command, to be Religiously and Seriously observed by all Ranks and Degrees of People; and that the samen be wholly spent and imployed upon Preaching, and hearing the Word, and the other Acts of Devotion foresaid; Certifying such of the Leiges who shall not give due Obedience hereunto, or who shall contemn or neglect the Keeping and Observing of the saids Days and Duties that they shall be Proceeded against by Fyning, not exceeding an hundred Pounds Scots. And We with Advice foresaid, Require and Command the Sheriffs of the several Shires, Stewarts of Stewartries, Lords and Baillies of Regalities, and their Deputs, Justices of Peace, and Magistrats of Burghs within their several Jurisdictions, to Proceed against the persons Guilty, and to Exact the Fynes accordingly, to be Applyed the one half to the Judge, and the other half to the Poor of the Paroch: and Certifying such Minister [...] as shall fail of their Duty, in not observing the Premisses, and in not Reading, and duely Intimating of thir Presents in manner after-mentioned, they shall be Processed before the Lords of Our Privy Council. And We with Advice foresaid, Require the several Magistrats above-mentioned, betwixt and the twenty second Day of July next to come, to make Report to the Lords of Our Privy Council, of these Ministers within their respective Jurisdictions, who shall fail in their Duty and Obedience to the Premisses. Our Will is herefore, and We Charge you strictly, and Command, That incontinent these Our-Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and to the remanent Mercat-Crosses of the Head Burghs of the several Shires and Stewartries within this Kingdom, and in Our Name and Authority, make Publication hereof, that none pretend ignorance. And We ordain Our Sollicitor to dispatch Copies hereof, to the Sheriffs of the several Shires, and Stewarts of Stewartries, and their Deputs or Clerks to be by them Published at the Mercat-Crosses of the Head-Burghs upon Receipt thereof, and immediatly sent to the several Ministers, [...]o the effect they may Read and Intimat the same from their Pulpits upon the Lords Days, immediatly preceeding the Days above appointed; and Ordains these Presents to be Printed and Published in manner foresaid.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Excellent Majesty, Anne Dom. 1696.