A PROCLAMATION, For a Publick Solemn Thanksgiving.

WILLIAM and MARY, by the Grace of GOD, King and Queen of Great-Britain, France and Ire­land, Defenders of the Faith; To Our Lyon King at Arms, and his Brethren Heraulds, Macers of Our Privy Council, Pursevants, Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting: Forasmuch as it hath pleased Our Gracious God, of his infinit Goodness and Mercy, not only to these Nations, but likewise to the common Interests (both Religious and Civil) of all Christen­dom, to preserve Our Sacred Person, and prosper Us in Our Undertakings, this last Summer, against these who are Ene­mies to Truth, and Us; and especially to Crown Our Arms with the compleat Reducing of Ireland to Our Subjection and Obedience; and to Restore and bring back Our Royal Person in Safety to Our Throne, to the Joy and Satisfaction of all Our good Subjects, after the many eminent Hazards to which We have been exposed in Our late Expedition; And We Consi­dering, how necessary a Duty it is, and how much it does import the Welfare of Us, and Our People, that Signal Blessings be owned and acknowledged, by Publick and Solemn Thanksgivings, are Resolved, humbly to acknowledge Our Thank­fulness to the Infinitly Wise and Good GOD, for such Signal and Seasonable Mercies, conferred upon Us and Our People, in answer to the frequent and fervent Prayers, poured forth at the several solemn Fasts and Humiliations, observed and keeped throughout this Our Antient Kingdom, during Our late Expedition; And the several Presbyterian Ministers, who were sent to attend the General Assembly of the Kirk of this Our Antient Kingdom, Having Addressed themselves to the Lords of Our Privy Council, to interpose their Authority, for appointing a Solemn Day of Publick Thanksgiving, to be Religiously observed throughout this Our Kingdom, for the Causes, and to the effect above-specified; Therefore We, with Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, Do Appoint and Command, that the Twenty sixth Day of November instant, be Religiously and de­voutly observed as a Solemn Day of Publick Thanksgiving by all persons within this Kingdom, both in Churches and Meet­ing-Houses, for returning most hearty and humble Thanks, and acknowledgment to the Divine Goodness, for his Signal Bles­sings and Deliverances already bestowed on Us and Our People, and to Implore the continuance thereof in the gracious Mercy of Our God, and that a Spirit of Counsel and Wisdom may assist Us, and the Princes and States Our Allyes, in Our Consultations and Undertakings, for the ensuing Year. And to the effect Our Pleasure in the Premisses may be known, OUR WILL IS, and We Charge you strictly and Command, that incontinent these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and to the Mercat-Crosses of the remanent Head-Burghs of the several Shires within this King­dom, and of the Stewartries of Kirkcudbright, Annandale and Orknay; and there, in Our Name and Authority, make Pub­lication hereof, that none may pretend ignorance. And ordains Our Sollicitor to cause send Printed Copies hereof to the She­riffs of the several Shires, and Stewarts of the Stewartries foresaids, whom We Ordain to see the same Published, and appoints them to send Doubles thereof to all the Ministers, both in Churches and Meeting. Houses, within their respective Jurisdictions, that upon the Lords Day immediatly preceeding the said twenty sixth Day of November instant, the same may be Read and In­timat in every Paroch-Church and Meeting-House, Certifying all such, who shall contemn or neglect so Religious and impor­tant a Duty, as the Thanksgiving hereby appointed is, they shall be proceeded against, and punished as contemners of Our Au­thority, and as highly disaffected to Our Person and Government. And Ordains these Presents to be Printed, and Published as aforesaid.

Per actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii. In Supplementum Signeti.
D. MONCREIFF, Cls. Sti. Concilii.

GOD Save King VVilliam and Queen Mary.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to their most Excellent Majesties, Anno Dom. 1691.

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