A PROCLAMATION Discharging the Levying and Transporting any Men or the Warrs beyond Seas.
Forasmuch, as it being represented to Ʋs th [...] a number of Men are l [...]vyed in this Kingdom for the service of France, whe [...] of some are landed there and moe are expected for the same purpose; and t [...] Men are clapt up in Pri [...]ons, and detained untill there be an opportunity to se [...] them away to France, And as we are confident that our Privy Council of t [...] Kingdom have not given the least authority for making Levyes contrair to o [...] Treaties, and to that Neu [...]rality, which, as Mediator, We are resolved to keep: [...] We have thought fit, upon this occasion to renew our positive Commands, T [...]a [...] our Council be careful tha [...] no men be levyed or sent out of Scotland by any conivance whatsoever. Like [...] We, with advice of the Lords of our Privy Cou [...]il, do command and charge, That none of our Subjects or others within this Kingdom presume to levy or transport any men out of our said Kingdom upon any pretence whatsoever, unto the service of any beyond the Sea now in war. And we strictly require all the Magistrates and Officers of our Customs in all the Sea-Ports of this Kingdom, to be careful in their several Jurisdictions, that this our Command be punctually obeyed. And further, We, with advice foresaid, do command and require the Magistrates of Burghs immediately to set at liberty any men whom they shall find to be keeped in Prison in order to their transportation, and to return to our Co [...]d the names of any persons so imprisoned, and the names of these who ap [...]reh [...]ded them. And ordains these presents to be Printed and Published at the mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and other places [...] ful, that none pretend ignorance.
Given under our Signet [...] E [...], the 18. day of January, 1677. and of our Reign the twen [...] eighth[?] y [...].
GOD Save the King.
Edinburgh, P [...] [...] Andr [...] Anderson, Pri [...] to [...] [...] D [...]. 1677.