A PROCLAMATION, Discharging Levies, vvithout His Majesties special Licence.

CHARLES, by the Grace of God, King of Great Brittain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith;
To Our Lovits, [...] Macers or Messengers at Armes, Our Sheriffs in that part conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting:

Whereas, We are informed, that some persons have of late presumed to levy Men within this Our ancient Kingdom, although they have not any Authority from Ʋs for that effect. Therefore, We, with advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, do hereby prohibit and discharge any person or persons, whatfoever to levy any men in this Kingdom, or to take or transport any of Our Subjects thereof into the service of any Forraign Prince or State what­soeever, without Our special licence: and discharges all Masters of Ships to receive on board, or transport them, under all highest pains to be inflicted upon the Contraveeners; Re­quiring hereby the Fermorers of Our Customs and Excise, their Collectors, and Waiters, to take special notice of any such Persons, whom they shall find passing forth of this Kingdom, upon the foresaid account; and to stop them in their passage, as they will be answerable. And if need be, that they require the concurrence of the Magistrates of Burghs, and others in authority under Ʋs, who are hereby ordained to be aiding and assisting to them herein. And ordains these presents to be Printed, and Published at the mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and other places need­ful, that none pretend ignorance. The which to do, We commit to you, conjunctly and seve­rally, Our full Power, by thir Our Letters: Delivering them by you, duely execute and in­dorsed again to the Bearer.

At. Gihson, Cl. S ti Concilii.

God save the King.

EDINBƲRGH, Printed by Andrew Anderson, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1674.

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