A PROCLAMATION, Calling out the half Foot Militia in some Shires, the Fenci­ble Men in others, and the whole Horse Militia in the Northern Shires.

WILLIAM by the grace of GOD, King of Great-Britains France and Ireland, defender of the Faith;
To Our Lyon King at Arms, and his Brethren, Heraulds, Macers of Our Privy-Council, Pursevants, Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, greeting:

Forasmuch as the present preparations made by the French King, and the implacable malice he hath upon all occasions exprest against Us, Our people, and the Protestant Religion, gives Us just ground to apprehend there is an Invasion intended by bloody Papists and disaffected Subjects from France upon this Our antient Kingdom, of purpose (if possible) to make the same the Seat of a bloody War, for defeating and opposing whereof, it is necessary to put the Kingdom in a suitable Posture of Defence: And We considering that by sundrie Acts of Parliament, there is a regular Militia esta­blished within this Kingdom, expresly to be imployed in opposing any For­raign Invasion, or suppressing any intestine Trouble or Commotion that may happen within the same: Have thought fit at this time to appoint the one half of the Foot Militia to be Listed, and in readiness to be called out upon twenty four Hours advertisement; and in the mean time to be exercised with­in the Shires after specified, & the hail Militia of Horse appointed by the twen­ty sixth Act Parliament one thousand six hundred sixty three, for the Shires Under-written, to be Rendevouzed upon the days at the places, and un­der the Command in manner after mentioned: And to the effect, the said half of the Foot Militia, and whole Horse Militia of the Shires respectivè after­named may be the more speedily Listed, Modelled and Trained in Milita­ry Discipline, whereby they may be in greater readiness and fitness for Our Ser­vice when they shall be called for. We with Advice of the Lords of Our Pri­vy [Page 2]Council, Nominat Appoint; and constitute the Commissioners of Sup­plie of the saids respective Shires, and the Colonels, Lieutenant-Colonels, and Majors of Foot, and the Captains and Lieutenants of Horse, appointed, or to be appointed to Command the half Foot, or whole Horse Militia of the saids Shires to be Our Commissioners, for Listing and Ordering the same, and to that effect, do hereby Require and Authorize the saids Commissioners of Militia to meet at the Head-Burghs of their respective Shires, upon the days following viz. the Shires of Edinburgh, Haddingtoun, Fife & Kinross, & the Town of Edinburgh, upon the Seventeenth day of December current, The Shires of Ber­wick, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Peebles, Linlithgow, Stirling, & Clackmanan upon the twenty second day of the said Moneth, & the Shires of Perth, Drumfries, Dum­barton & Bute upon the twenty fourth day of the samen, & the Commissioners for the Stewartrie of Orkney & Zetland upon the sixteenth day of February next to come, one thousand six hundred ninety seven years; & there to proceed, nomin­at and appoint persons well affected to Our Government, for Captains and Lieutenants of Foot, & an Ensign to the Colonels Company, & Lieutenants & Coronets of Horse, & to cause intimation presently to be given to them; of the Service and Command they are chosen, to which Officers of Horse and Foot respectivé, We hereby Require and Command to accept and attend their Charges, under the Pains following, viz. each Captain of Foot, or Lieute­nant of Horse one thousand Merks, a Lieutenant of Ensign of Foot, or Coro­net of Horse five hundred Merks, conform to the first Act of Parliament one thousand six hundred seventy two; And that the saids respective Officers take the Oath of Allegiance, and Subscribe the Assurance to Us, in presence of the Commanding Officer, the first day the Regiment shal Rendevouz toge­ther, under the pains contained in the Acts of Parliament made thereanent: With power likeways to the saids Commissioners, to List the half of the said Foot Militia, by filty in each Company, and eight Companies in every Regiment, to be Outreiked by the Divisions following, and Commanded by the Colonels, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Majors after-named, viz. The one half of the Foot Militia of the Shire of Edinburgh, consisting of four hundred Men, and eight Companies to be in one Regiment, Commanded by the Earl of Lauderdale as Colonel, and Sir John Clerk of Penniecook as Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain William Ogilvie in Colonel Robert Mackay's Regiment in Flanders as Major, the one Regiment of four hundred Men, as the half of the Foot Militia of the Shire of Haddingtoun, to consist of eight Com­panies, and be under the Command of the Lord Yester as Colonel

Nisbit of Dirletoun Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain William Bailie of Hardingtoun as Major, the one Regiment of four hundred Men consisting of eight Companies, as the half of the Foot Militia, for the Shyre of Berwick, to be Commanded by the Lord Polwarth, Our Chan­cellor, as Colonel, Captain John Home of Manderstoun, as Lievetnant colo­nel, and Captain George Home of St. Leonards as Major: The one Regiment of four hundred Men, as the half of the Foot Militia, of the Western Divi­sion of Roxburgh-Shyre, with a part of the half of the Foot Militia of the Shyres of Selkirk and Peebles to consist of Eight Companies, under the Command of the Earl of Dalkeith, as Colonel, Sir Francis Scot of Thirlstone Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain [...] Irvin in the Royal Regiment as Major: The three hundred nyntie and nyne Men, as the half Foot Militia, of the east­er Division of Roxburgh-Shyre, and the rest of the half Foot Militia of the [Page 3]Shyres of Selkirk and Peebles, to be in one Regiment, consisting of Eight Com­panies under the Command of the Earl of Roxburgh, as Colonel, Captain William Bennet of Grubet Lievtenant Colonel, and Captain [...] Cunnin­gham, in the Royal Regiment, as Major: The four hundred nyntie nyne Men of the half Foot Militia, of the Shyres of Linlithgow, Stirling and Clackman­nan, to be in one Regiment, consisting of ten Companies, under the Com­mand of the Earl of Annandale as Colonel, Patrick Murray of Livingstoun as Lievtenant Colonel, and Captain Walter Sharp, in Colonel Robert Mckay his Regiment, as Major: The four hundred Men, as the half of the Foot Militia of the Town of Edinburgh, Leith and Cannongate to be in one Regiment, consisting of Eight Companies, under the Command of the Lord Provost of Edinburgh for the time, as Colonel, Major George Monro as Lievtenant Col­onel, and Captain Samuel Fullarton as Major: The four hundred Men, as the one half of the half Foot Militia of Fyfe, and Kinross to be in one Regiment, consisting of Eight Companies, under the Command of the Lord Leslie, as Colonel, Alexander Dowglas of Strathendrie, as Lievtenant Colonel, and Lieu­tenant Robert Young in Brigadeer Maitlands Regiment as Major of the western Regiment of the said Shyre: The other four hundred Men of the said half foot Militia of Fyfe and Kinross to be in one Regiment; consisting of Eight Com­panies, under the Command of the Lord Elcho, as Colonel, [...] Balfour of Dunbug, as Lieutenant Colonel, and [...] Arnot of Auchinmoor as Ma­jor of the eastern Regiment of the said Shyre: The four hundred Men as the eastern Regiment of the half Foot Militia of Perth Shyre, consisting of Eight Companies, under the Command of the Earl of Tallibairdin, Our Secretary of State, [...]s Colonel, [...] Thomas Hay of Balhousie as Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain Walter Murray in Colonel Lauders Regiment, as Major: And the four hundred Men, as the western Regiment of the said half Foot Militia of Perth-Shyre, consisting of Eight Companies, to be Commanded by the Lord Ruth­ven, as Colonel, Adam Drummond of Megginsh as Leiutenenant Colonel, and Captain John Campbel as Major. The four hundred Men, as the half Foot Militia of Drumfries Shyre to be one Regiment, consisting of Eight Com­panies, under the Command of the Duke of Queensberry, as Colonel, the Earl of Carnwath as Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain William Maxwell in Bri­gadeer Maitlands Regiment, as Major: The three hundred and thirtie three Foot, as the half Foot Militia of the Stewartry of Orkney to be in one Regi­ment, in fix Companies, under the Command of Mr. Robert Dowglas▪ Brother to the Earl of Morton, as Colonel, Sir William Gragie of Gairsie Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain [...] Moodie of Melstar as Major: The half Foot Militia of the Shyres of Bute and Dumbartoun, to be divided in three Com­panies, the first to be Commanded by Archibald Mccaulay of Arnacaple, and the second by [...] Bannantyne of Kames, and the third by [...] Buntin younger of Airdoch, as Captains. And We with Advice foresaid, re­quire and Command the saids Commissioners of Militia, for the respective Shyres and Stewartries above named, with their utmost diligence, to proceed and List the said respective half Foot Militia, and how soon, or whensoever they have Listed the saids respective Companies, under the Command of the Captains, and other Inferior Officers to be named by them (except the Captains for Bute and Dumbartoun) comform to the Methods and Rules formerly observed in the out-rick of the Militia, and allowed by the Acts of Parliament made thereanent, That imediately they design and appoint particular places, and dayes of Ran­devouz [Page 4]for each Company to meet, and be exercised upon, at least for one day every week, untill further Orders be direct to them thereanent. The first of which dayes for each Company to meet, and Rendevouz upon, within the [...]aroch, or Bounds out of which it is raised, is hereby appointed to be with­in Eight dayes after the Captains and Lieutenants shall be named, and the List of the Bounds for their respective Companies given to them, by the saids Com­missioners. And We with Advice foresaid, appoints the several Heretors to pay to each Foot Militia Man of the saids respective Companies, six shillings Scots per diem, for each day they shall be Exercised, and Randevouzed, during the space foresaid, reserving to them their Relieff thereof, from the Men Te­nents, and Servants, for whom the said Foot Men are to be put out, and who are not listed in the Militia, requiring hereby, the Officers and Souldiers punctually to attend the Particular dayes of Randevouz, with their best Arms, under the pains contained in the first Act of Parliament, 1672. being now double in the time of War: And for the better encouragement of such who shal be Listed for Our Service, in the said Militia. We do hereby Declare, that all such pe­sons who shal be introlled and admitted in this Trust and Service of the Militia, shal be intirely reserved for that Imployment, and during their Service in it, [...]al be freed and exeemed from all other Levies, and shal have the benefit of and be subject to the whole other Advantages and Orders set down and provid­ed to the Militia by the first Act of Parliament 1672 and other Acts made thereanent; Certifying withal, every Heretor lyable in Outreik of any Foot-man, who shal fail in the punctual and timely putting out of sufficient Men with their best Arms, and every Footman Listed in the said Service of the Militia, who shal be absent from any day of Rendevouz shal be Fined in, & bel yable to the Penalties thereanent provided by the first Act of Parliament 1672. And We with Advice foresaid, Require and Command the Majors of the several Regiments respectivé above named, to be present with one or other of the Companies of the saids Regiments every Rendevouz day, and to Train and Exercise the same in Military Discipline. And for his encourage­ment in the said Service: We have appointed thirteen shillings sterling per diem to be payed to each Major for their Pains and Service for each day they shal be present with, and attend the Exercising and Training of any of the Compa­nies of the saids respective Regiments, with four shillings sterling per diem to the Lieutenants of each Company, and three shillings sterling money foresaid to the Ensign of the Colonel's Company per diem, and six pence money fore­said for each Drummer and Serjeant, besides the like Sum payable to them by their Outputters, for each day the saids Companies shal be brought together for Exercise and Discipline: Which Sums respectivè forsaids, We with Advice and Consent foresaid Require and Command the Collectors of Our Sup­ply in the several Shires upon an Attestation from the saids Commissioners of the several Shires, under the hands at least of three thereof, with their Clerk who is to record the same in the Commissioners Books, bearing the Number of the Days Pay, due to the saids Officers, Serjeants and Drummers upon an Receipt of the same by them respective to the Collector, upon Payment punctually to pay, which Attestation and Receipt. We hereby Require & Com­mand Our General Receivers to Accept of, & receive from the several Collectors as good Payment of so much of the Supply of the said Shire, & sufficient Exoneration to them pro tanto, as they will be answerable for the same upon their highest Peril And Appoints the same to be Allowed by the Lords of Our Tresaury to the [Page 5]saids General Receivers. And for the more effectual defeating and opposing of the said Invasion: We with Advice foresaid Require and Command the haill Fencible Men within the Shire of Wigtoun and Stewartry of Kirkcudoright, and within the Sheriffdoms of Air, Argile, Lanerk and Renfrew, to Meet and Conveen upon the Seventh Day of Jannuary next, and Rendezvouz with their best Arms within their several Paroches under the Command of the Officers formerly nominated and appointed, or who shall be nominated or appointed for that effect, and there to exercise themselves. and be in readiness to march with necessar Provisions as they shall be required by further Orders from Us or Our Privy Council; And for the better Reinforcing Our Standing Troops to make a vigorous Opposition to any such Invasion, and timely to suppress any Intestine Trouble that may happen thereupon, We with Advice foresaid, Require and Command the several Heretors within the Shires after-mentio­ned to Provide their respective Numbers of Militia of Horse, according as the samen shall be appointed to be furnished by the several Leaders, to be na­med by the saids Commissioners of Militia, Authorized in manner above-menti­oned, and to have the samen in readiness, with a sufficient Rider and Arms, to Meetand Rendezvouz at the Places, upon the Days, and under the Com­mand of the Persons respective after-mentioned, viz, the Shire of Forfar One hundred and three Horse, at the Rate of Ten Pound Sterling each Horse, be­sides sufficient Furniture and Arms, conform to the first Act of Parliament One thousand six hundred and seventy two, to meet at Forfar the Seventh Day of January One thousand six hundred and ninty seven Years, under the Command of the Earl of Strathmore as Captain thereof, the Shire of Kincar­din and Mareschals Part of Aberdeen Seventy four Horse, at the Rate fore­said to veet at Aberdeen the said Seventh Day of Jannuary, under the Com­mand of the Earl of Kintore as Captain thereto, and the rest of Aberdeen and Bamf Shire, One hundred and seventy six Horse at the Rate foresaid to Meet where the Captains and Commissioners foresaids shall Appoint the said Day under the Command of the Earl of Errol and Lord Saltoun as Captains thereto, the Shires of Bigine, Nairn and this side of Ness Eighty eight Horse of the Pride foresaid, to Meet the said Day where the Commissioners and Captains shall Appoint, under the Command of the Laird of Grant as Captain thereto, the Earl of Seaforth and the Lord Lo­vat their Division of Inverness Eighty eight Horse to meet as the saids Commis­sioners and Captains shall appoint under the Command of the Laird of Bal­nagouan as Captain thereto, the Shires of Sutherland and Caithness Eighty eight Horse at the rate foresaid, to meet where the Commissioners and Captains shall appoint day foresaid under the Command of the Lord Rae as Captain thereto, all of them with ten days Provision at eighteen Shilling per diem to be Rendevouzed upon, the days above-mentioned, and to be dayly exercised du­ring the said space; and thereafter to be duly and regularly quartered, du­ring the space they shall be kept together in the next adjacent Towns and Vil­lages upon payment of ready Mony for their Quarters until they shall receive further Orders thereanent: And we with Advice foresaid Require and Command the Commissioners of Militia for the foresaids several Shires last above­named upon this side of Spey to meet and conveen upon the said Twentieth fourth day of this present Month of December, and these upon the other side thereof upon the Twentieth ninth day of the samen Month; and with Advice of the saids respective Captains to make choise of fit and sufficient persons qualified according to Law to be Lieutennants and Corronets for the [Page 6]saids respective Troops of Horse, and to intimat the same to the saids Offi­cers, and require them to attend their Duty and Commands under the Pains above-exprest; Declaring hereby that all such persons who shall be Listed for the said Horse Militia shall be freed & exeemed from all other Levies whatsom­ever during their Service in the said Militia: And We with Advice foresaid Re­quire and Command the saids Commissioners of Militia to cause the several Fractions for each Militia Horse, and Ordain the same within what short space they think meet, to be dulie paid into the respective Leaders thereof, and in case of Failzie to exact the Pains, and use the Execution for the same mentioned in the Act of Parliament one thousand six hundred and sixty nine and that they take care that good and sufficient Horses Arms and Furniture be provided, able and fit for the Service, conform to the Acts of Parliament and former Practise in the like cases: and further We with Advice foresaid Require and Command the Commissioners of Militia for the saids respective Shires to cause provide at the Charge and Expenses of the saids Shires a Drum for each Companie of the said Foot Militia and one pair of Collours for the Collo­nels Company, and a Standart, and Trumpet for each of the saids Troops of Horse and to cause the said Charge and Expense thereof to be laid on the respec­tive Shires, and raised in that same manner as the Supplies imposed by Act of Parliament for Our Service, are conform to the second Act Parliament One thousand six hundred and sixty nine, or to call for the Drums, Colours, Standarts and Trumpets heretofore provided for that use, at the Charge of the several Shires, and to Conveen the Havers thereof before them, and to compel them to deliver up the same by Imprisonment or what other Exe­cution they think fit▪ Our Will is Herefore, and We Charge you strictly and Command, that incontinent these Our Letters seen ye pass to the Mer­cat-Cross of Edinburgh, and to the remanent Mercat-Crosses of the Head-Burgns of the several Shires and Stewartries within this Kingdom; and there in Our Name and Authority by open Proclamation make Intination hereof that none pretend Ignorance, and Appoints Our Solicitor to Transmit Printed Copies hereof to the Sheriffs and Stewart Clerks of the haill Sheriff­doms and Stewartries within this Kingdom, with Copies to be Transmitted by the said Sheriff and Stewart-Clerks to the Ministers of the several Paroches within their Bounds, and Ordains the said Sheriff and Stewart-Clerks to cause Publish this Proclamation at the Mercat-Crosses, upon the first Mercat-day after it shall come to their Hands; and Appoints this Proclamation to be intimat in the said Paroch-Churches upon the Forenoon after Sermon, the first Lords Day, immediatly after the same shall come to their hands: And Ordains these Presents to be Printed.

Per Actum Dominorum Seereti Concilii. GILB. ELIOT, Cls. Sti. Concilii,

GOD save the KING.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His Most Excellent Majesty, 1696.

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