Anent the Sumptuary Law.

IAMES by the Grace of GOD, King of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith,
To [...] Macers of Our Privy Council, or Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting;

Forasmuch, As al­beit We have by Our several Proclamations, and Our Act of Parliament, dated the [...] day of [...] Ratifying and Approving the same, Given all Encouragement to Manufacturs within this Kingdom, by Prohibiting the Importing of these things which might Discourage the same, and for Promoving the Interest thereof, in manner at length mentioned in these Proclamations and Act of Parliament; Yet understanding that the same hath not received that due Obedience which was required, and by Us designed to the end foresaid: As We hereby with Advice of Our Privy Council, Revive and Renue, all the foresaids Laws, made in favours of Manufacturs, and for Prohibiting and Discharging the Im­porting or Wearing what is thereby prohibited; So We also strictly Require and Command the same to be put to due and vigorous Execution, every manner of way, as is thereby prescribed. And for further clearing of Our Subjects, as to what may be worn or not (besides what is already Allowed,) We with Advice foresaid. Do hereby Prohibite and Discharge, all Embroderies of Hair, Threed, Buggle, except what is embroidered within this Kingdom, to be made use of any manner of way; as also the wearing of any new Invention which may render Our saids Proclamations and Act of Parliament elusory, and likewise the Importing or Wearing of all English-Cloath, save where the same is brought in, being made and worn Abroad for some time, or where Cloaths are already made thereof within this Kingdom; as also the wearing of all Stuffs, or prohibited Cloaths abroad, or in the Streets, under the pretence of Night-Gowns, or Un Dresses, under the Pains and Certifi­cations contained in Our saids Proclamations and Act of Parliament. And for the more effectual prosecution of this Our Pleasure, We hereby Require and Command all Our Judges and Magistrats within this Kingdom, to see this Our Proclama­tion, now, as formerly, duely put in Execution. And as a further Addition to what is already allowed to be worn, We hereby allow the wearing of all Dropped, Spotted, Figured and Chequered Stuffs within this Kingdom, where the same doth not exceed Seven Shillings Sterling the Yard, at most, without incurring any Penalty or Hazard upon that account. And that Our Pleasure herein may be known, Our Will is, and We Charge you strictly and Command, that incontinent these Our Letters seen, ye pass to Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and all other places needful, and there in Our Royal Name and Authority, by open Proclamation, make Publication of Our Pleasure in the Premisses, that punctual Obedience may be given thereto, and none pretend Ignorance.

Per Actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii.
WILL. PATERSON, Cls. Sti. Concilii.

God save the KING.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno DOM. 1686.

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