[royal blazon or coat of arms]

Anent Recruits, and Regulating the Seising of Deserters.

WILLIAM and MARY by the Grace of GOD, King and Queen of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, De­fenders of the Faith;
To [...] Macers of Our Privy Council, Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and seve­rally, specially constitute, Greeting:

Forasmuch as, there are several Scots Officers come over for raising Recruits to Our Scots Troups in Flanders; And We Considering on the one hand, how much it is both for the Honour of this Our antient Kingdom, and the good of Our Service, that these Forces in Flanders be effectually Recruited, and be­ing no less sensible on the other hand, both of the Accidents that have lately happened, and that Abuses are ordinarly committed upon such occasions, Have thought fit by a Letter under Our Royal Hand, to recommend to the Care and Prudence of the Lords of Our Privy Council, to give Our Officers all necessar Countenance and Assistance, in making of the saids Recruits, but withall to keep them within the bounds that the Law prescribes: In Order whereunto, We with Advice of the saids Lords of Our Privy Council, Require and Command all Sheriffs and their Deputs, Lords of Regality and their Baillies, Justices of Peace, Magistrats of Our Royal Burghs, and other Magistrats whatsomever, Commanders of Our Castles and Forts, Officers of Our standing Forces, and all others Our Good Subjects, to give their best assistance in this matter, and to Cause secure all Sea-ports and other wayes, and Passa­ges out of the Kingdom, to prevent the escaping or withdrawing of Deserters; And for that end, that no person be suffered to pass out of Our said Kingdom, either by Sea or Land, at any time betwixt and the first of March next, except they have Passports duly subscribed by one of the Members of Our Privy Council. And We with Advice foresaid, strictly Prohibit and Discharge Our saids Officers, come for Recruits from Flanders, to seize any as Deserters, but such as have Deserted from Our Scots Regiments in Flanders since they were there, and none others: And allow the Officers of Our standing Forces in this Our antient Kingdom, to seize upon none upon the head of Desertion, but such as have Deserted from one or other of the saids Regiments, of which they are at present Officers, and Discharge any person to be seized upon on pretence of Desertion, before Our accession to the Crown; And Discharge the Officers of the standing Regiments in this Our Kingdom, to Recruit till such time as the Officers for Flanders shall have shipt their Recruits; and that violence be done to no Man to make him ingage in Our Service, but that such as do voluntarly ingage, be not allowed to retract; but if they offer to do the same, they be considered and secured as Deserters: And for the greater incouragement of such as shall ingage to go to Flanders for Our Service, We with Advice foresaid Do Declare, that after three years Service in Our Armies Abroad, they shall have their Passes with full freedom to leave Our Service in their option, with this proviso only, that if their saids Passes shall fall due, and be by them desired in the beginning of a Campaign, they shall only be delayed till the end of the said Campaign, after which they shall immediatly have their saids Passes and freedom, as is above declared: And if any of those who shall go to Flanders, shall happen to be Wounded or Maimed, so as to become unfit for Service, the same care shall be taken of them that is taken of all others on English Pay; And this Our Royal Will in the particulars above-mentioned. We with Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, Ordain to be duly Published, and punctually observed. And further, We with Advice foresaid, Do hereby Ratifie and Revive the Proclamation of the date the sixteenth Day of December, One thousand six hundred ninety two years, for Regulating the Levy of Recruits, Willing and Ordaining the same to be strictly observed in all Points, and the Pains thereof upon Transgression duly exacted. OUR WILL IS herefore, and We Charge you strictly and Command, that incontinent these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and to the Mercat Crosses of the Head Burghs of the several Shires of this Kingdom, and there in Our Name and Authority by open Proclamation, make intimation hereof, that none pretend ignorance.

Per actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii. GILB. ELIOT, Cls. Sti. Concilii.

GOD save King VVilliam and Queen Mary.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to their most Excellent Majesties, 1694.

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