A PROCLAMATION Anent keeping the Dyets of the Com­mission of the Kirk.

CHARLES, by the Grace of GOD, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith;
To [...] Macers and Messengers of Arms; Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, Specially, Constitute, Greet­ing:

Whereas, by the fifteenth Act of the third Session of Our second Par­liament, Dated at Edinburgh, the twenty eight day of August, one thousand six hundred and seventy two years, Intituled, Commission for plantation of Kirks, and valuation of Teinds, It is declared, That if any of the Com­missioners be unable to attend that Service through Death, Sickness, or other known impediment, We should be careful to fill their places with other persons qualified: And also, considering that Our Officers of State for the time, were nominated Commissioners, and that some of the Commissioners, viz. The Earl of Dumfermling, late Lord Privy Seal, and Sir James Loc [...] of Lee, late Justice Clerk, (Officers of State) are deceased, and that the Mar­quess of Athol is preferred to be Lord Privy Seal, and Sir Thomas Wallace of Craigie to be Justice Clerk; And which two were also nominate Commissioners by the said Commission: And likewise considering, that Sir Charles Erskin of Cambo, Sir William Lockhart of Lee, Sir William Thomson and Thomas Calderwood, four of the Commissioners therein mentioned, are dead; So that there is a Vacancy of six of the saids Commissioners: And being well satisfied with the qualifications and abilities of the Persons after­named, for discharge of that Trust, and being confident of their Integrity; We have therefore nominated, added, made, and appointed Alexander Earl of Murray, as one for the Nobility, Sir George Mckenȝie of Tarbit, John Drummond of Londie, and Richard Maitland of Gogar, as three for the Barrons, Francis Kinloch of Gil­mertoun, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, and Mr. James Rocheid, Town Clerk of Edinburgh, as two for the Bur­rows, Commissioners in place of the foresaids persons, to the effect foresaid. And it being Our Pleasure, that the usual Diets and Meetings of the said Commission, should be exactly attended, for the speedy dispatch of Ju­stice to Our Leidges, in their Affairs before that Court; Our Will is Herefore; And We charge you strait­ly, and Command, that incontinent, after sight hereof, Ye pass to the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and other places needful, and there, by open Proclamation, in Our Name and Authority, make intimation of this Our Royal Pleasure, requiring the forenamed Commissioners, and all others named in the said Commission, to give due and exact attendance upon the usual Diets and Meetings thereof, for the speedy dispatch of Justice to Our Leidges, in their Affairs, before that Court, as they tender Our Service, and will be answerable for their neglect.

God save the King.
Per Actum Dominorum Commissionis. Hugh Wallace, Cls. Com.

EDINBƲRGH, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to his most Sacred MAJESTY. 1678.

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