Anent Beggers.
Forasmuch as the inte [...] [...] design of Our Proclamation, of the date the eleventh day of August, One thousand si [...] [...] dred and ninety two years, requiring all Beggers within this Kingdom, forthwith to [...] to their several Paroches with all diligence, hath been much disappointed and frustr [...] the uncertainty of the Paroches where the saids respective Beggers have been born, a [...] [...] want of suitable Provision made by the Heretors and Magistrats of the respective Par [...] where the saids Beggers have been born, or had their last seven years residence: For re [...] whereof, We with Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, strictly Require and [...] mand all the Beggers within this Kingdom, immediately to repair to the several Par [...] where they were Born; and where the Paroch or place of their Birth is not certain, [...] [...] stinctly known, that they repair to the Paroches where they last Resided for the space [...] [...] ven years together, and to keep the ordinary High ways to the several Paroches of their [...] or last seven years Residence; and so soon as they come to the said respective Paroch [...] [...] present themselves to the Heretors and Elders; and where Paroches are Vacant, and no Elders, to the Heretors alone; whom we, with Advice foresaid, Require and Comm [...] to make the provisions necessary for the saids Beggers, and to List their Names amon [...] [...] poor of the Paroch, that they may be Lodged and intertained accordingly; with Cer [...] tion to all who shall be found Begging after the second Tuesday of September next, the [...] [...] be seized as Vagabonds, Imprisoned, and fed on Bread and Water for a Month, or ti [...] [...] be sent home to the respective Paroches of their Birth, or last seven years Residence, in [...] ner mentioned in Our said former Pro [...]amation. And We with Advice foresaid, R [...] and Command the Magistrats of Our Burghs Royal, to Meet and Stent themselves, con [...] to such order and custom used and wont in laying on Stents, Annuities, or other Pu [...] Burdens in the respective Burghs, as may be most effectual to reach all the Inhabitants: [...] the Heretors of the several Vacant Paroches likewise to meet, and Stent themselves, fo [...] [...] maintainance of their said respective Poor, and to appoint the In-gathering, Uplifting [...] applying of the same for the uses foresaids. Sicklike, and in the same manner, as th [...] [...] retors and Elders are appointed by Our said former Proclamation, and all the Minister [...] [...] Heretors are hereby required to give timeous intimation to the Sheriff of the Shire, if an [...] [...] roch, or Person, shall fail in performance of this Christian duty, in haill, or in part; And [...] Sheriff, or Sheriff-depute, are hereby required to call the Delinquents before them, wit [...] any delay; and if guilty, to Fine them in double of the quota which the Minister or [...] tors shall attest to be wanting, and to cause Poynd for the same immediatly. And fu [...] for preventing of any Question may arise betwixt the Heretors and Kirk-Session in the [...] ral Paroches of this Kingdom about the quota of the Collections at the Church Doors, otherways to be made by the said Session, to be payed in to the Heretors, for the end [...] said: We do hereby with Advice foresaid, determine the same to be the half of the [...] Collections, and ordains the said Kirk Session to pay in the same from time to time to the Heretors, or any to be by them appointed accordingly. And We with Advice fore [...] declare and ordain Our said former Proclamation to stand in full force and vigour, in [...] haill Heads, Points, and Articles thereof, and ordains the samine to be put to execution w [...] all diligence, in so far as the same is not hereby altered or innovat. And to the effect [...] Will and Pleasure in the Premisses may be known, OUR WILL IS HEREFORE, and [...] Charge you strictly, and Command, that incontinent, these Our Letters seen, ye pass to [...] Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and to the Mercat-Crosses of the whole remanent Head Burgh [...] [...] the several Shires and Stewartries within this Kingdom, and there in Our Name and Aut [...] rity make open Proclamation of the Premisses, that none may pretend ignorance, and [...] dains these presents to be Printed.
GOD Save the KING and QUE [...].