Allowing the free Transporting of Victual from one Shire to another, and the Importation of Forraign Victual free of Custom, and twenty shilling
Scotsfor each Imported Boll thereof.
Forasmuch as the growing Necessity of the Poorer sort of our Subjects, in many parts of this Kindom, do require our speciall care for their Relief; And albeit several methods have been laid down, and Measures Prescribed by former Proclamations of our Privy Council, to have supplied and provided them at reasonable and easie Rates, by the native product and Grouth of this Kingdom: Yet through the present Scarcity there being several places in the Countrey, not able to Subsist upon the Grouth and Victual within their own Bounds, and in other places the Poorer sort not able competently to provid [...] themselves at the Current Rates. All which does necessarly require that both there may be a free Course of Buying and Selling Victual through the whole Kingdom, And likewise all Incouragment given for Importing Victual from any Foraign Country or Kingdom to this Nation, during the space aftermentioned; And that this hopeful Season gives good ground to expect ane earlie Harvest, so that a small Supplie from Abroad, may affoord great Relief, and keep the Mercats at a Moderat Rate: Therefore, and to the Effect the Mercats may be duely Supplied and furnished with Victual that is yet within the Country, and likewise with Foraign Victual by any who shall Import the same. We with advice of the Lords of our Privy Council, not only ratifie and approve all former Proclamations, Acts, Orders, and Commissions against Regraters of Victual, and Forstalers of the Mercats, And ordain and require the same to be punctually observed, and put to Execution according to the Tenor thereof, and Acts of Parliament made thereanent, In so far as may extend to or concern Regrating of Victual, and Forstalling of Mercats. But likewise we with advice foresaid, do hereby grant Licence, and full Liberty to all persons whatsoever, Forraigners or Natives, to Import Victual or Corns of all Sorts, either by Sea or Land, from any other Kingdom or Country whatsomever, until the fifteenth day of August next to come, and that free of Custom, Excise or other Impositions, for all that shal be Imported, after the date hereof, during the time foresaid, and recomends it to the Commissioners of our Thesaury, to Discharge the exacting of any such Custom, Excise or Imposition for the said Victual, to be Imported; Notwithstanding of any Act of Parliament or Book of Rates Imposing the same. And for a farder Incouragement and invitation, to all such who shall Import and bring in to this Kingdom, Victual or Corn of any Sort, betwixt and the day foresaid. We with advice of the Lords of our Privy Council, do hereby Appoint and Ordain the Sum of twenty shilling Scots, for each Boll of the said Foraign Victual Imported after the day and Date hereof, and before the said fifteenth day of August next, to be immediatly given and payed out of our Customs to the Importer thereof, upon his Oath of Verity of the number of Bolls Imported by him, taken in presence of any of the Sheriffs of the Several Shires of this Kingdom, Baillies of Regalities, or Bailliries, Stuarts of the Stewartries or their Respective Deputs, Magistrates of Burghs, or any one of the Commissioners of Supplie, or Justices of Peace, within the same, Subscribed with their Hand, and attested by the foresaids Judges, and of which twenty shilling Scots, We with advice foresaid, Require and Command the Tacks-men and Farmers of our Customs, and their Collectors and other Receavers at the Respective Custom-Houses, to make present and immediat payment for each Boll of Foreign Victual Imported by Sea or Land, to the Importer thereof, upon his Recept to be given upon the Back of the foresaid Subcribed Oath of the Number of Bolls Imported; And which Recept, We with advice foresaid, declare and ordain to be a sufficient Exoneration to the saids Tacks-men and Farmers of our Customs, and their Collectors of their said Tack-duty, and to be allowed to them in the fore-end thereof pro tanto. Certifying such of the saids Collectors or other persons Imployed to receave mony at the Respective Custom Houses, by the Tacks-men and Farmers of our saids Customs, That if they Failȝie to make due and punctual payment of the said twenty shilling Scots for each Boll of Imported Victual, or post pone & delay the Impoters thereof, in the ready payment of the said Sum, when the said Subscribed Oath, & Recept is offered to them, they shal not only be declared & ipso facto thereby become Incapable to serve or be Imployed by our said Farmers in any Office or Trust under them, in uplifting our saids Customs, but be farther lyable in the double of what they shall so refuse or Postpone the Payment of as Penaltie and Damnages to be recovered from them by the partie, by thir presents, and the foresaid Subscribed Oath upon Proces to be Intented therefore, and verified by Instrument taken against the saids Collectors or Receavers, requiring payment in manner abovementioned. And further to the effect all our Subjects within this Kingdom may be supplied and releaved out of the Native Product and Grouth of this Kingdom with all possible quality and proportion; in the mean time, We with advice foresaid, give full Libertie and Permission to a free course of Mercats for Selling Victual through all parts of the Kingdom, whether the said Victual or Corn was the Grouth of the Shire where it is sold or not, and that at what Rates and Prices either of ready Mony, or to a day the Buyers and Sellers can best agree upon, and hereby Discharges all Persons whatsoever from troubling and molesting any Persons whatsoever, in the Transporting Victual to Mercats or otherwise from one Shire to another, under their Highest Perill. OUR WILL IS HEREFORE, and we Charge you strickly and Command, that Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and Remanent Mercat Crosses of the Head-Burghs of the several Shires and Stewartries within this Kingdom, and therat, in our Name and Authority, by open Proclamation, make Intimation hereof, That none pretend Ignorance. And Ordains these Presents to be Printed.
God Save the King.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom. 1699.