A PROCLAMATION Against the importation of Victuall.
Forasmuch, as upon representation to Our Privy Council, of the great scarcity and dearth of Victual in some Western Shires of this Kingdom; They did, by their Act, of the second of December last, Grant licence for Importing Oats, Oat-meal, and Pease, to the Shires of VVigtoun, Air, Renfrew, and Stewartrie of Kircudburgh, for supplying the necessity of these places until furder order: And seeing now, by reason of great quantities of Victual imported since the said licence was granted, the Rates and Pryces of Victual in this Kingdom are much fallen, and that the continuation of the said licence any longer, would prove very prejudicial to Our Subjects of this Kingdom; We have thought fit, with advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, to discharge and take off the foresaid Licence, and to renew Our former Proclamation against importing of Victual, of the date the fourth of May, 1671. Likeas, We, with advice foresaid, do hereby restrain and discharge the importation of Victual of any kind into this Kingdom after the eleventh day of March next, under the pains following, viz. For such Victual as shall be imported from Ireland, under the pains contained in the third Act of the third Session of Our second Parliament, and for any Victual imported from other forraign places, under the pains contained in Our said former Proclamation, which shall be inflicted upon the contraveeners with all rigour.
And ordains thir presents to be Printed, and Published at the Mercat-Crosses of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Air, and other places needful, that none may pretend ignorance.
God save the King.
Edinburgh, Printed by Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty. Anno. 1676.