A PROCLAMATION Adjourning the Parliament till the Fourteenth day of March next.
Forasmuchas, by the last Act of the last Session of Our current Parliament of this Our ancient Kingdom of Scotland, the same was Adjourned to the Fifteenth day of November last bypast: And whereas the present State of Our Affairs did not require the Meeting of Our said Parliament so soon as the said day to which it was Adjourned: Therefore, We with Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, have ordered, and hereby orders the Continuation of the Adjournment of Our said Parliament to the fourteenth day of March next ensuing & that the Members of Our said Parliament may not be put to unnecessary Trouble and Charges before that time; We do hereby Order and Require all the Members of Our said Parliament, to attend the said fourteenth day of March next to come, at Edinburgh in the usual way, and under the Certifications contained in the several Acts of Parliament made thereanent. OUR WILL IS HEREFORE, and We Charge you strictly, and Command, that incontinent these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and to the Mercat-Crosses of the remanent Head-Burghs of the several Shires and Stewartries of this Our ancient Kingdom, and thereby open Proclamation, make Intimation, that our said Parliament is Adjourned to the said fourteenth day of March next to come, and Ordains these presents to be printed.
God save the King.
EDINBƲRGH, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom. 1698.