A PROCLAMATION, Adjourning the Parliament from the tenth of
July, to the sixth of
December, 1683.
Whereas We by Our Royal Proclamation, Dated the Eight day of February last, Adjourned the Parliament of this Our Ancient Kingdom, to the tenth day of July Instant; And there being no urgent Occasion for their meeting then, (else We had sent down Our Dearest Royal Brother, Our High Commissioner, in due time,) Nor yet doth the present state of Our Affairs require their Meeting for some time longer. We therefore with Advice of Our Privy Council, have thought fit by this Our Royal Proclamation, to continue the Adjournment of Our said Parliament, from the said tenth day of July, to the sixth day of December next ensuing the Date of these Presents: We being alwayes resolved to continue Our said Dearest Royal Brother, to be Our High Commissioner in all the Sessions, and until the end of that Our Parliament: And to the end all the Members thereof may attend that day, in the usual way, and upon the accustomed Certifications, and that Our Pleasure may be known in the Premisses. Our Will is, and We Charge you strictly, and Command, that incontinent, these Our Letters seen, Ye pass to the Market Cross of Edinburgh, and the Remanent Market Crosses of the head Burghs of this Kingdom, and there in Our Name and Authority, by open Proclamation, make publick Intimation of the said Adjournment of Our Parliament, from the said tenth day of July, to the said sixth day of December next ensueing; Requiring all the Members of that Our Parliament, to attend that day in the usual way, and upon the accustomed Certifications. The which to do, We commit to you, conjunctly and severally, Our full Power, by these Our Letters, delivering them by you, duely Execute and Indorsed again to the Bearer.
GOD save the KING.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty. 1683.