A PROCLAMATION Adjourning the Parliament to the fifteenth day of March, 1683.
Forasmuch, as by Our Proclamation, dated the eighth day of May last, We did continue the Adjournment of the meeting of the current Parliament, of this Our ancient Kingdom, until the twentieth and eighth day of November next: And whereas Our Service doth not require the meeting of Our Parliament the said twenty eighth of November: and that Our Royal and Dearest Brother (whom We still continue Our Commissioner) cannot then be Present; And We being unwilling that the Members thereof should be put to the Charge of meeting at that time, Have therefore with Advice of Cur Privy Council, now again thought fit to continue the said Adjournment, untill the fifteenth day of March next ensuing the date hereof: And to the effect, all persons concerned may have timous notice of this Our Adjournment. OUR WILL IS, and We Charge you stricly and Command, that incontinent, these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and other places needful, and there, in Our Name and Authority, make publick Intimation of the said Adjournment of Our current Parliament, until the said fifteenth day of March next ensuing, The which to do, We commit to you, conjunctly and severally, Our full Power, by these Our Letters, delivering them by you, ducly Execute, and indorsed again to the bearer.
God save the King.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno DOM. 1682.