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LETTERS of PUBLICATION In favours of THOMAS WEIR Chirurgeon in Edinburgh.

JAMES by the Grace of GOD, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith,
To Our Lovits. Macers of Our Privy Council, or Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, and to all and sundry Our Liedges and Subjects, whom it effiers, Greeting:

Forasmuch, as We having, by Our Royal Gift, Given and Granted to Thomas Weir Chirurgeon in Edinburgh, the sole and only Priviledge after­mentioned, and contained in the said Gift and Signature, and past under the Great Seal of this Our Ancient King­dom; Of which Gift and Signature, the Tenor follows, Sic suprascribitur. JAMES R. Our Soveraign Lord, considering, that the Medicinal Pill, invented by the deceast Doctor Patrick Anderson, Physician to His Majesties dearest Father, King Charles the First, of ever blessed Memory, hath by Experience been found to be a most useful and safe Medicine, which hath recommended that Pill not only to His Majesties Subjects in the Kingdom of Scotland, but likewise, it hath been used in the Kingdoms of England, Ireland, and other places in Europe; and that it is very much the interest of His Majesties Subjects and others, that the Skill and Art of Preparing and Compounding that Pill be preserved intire, and that Counterfeit, Sofisticat, and Adulterat Pills be not imposed upon Persons, under the notion of this Pill, which is so universally known and used; And His Majesty considering, that the Secret and Skill in preparing this Pill, was only communicated by Doctor Anderson to his two Daughters, with power only to the Surviver of them to communicat and transmit that secret to some fit and qualified Person; and that the deceased Katharine Anderson, the said Doctors surviving Daughter hath communicat to Thomas Weir, Chirurgeon in Edinburgh, the whole Secret and Skill, in Preparing and Compounding the aforesaid Pill, and hath sufficiently instructed and seen him Prepare, and Com­pound, and make up that Pill, as well as ever it was by Doctor Anderson, or his Daughters aforesaid; And that the said deceased Katharine Anderson, hath by her Assignation, dated the Fifeteen day of December, last by-past Assigned and Disponed to the said Thomas VVeir her Stamp, for the Directions, and Seal for the Boxes, with all other Vessels, Materials, and Instruments, for Compounding, Preparing, and Making up the said Pills; and that the said deceast Katharine Anderson doth thereby declare, that she hath communicated and transmitted that secret of Preparing and Compounding the said Pill to the said Thomas Weir, and no other person: And considering that there is none else to whom that secret is communicated, or the Art of Preparing and Compoun­ding the said Pill is committed: and that notwithstanding thereof, there are several persons, who have already, and are of intention to feinȝie and coun­terfeit the said Pill, and to disperse the same with Printed Papers, and otherways, under the name of the said Pill, commonly called Doctor Andersons Pills; Albeit the secret of Preparing and Compounding thereof was never communicated to them, or to any other person now on life, except the said Thomas Weir, which (if not prevented) might prove very dangerous and prejudicial to His Majesties Liedges and others, through making use of any counterfeit Sofisticat and Adulterat Pills, and would much discourage the said Thomas Weir, who hath only the secret of Preparing and Compounding thereof to him communicated by the said Katharine Anderson, who Assigned and Disponed to him the said Stamp and Seal, with all other Vessels and Instruments for Compounding and Dispensing of the said Pill in manner foresaid: Therefore His Majesty Ordains a Letter of Gift to be past and exped under His Ma­jesties Great Seal of His Ancient Kingdom of Scotland, Giving, Granting and Disponing, as His Majesty for Himself and His Royal Successors, Gives, Grants, and Dispons to, and in favours of the said Thomas Weir, the sole Power, Right and Priviledge to Prepare, Compose, Dispense and Vend the aforesaid Pill, called Doctor Andersons Pill, with power to him to use the said Stamp and Seal formerly used by the said Katharine Anderson, for Attesting and Marking the Printed Papers and Boxes belonging to the saids Pills, for all the days and years of the said Thomas Weir his Life-time; And His Majesty doth hereby Discharge all other Person or Persons whatsomever, during the said space, directly or indirectly, to Prepare, Com­pound, Make up, Dispense, or Vend any Pill or Pills under the name of the said Pill, invented by the said deceast Doctor Anderson, or Papers r [...]lating thereto, without the special Licence of the said Thomas Weir, under the penalty of One Thousand Merks Scots for each Contravention. And His Majesty doth hereby Recommend to His Privy Council, and other Judicatories of the said Kingdom of Scotland, to see His pleasure concerning the Premisses rendered effectual, and the Contraveeners fyned or punished, to the terror of others; Providing always that the said Thomas Weir shall be bound and obliged, not only to continue the faithful and true preparing, composing, making up, and dispensing of the said Pills, as was formerly done by the said deceast Doctor Anderson and his Daughters, but likewise to communicate the secret thereof, and instruct any qualified person he shall think fit, to prepare, compose, and make up the said Pill, (that the Invention be not lost,) who shall have no benefite, priviledge, or liberty to compose or vend the aforesaid Pill, during the full time and space above-written: And His Majesty Ordains the said Gift to be further extended, with all Clauses needful, and to pass the Great Seal per saltum, without passing any other Seals or Registers, in order whereunto, these presents shall be to the Director of His Majesties Chancellory for writing out the same, and to the Lord High-Chancellor for causing the Great Seal to be appended thereto, a sufficient Warrand. G [...]v [...]n at the Court at Whitehall, the nineteenth day of May, one thousand six hundred and eighty seven, and of His Majesties Reign the third Year. By His Majesties Command. sic subscribitur, MELFORT. And whereas there having been an Address made to Our Privy Council by the said Thomas Weir, humbly intreating, that Our Letters of Publication of Our foresaid Gift and Signature, now past under Our Great Seal, might be direct in manner, and to the effect under-written. The Lords of Our privy Council, in consideration of the said Address, by their Act of the date of these presents, have ordained these Our Letters to be direct accordingly, as the said Act in it self more fully purports. Our Will is herefore, and We Charge you strictly, and Command, that incontinent these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat-cross of Edinburgh, and whole remanent Mercat-crosses of the Head burghs of the Shires of this Kingdom, and other places needful, and there in Our Name and Authority, by open Proclamation, make publication of Our Gift and Signature above-written past under Our Great Seal as said is, in favours of the said Thomas Weir, that all Our Leidges may have notice thereof, and give obedience thereto, under the Pains and Certifications therein-mentioned, and being further answerable, as Our privy Council shall think fit, in case they contraveen: According to Justice, as ye will answer to Us thereupon. The which to do, We commit to you con­junctly and severally Our full Power by these Our Letters, delivering them by you duely execute and indorsed again to the Bearer.

Per actum Dominorum Secreti Concilij. WILL. PATERSON, Cls. Sti. Concilij.


Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno Dom. 1687.

THese are to give Advertisement to any person or persons whatsomever, That the Pill called Doctor Andersons Pill, with the printed Papers for instructing the use the eof, with his Tallideus Picture at the head thereof, and the Boxes being all sealed with his own Seal, which bears his own Nam [...] [...]ce and Arms, with K. A. for his Daughter Katharine Andersons Name that last composed and sold the same; are composed, and now to be [...] only by Thomas VVeir Chirurgeon, at his Dwelling-House in Edinburgh, on the South side of the High-Street of the same, in the Stone Land, and Third Door of the Fore-Turnpike thereof, [...] [...]pper Well or Conduit, commonly called the Cas [...]le-Well, a little belo [...] the Weigh-House of Ed [...]nburgh.

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