LETTERS, At the Instance of Sir GEORGE McKENZIE of Rosebaugh, His Majesties Advocat for His Highness Interest: And also at the Instance of Sir WILLIAM PATERSON, one of the Clerks to His Majesties Privy Council: Sir ALEXANDER GIBSON of Adinstoun, one of the Clerks of Session: and GEORGE McKENZIE one of the Clerks of Exchequer, as Trusties, in Name, and for the use of the Creditors of the late Earl of Argile, and late Marquess of Argile his Father, to the effect after-specified.
Against The Creditors of the saids late Earl and late Marquess, and all Vassals, and others having, or pretending to have Interest to the Fortune and Estate of the said late Earl, which fell in His Majesties hand, by Sentence of Forefalture underwritten.
EDINBƲRGH, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, anno DOM. 1682.
LETTERS, At the Instance of Sir GEORGE McKENZIE of Rosehaugh, His Majesties Advocat for His Highness Interest: and also at the Instance of Sir WILLIAM PATERSON, one of the Clerks to His Majesties Privy Council: Sir ALEXANDER GIBSON of Adinstoun, one of the Clerks of Session: and GEORGE McKENZIE, one of the Clerks of Exchequer, as Trusties, in Name of, and for the use of the Creditors of the late Earl of Argile, and late Marquess of Argile his Father, to the effect after-specified. AGAINST The Creditors of the saids late Earl and late Marquess, and all Vassals, and others having, or pretending to have Interest to the Fortune and Estate of the said late Earl, which fell in His Majesties hands, by Sentence of Forefalture under-written.
CHARLES, by the grace of GOD, King of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith; To our Lovits,
Messengers, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute Greeting: Forasmuch as We by Our Charter under Our Great Seal of this ancient Kingdom of Scotland, of the date at Edinburgh, the ninteenth day of May last by past, one thousand six hundred eighty and two years, Bearing, That forasmuch as We considering, that Archibald late Earl of Argile being forefaulted upon a Process of Treason, before the Justice Court, the [...] day of December last, And We being resolved to give an evident and undenyable proof of Our Justice to, and care of Our people, in preferring of the Creditors of the Family of Argile to Our Self, as well those who were Creditors to the late Marquess, as those who are Creditors to the late Earl, and of Our innat and Princely Clemency, in leaving [Page 4]still a subsistence for the Family: Therefore We for Our Self and Our Successors, and as King and Prince of Scotland, Wills, and Declares in the first place, That the Jurisdictions, Offices, Superiorities, Constab [...]laries, Patronages, and others after-specified, shall for ever be consolidated, and remain with Our Crown (as being necessary for the just support of Our Government, and too dangerous, both for Us and Our People, to be Heritable in the hand of any of Our Subjects, and We never having designed to Dispone the same) viz. The Offices of the Justice-Generalship of all the Islands of Our ancient Kingdom of Scotland, except Orknay and Zetland; the Justice-Generalship of the Shires of Argile and Tarbot, and of all the remanent Lands and Estate belonging to the Earl of Argile, in Our said Kingdom of Scotland, the Heritable Life-tenendry of Argile and Tarbot-shire, the Heritable Chamberlandrie of both these Shires, the Office of Our Master-Houshold within our said Kingdom, the Heritable Sheriffship of Argile and Tarbot-shire, the Heritable Crownership, and Toshdorich or Mairship in these Shires: As also that half of the Casualities belonging to Us and Prince, formerly Disponed by Us and Our Predecessors, to the Earl of Argile and his Predecessors, viz. The half of the Wards, Reliefs, Marriages, Non-entries, Escheats, Amersiaments, and of all Casualities whatsomever, belonging to Us and Prince, within the said Shires: And sicklike, the Patronage of all Kirks and Prebandries, which any manner of way did belong to the said late Earl and his Predecessors: And in like manner, the Constabularies of the Castles of Craig, Neish, Tarbot, Carrick, Dunine, Swine, and Dunstaffuage, with the Profites, Rents, and Emoluments belonging thereto: As also the Superiorities of all and whatsomever Lands belonging to the Lord Lovit, John Mcclood of Haries, the Heirs of the late Lord Mcdonald, [...] Mcdonald of Moidart, the Laird of Mccleane, or any other Heritor of the name of Mcclean, the Laird of Lochzeal, the Laird of Calder, the Laird of Breackine, the Laird of Auchinbraick, the Laird of Mcnaughtoun, the Laird of Ardkindlayes, [...] Mcalister of Tarbot, the Laird of Laures, the Laird of Ardbrockel, [...] Campbel of Lundie, [...] Campbel of Ardchattoun, the Laird of Ormsay, the Laird of Lochnel: As likewise the Superiority of the Burgh and House of Inverarioch and
And in the next place, We for Our Selves and Our Successors, by Our Gift, under Our Great Seal afterspecified, Have Given, Granted and Disponed, to [...] Mcclean of Dochart, his Heirs-male, Successors and Assigneys whatsomever, as much Lands in Mull, Moorburn, not including Brolis, at the determination of Our Commissioners after specified, as will pay an yearly Rent, of the sum of five hundred pounds Sterling, free of all Ground Debts and Burdens, to be holden of Us and Our Successors, conform to the Original Infestments of the saids Lands, together [Page 5]with the Castle of Dovat: as also [...] Mcdougal of Lorn, his Heirs-male and Successors, as much Lands next adjacent to the Castle of Dunolich, as will amount to eighteen hundred Merks yearly, to be designed by Our saids Commissioners, in manner foresaid, and sicklike to the Laird of Mcnaughtoun, his Heirs-male, Successors and Assigneys, the Lands and Forrestrie of [...] as the same were formerly possest by him; and sicklike to [...] Mcdonald of Glengairy, the Lands of Glengairy Knoydart and others Comprised or Adjudged from the deceast Eneas, Lord Mcdonald, by the said Archibald late Earl of Argile; which Debts and Rights following thereupon, We by Our said Charter, have Disponed in favours of the said. [...] Mcdonald of Glengairy, his Heirs and Assigneys, for now and ever: and in like manner, to Donald Mcdonald of Moidart, all Heritable Right which the said Archibald late Earl of Argile, had upon his Lands and Estate, which We by Our said Charter, under Our Great Seal, of the date above and after exprest, have renounced in favours of the said Donald Mcdonald, his Heirs and Assigneys, dispensing with the generality foresaid, and admitting the samine to be as sufficient, as if every particular Debt above-mentioned, Right and Diligence following thereupon, were at length specified in the said Charter, whereanent We have Dispensed for ever. Likeas, We out of Our Princely Goodness and Bounty, by Our said Charter aforesaid, have Given, Granted and Disponed, Heretably and Irredeemably, to John Campbel, second Son to the said Archibald late Earl of Argile, his Heirs-male, Successors and Assigneys whatsomever, as much Land out of the said Estate of Argile, as will extend to the sum of two hundred pound Serling Money, of yearly real Rent, conform to the Rental of the said Estate of Argile, to be Designed, Allocat and appointed to him by Our saids Commissioners: and to [...] Campbel, third Son to the said Archibald late Earl of Argile, his Heirs-Male, Successors and Assigneys whatsomever, as much Land out of the said Estate of Argile, and that Heritably and Irredeemably, as will amount to the sum of an hundred and fifty pound Sterling Money, of yearly Rent, conform to the Rental of the said Estate of Argile, to be Designed, Allocat and appointed, to the said [...] Campbel and his foresaids, by Our saids Commissioners: and sicklike to [...] Campbel, fourth Son to the said Arhibald late Earl of Argile, his Heirs-male, Successors and Assigneys whatsomever, Heritably and Irredeemably, as much Land out of the said Estate of Argile, as will Extend in yearly Rent to the sum of an hundred and fifty pound Sterling yearly, conform to the Rental of the said Estate of Argile, to be Designed, allocat and appointed to him and his forsaids, by Our saids Commissioners after exprest: Likeas, We out of Our said bounty and goodness, by Our said Charter, have Given, Granted and Disponed to Lady Ann [Page 6]Campbell eldest lawful Daughter to the said Archibald, late Earl of Argyle, now Spouse to Richard Maitland of Didope Our Justice Clerk of Our said Kingdom of Scotland, her Heirs Male successors or Assigneys whatsomever: Asmuch Land out of the said Estate of Argyle as will extend to, and be worth in yearly Rent conform to the forsaid Rental, The sum of one hundreth pound Sterling Yearly to be designed and appointed to her and her forsaids, be Our saids Commissioners. And lastly, to Lady Jean Campbel, second Daughter to the said Archibald late Earl of Argyle, asmuch Land out of the said Estate of Argyle, and that Heritably and Irredeemablie, to her Heirs Male, Successors and Assigneys whatsomever, as will be worth and extend in yearly Rent, conform to the Rental of the said Estate of Argyle: to the sum of an hundred pounds money forsaid, yearly to be designed, allocat, and appointed to her and her forsaids be Our said Commissioners, in manner above and after-mentioned: And that in full Contentation payment and Satisfaction to the said Children of the said Archibald, late Earl of Argyle, of all Bonds of Provision, or Contracts; and of all other sums of Money resting to them be their said Father. And also We, by Our said Charter, have reserved to Archibald late Lord Lorn, the Lands wherein he and his Lady stands confirmed: As likewise, We, with advice and consent of Our trusty Cusings and Counsellors John Duke of Lauderdail, President of Our Privy Council of this Our ancient Kingdom of Scotland [...] Marquess of Athol Lord Privy Seal, Alexander Earl of Murray sole Secretar of State, William Earle of Queensberry, and [...] Earl of Strathmoor; as also with consent of Our trustie Counsellor Charles Maitland of Haltoun, Our Thesaurer Deput of Our said Kingdom, Our Commissioners for the Thesaurie, Comptrolers and Thesaurie of new Augmentations, and with the advice and consent of the remanent Lords of the Exchequer of Our said Kingdom, have by Our said Charter under Our great Seal, of the date abovewritten, given, granted and disponed, and for Us, and Our Successors, with advice and consent forsaid perpetually confirmed to Sir Alexander Gibson one of Our Clerks to the Session, Sir William Paterson Clerk to Our Privy Council, and George Mckenzie one of Our Clerks to the Exchequer, as trusties for the use and behove after exprest allenarlie; and failling of either of them be decease, to the surviver with and under the exception of the Jurisdictions, Offices, Superiorities, Constabularies, Patronages, Lands and others above-specified: All and haill the Earldoms, Lordships, Barronies, Tennendries and others above-mentioned, which pertained and belonged of before to the late Earl of Argyle, and are now fallen in Our hand, by the Forefalture forsaid, viz. All and sundrie the Lands and Barrony of Lochane, the Lands of Ardfoludnes, Glenyra, Glenshira, and Latter within the forsaid Barronie, the Lands and Barrony of Glenorchie, all and hail the Lands and [Page 7]Lordship of Cowall, with the Forth of Bemore, pertaining and belonging thereto; with all and sundry Castles, Maner-places, Milnes, Woods, Fishings, Forrests, Sheillings, Grassings, Fishings, Teynds, Houses, Biggings and Pertinents of the samen; all and hail the Lands and Barrony of Overciual, the Lands of Straquhare, extending to fiftie one merks and a half merk land of old extent: The Lands of Straitheathin, Gleninassin, Glenlean, Lochstravin, Shed, Arrinslat toward Fleeming, Invernil,and Clackkan [...]s, Auchatachevin, the Lands of Ardmeinnock, Lyseaga, Darnagerchmore, Glentire and Darnagevochbeg, the lands and Barrony of Otterwerin, the lands of Glessary, Ederline, underwritten, viz. The lands of Minart, and Kilmochallbeg, Gorthan, Ring, Nockness, Artcastles, Callochie, Auchinbreck, Belmoir, Kilmitchail, Hozinan, Monenenarath, Knockallaway, Fewling, Tuyne. Garivalt, Craigneuar, Thanganalith, Earquhill, Tornblairne, Lagg, Auchtine, Chirlich, Craigmurthill, all and hail the lands of Craigneish, Melfart, with the Castles, Towers, Maner-places, Isles, Loches, Fishings, Salmond-fishings, and other Fishings and pertinents of the samen lyand within the Shireffdome of Argyle. All and hail the Lands and Barronie of Tarbot, with the Castles, Towers and maner Places of the samen, and hail parts and pendicles thereof, lyand within the Shiriffdome of Tarbot of old, and now within the said Sheriffdoom of Argyle, as also, all and sundry the Lands, Lordship and Barrony of Lorn, the said Lands of Longtoirs, Shiunay, Sheill, Corsseraw, and Leissmoir; within the forsaid, Lordships, Lands and Barrony of Killmoon, the Lands of Beadland, all and sundry the saids Lands and Barrony of Killmichael, the Lands and Barrony of Skipnet, lyand of old within the Shiriffdome of Tarbot, and now within the Shirifdome of Argyle. All and hail the five merk Land of old extent of Annan with the Fishings of the samen upon the water of Ave, and pertinents thereof, and the one merk Land of old extent of Auchindean, lyand within the Barrony of Lothow, and Shirifdome of Argyle forsaid, with the Castles, Towres, Fortalices, Isles, Loches, Fishings, Forrests, Parts, Pendicles, and Pertinents of the samine with the Teinds, Personage and Vicarage thereof, and Colledge Kirk of Killmoon; and the hail other Kirk Lands, Benefices, Chaplanries, Annexis, Connexis, Dependences; and Pertinences whatsomever, of all and fundrie the Lands, Lordships, Barronies and others forsaid: All and sundrie the Lands and Barrony of Kirktoun of Inchmeir, with the Towres, Fortalices and maner Place of the samen, with the Isles, Loches, Tennents, Tennendries, Annexis Connexis, Parts, Pendicles, thereof: all and hail the Lands and Barronie of Rossneath with the Towres, Fortifications, Houses, Biggings, Yeards, Orchyeards, Milnes, Milne-lands, Woods, Forrests, Isles, Loches, Fishings, Tennents, Tennendries, Annexis, Connexis, and Pertinents lyand within the Shirifdome of Dumbartoun. All and sundrie the Lands of Innerquhapel in Glenfurd, the Toylet, all [Page 8]and sundrie the Lands of two Ardinblauches, and two Craig [...]ubilks, and half merk Land lyand within the territory of Innerquhapel, and an merk Land of old possest be Jver Mckenzie. The Lands of Stuck and Blairbeg, the Lands of Ferrie, the Lands of Feirone with the Castles, Towres, manner Places, Forrests, Parts, Pendicles, and Pertinents of the samen, with the Loches, Isles, Fishings, Tennents, Tennendries, Parts Pendicles and Pertinents whatsomever, of the said Lands, and others forsaids, lyand within the Shirifdome of Argyle: all and hail the twenty pound Land of Duzzie, vix. The seven merk land of Caule and Glensarachin; the seven merk land of Ardseal, and Lagnahall; the three merk land of Bellesheils, the five merk lands of Achanadaroch, the three merk land of Achliqhary, the five merk land of Anchquhary and Auchinblaun, all and hail the twenty merk land of Glenvain with the Castles, Towres, Fortalices, maner Places, Houses, Biggings, Milnes, Multures, Woods, Forrests, Meadows, Banks, Loches, Fishings, Tennents, Tennendries, Annexis, Connexis, Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents whatsomever of the saids Lands, and others above-written, lyand within the said Shirefdome of Argyle. All and hail the Lands of Paunnells, the five merk Lands of Odullator, the Lands of Netherglen, the Lands of Drumkean and Blairwevock with the Towres, Fortalices, maner Places, Houses, Biggings, Yeards Orchyeards, Milnes, Woods, Fishings, Coalls, Coall-heughs, Forrests, Peats, Moures Meadows, Banks, Loches, Isles, Fishings, Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents thereof, lyand within the Shirifdome of Perth. All and hail the Lands of little Sauline, all and hail the Lands of Borland of Sauline, with Castles and Towres, Fortalices, Milnes, Mutltures, Woods, Banks, Loches Isles, Fishings, Annexis, Connexis, Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents thereof, lyand within the Shiriffdome of Fife. All and hail the Lands and Barrony of Menstry, lyand within the Shireffdome of Clackmannon, all and hail the Lands and Barrony of Bochon lyand within the Shiriffdome of Striviling, all and hail the Lands and Barrony of Ardnamurchow, wherein comprehending the Lands, Isles, Milnes, Woods, Fishings, and Fishings and others underwritten, viz. All and hail the Lands and Isles Colousay, comprehending the Lands, Milnes, Fishings, and others aftermentioned, viz. all and hail the two merk and half merk Land of Bellinhard: the five merk Land of the two Killiedranises, the two merk Land and half merk Land of the two Killhattums, the two merk and half merk land of Machenathoiss and Ballviers, the two merk and half merk Lands of Killrevey and Marchribeg, the two merk and half merk Lands of the two Vreskinshes, the two merk and half merk Lands of the two Ballarunches, the sexteen shilling and eight pennie Land of Skallisag with all and sundrie, Castles, Towres, maner Places, Houses, Biggings, Yeards, Orchyeards, Outsetts, Annexis, Connexis, Dependences Milnes, Milne-lands, Multures, Wood, Fisshings Meadows, [Page 9]Bonds, Coals, Coal-heughs, Lochs, Isles, Tennents, Tennendries, Forrests, Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents whatsomever of the saids hail Lands, and others respective above-written, with the Pertinents all and sundry the Lands of Arduamuchan, containing the particular Lands and others under-written, viz. all and hail the twenty shilling Land of Letter-lochshiel, the two merk and half merk Land of Acherkeils, the two merk and half merk Land of Langa, the two merk Land of Glenbervadail, the two merk Land of Glenbeg, the two merk and half merk Land of Glenmoir, the two merk and half merk Land of Ardsliggensh, the two mark and half merk Land of Camusnagle, the two merk and half merk Land of Tornamonth, the two merk and half merk Land of Borblaig, the two merk and half Land of Corniscilen, the two merk and half merk Land of Skenenth, the three merk and half merk Land of Mingair, the two merk Land of Killechlen, the two merk and half merk Land of Cunsagmore, the two merk Land of Auchnaquhislick, the twenty shilling Lands of Ormsagbig, the two merk Land of Ʋdine, the two merk and half merk Land of Auchinschaw, the two merks and half merk Land of Glendrien, the one merk Land of Pinchonich, the twenty shilling Land of Taskistle, the three merk Land of Auchave, the two merk Land of Branalt, the two merk and half merk Land of Killiemore, the two merk and half merk Land of Swardile-Corich, the two merk and half merk Land of Swardilemore, the two merk and half merk Land of Swardilbeg, the two merk and half merk Land of Orkeil, the one merk Land of Reynkaneth, the shilling eight pennie Land of Class, the six shilling eight pennie Land of Ardyna, two merk and half merk Land of Ardore, six shilling eight pennie Land of Locke, six shilling eight pennie Land of Langarie, six shilling eight pennie Land of Craiggow, and two merk Land of Ardipe, with all and sundry Castles, Towers, Fortalices, maner places, Lochs, Isles, Woods, Fishings, Annexis, Connexis, Dependences, Forrests, Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents of the samine whatsoever: And sicklike, all and hail the Isle Swinart containing the Lands and others underwritten, viz. all and hail the two merk and half merk Land of the two Ranaquhans, two merk and half merk Land of Cammissian; the three merk Land of Reshaple; the an merk Land of Tarbot, the ten shilling Land of Camanskeinish and Camstarsey; two merk and half merk Land of Polloch; the two merk and half merk Land of Ronaldmoir; two merk and half merk Land of Ardnastank; two merk and half merk Land of Anchnahil; the two merk and half merk Land of Orrindile, two merk and half merk Land of Drumtorrin; two merk and half merk Land of Strontean; and two merk and half merk Land of Auchnileare; with all and sundrie Castles, Towers, Fortalices, maner places, Houses, Biggings, Milns, Woods, Forrests, Fishings, Lochs, Outsetts, Infetts, Dependences, Parts, Pendicles, and Pertinents of the samine whatsomever, Lyand of old within the Sheriffdom of Inverness and Tarbot, and now within the Sheriffdom of Argile; all and hail [Page 10]the Lands and Barony of Balweil, comprehending the Lands and others underwritten, viz. all and hail the Isle of Cronsay, extendding to five merk Land with the Pertinents; all and hail the sixteen shilling Land and eight Pennie Land of Garvite in Collinsay; all and hail the eight shilling Land in Strowin in Deura, with the hail Parts, pendicles and Pertinents thereof, lyand within the Sheriffdom of Argile, with the Teind-Sheaves and other Teinds, aswell parsonage as Viccarage great as small of the saids Lands and Isles respective: and sicklike, the just third part of all and hail the eighteen merk Land of Qeins; viz. all and hail the eighteen shilling Land of Torsay; eighteen shilling Land of Arigainathan; eighteen shilling Land of Auchindresh; eight shilling Land of Wreoth; nine shilling Land of Derevey; and eighteen shilling Land of Augintoun, with House, Biggings, Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents thereof, lyand in the Isle of Mull and within the said Sheriffdom of Tarbot of old, and now within the said Sheriffdom of Argile; as also, all and hail the Isle of Roune, extending to six merk Land of old extent; to wit, the four merk Land of Kilmoir; and two merk Land of Northag; with all and sundry Houses, Biggings, Fishings, Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents of the samine, lyand within the Sheriffdom of Argile foresaid; all and hail the three merk Land, of old extent of Drumyne and Auchelmane, with House, Biggings, Parts, Pendicles, annexis, connexis and Pertinents thereof, lyand within the Lordship of Morverne; all and hail the Lands of Kilmachaiche, Gartnagairoch and Muthtrie, extending to eight merk Land, of old extent with all and sundrie Houses, Biggings, Yards, Orchards, Milns, Woods, Fishings, Dependences, Profites, Commodities, Casualities, Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents of the samine, lyand within the Sheriffdom of Argile; as also, all and hail the Lands and others underwritten, viz. all and hail the sixteen shilling and eight penny Land of ardi [...]ecuisly, sixteen shilling and eight penny Land of Cambackrie; sixteen shilling and eight penny Land of Recunes; sixteen shilling eight pennie Land of Tarbot, all lyand within the Isle of Jura; sixteen shilling eight penny Land of Mulbouie, lyand within the Isle of Scarba; eight shilling and four penny Land of Garvallen and Donnechonnel, with the Isles of Glacheniver and Coulbrandin; six merk Land of Dousmoloch and Ranochane, lyand in the Parochine of Kilcamanel; four merk Land of auchmellan, lyand within the Parochine of Kilberry and Sheriffdom of Argile foresaid; all and hail the Lands of Balwel extending to five Merk Land, of old extent with the manner, Place, House, Biggings and Pertinents thereof; all and hail the Lands of Wardend, with the Wood of the samine, House, Biggings and Pertinents thereof; all and hail the Lands of Ballairds, over and nether, with the Miln thereof, Houses, Biggings, annexis, connexis and their Pertinents, lyand by annexation within the Barony of Glenegies Parochine of Drumean, and Sheriffdom of Pearth; all and hail the Lands of Calemor, with the Pertinents, and Raslinglorne, with [Page 11]House, Biggings, Yards, Orchards and Pertinents of the samine, lyand within the Barony of Haddin and Sheriffdom of Pearth foresaid; all and hail the Lands of Kepd [...]urie and Pertinents of the samine, lyand in the Sheriffdom of Pearth foresaid; and all and hail the five m [...]rk Land of auchrig over and nether, lyand within the Sheriffdom of Pearth foresaid, with the Libertie and Priviledge of Mosse and Muire, to the saids Lands of auchrig, within the Lands of Letter and Barony of Roskie, according to use and wont; all and hail the fourty shilling Land and Forrestry of Benziemore, with Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents of the samine, lyand within the Sheriffdom of Pearth foresaid, all and hail the Lands and Barony of Eyge, comprehending the Lands, Baronies and others afterspecified, viz all and hail the Lands and Baronie of Lochyield therein comprehending the Lands and others underwritten, viz. all and hail the Lands of Bamby, Meikeinith, Helin, Craiglong, Torpith, arnat, annachido, Kilmailie, auchmolig, Drumfraser, Molochsyne, Wor, Wallie, Hassa, Farna, Strone, Falliack, Corbeg, Auchtiloun, Kinloch, Drumlace, Coulie, Knappe, Machiacho, Clariothack, Musheroloch, Creive, Sallachan and half of Landallie, with all and sundrie Castles, Towers, manner Places, annexis, connexis, Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents of the samine, lyand within the Sheriffdom of Argile foresaid; all and hail the Lands of Inneramble, Frostblair, auchteramble, Goriasplace of Dalzeamble, Quarter, aulater and achanvie with the Pertinents, lyand within the Sheriffdom of Pearth; all and hail the Lands and Barony of arguar underwritten, viz. the one merk Land of Calpe and Garvan: the twenty shilling land of Diuskie: the one merk land of auchinpoble and Trensach; the one merk Land of Strongagaren and Chavelzelk the one merk Land of Blairbowie and Corsbeg, the one merk Land of the two Innerskalvilluillies; the one merk Land of Coulaplin and Cradalich; the one merk Land of archaulan and Auchnan; the one merk Land of Lednevis and Craigvaytan; the one merk Land of Nearachan and Lakeith; the twenty shilling Land of Dundoch and alehouse; the one merk Land of Kilbodin; two merk and ten shilling Land of Coulie; twenty three shilling and four pennie Land of Sallachanbeg; two merk Land of Sallachinmoir; two merk of Innersandax, Innerbrachater; half merk Land of the two Breverkildie and Clasamuck, extending in the hail to twenty two merk Lands, with Castles, Towers, Fortalices, manner Places, Houses, Biggings, Milns, Multures, Woods, Fishings, as well in salt as in fresh water, annexis, connexis, Woods Forrests, and all and sundry their Pertments whatsomever, lyand within the Sheriffdom of Argile foresaid; all and hail the Lands and Barony of Gyga, extending to twenty pound Land underwritten, vi [...]. The Lands of Cameront, Tarbot, ardhay, ardglames, Chanteroch, Laint, Kilhatine, ardvynes, Drumsmore, Drumgenbeg, Scoul and Duncro, with the Castles, Towers, Manner-Places annexis, connexis, Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents of the samine, lyand within the Sheriffdom of Argile foresaid; all and hail these sixteen merk Lands lyand in Kintire, viz. Macherichanis, Clathkill and Tradigall, Barlachino and Lestrauchin, with all and sundry Parts, Pendicles [Page 12]and Pertinents of the samine, lyand within the Sheriffdom of Argile; all and hail the lands and others underwritten, viz. all and hail the twenty four merk five shilling land of Arross in the Isle of Mull; the lands of Oskeambell; the lands of Corkamull; the lands of Fannanover in Leirwalleneil; all and hail the lands of Brollis, all and hail the eight merk land, lyand in Ardmenach; all lyand within the Isle of Mull; all and hail the lands of Mulbony, lyand in the Isle of Scarbay; all and hail the lands of Preag, Gnananagall, Glenamuck, Ardscallanesh, and lands of Ardbignies, lyand in the Isle of Jura, with all and sundry Parts, Pendicles, Houses, Biggings, Woods, Forrests, Fishings and pertinents of the famine, lyand within the Sheriffdom of Argile foresaid, with the Teinds, Parsonage and Viccarage of the hail Paroch Kirk and Parochin of K [...] calmanel, and hail profits of the samine thereto belonging, lying within the Sheriffdom of Argile foresaid; and all and hxil the lands and others under-written, viz. all and hail the lands and Barony of Lundie, comprehending all and sundry the lands called the Mains of Lundy, alias West-Dronlaw; all and hail the lands of Pitterna, with the pertinents; all and hail the Kirktoun lands of Lundy, with the Loch thereof, and lands called Brae lands of Lundy, with the pertinents, with the Miln of Lundy, with the Miln-lands, Multures, Sequels and pertinents of the samine, all and hail the lands of Easter-keith, with the Loch called Lang-loch, and Fishings of the samine; all and hail the lands of Ladyet; the lands of Lady-reife and Argarth; all and hail the lands of Smeithtoun-nether; all and hail the lands of Balchaneo, with the Loch called the lands of Balchand, and Fishings of the famine; all and hail the lands of Pendrich, with the parts, pendicles and pertinents of the samine; all and hail the lands of Droan, with the Castles, Towers, Fortalices, manner places, Houses, Biggings, Tennents, Tennendries, annexis, connexis, parts, pendicles and pertinents of the said Barony of Lundy, lyand within the Sheriffdom of For [...]ar; all and hail the lands of Camneck, over Auchindeck, and nether Auchindeck, the lands of over Elrick, nether Elreck, Doun, Dalnacabock, Kirktoun, Pilrochie, and Bellitsie, Dundounni, with the eight part of all and sundrie the lands of wester Inneraritie, all and hail the three third parts of easter Inneraritie, with the Milne, Milnelands and astrict Multures of the samen, all and hail the three third parts of all and sundrie the lands of Glenma [...]kie with the Parts, Pendicles, Annexis, Connexis and Pertinents of the samen, lyand within the Barrony of Glenylla, and Sherifdome of Forfar, all and hail that fourth part of the half of the Town of Balbrogie, together with the other part thereof possest sometime by Jonet Allanson, and the fourth part of the half of the said Town sometime possest be Andrew Bell, lyand within the Shireffdome of Perth forsaid, all and hail the Lands and Barrony of Glenelg, with Castles, Towres, Fortalices, maner Places, Houses, Biggings, Yards, Orchards Milnes, Milne-lands, Multers, Woods, [Page 13]Forrests, Fishings, and hail Pertinents of the samine whatsomeever, lyand within the Sheriffdome of Innerness, all and hail the seven merk Land of Avishack, one merk Land of Eygk with the Pertinents, lyand within the Sheriffdome of Innerness, all and hail that three merk land of Moydart: all and hail that nine merk land lyand in the Islle of Eygk, comprehending the lands of Galmoscull, Saudie, Groulin, third part land of Clittill: Half land of Knock-daltack, and half of the land of Balmerich, the hail four one merk land of Morar, comprehending the town and lands outsetts aftermentioned, viz. All and hail the lands of Crosell, The lands of Gray: the lands of Drowassel, the lands of Ochaldell: the lands of Counchatter: the lands of Scamadeill: the lands of Fettielane: the lands of Feranrie: the lands of Dellathich: the lands of Inneresick: the land of Marieshell. the lands of Lochboir with both the sides of the Loch: the lands of Northbaith, Arrichir, and Neckerfed: the lands of Pauliskinen: all and hail the seven merk land of Arsack, comprehending the lands of Kippack, with the old marches and bounds thereof: the lands of Mayne, Ardnapeul, Torabreich and Bonarray, all and hail the twenty three merks lands of Kindies: all and hail the six merks lands of Bowistil within the Isle of Northvenish with Castles, Towers, Fortalices, Manner-places, houses, Biggings, Yeards, Orchards, Milnes, Milne-lands, Multures, Woods, Forrests, Banks, Meadows, Fishings, alsewell in salt as in fresh waters, Tofts, Crofts and Pertinents of the samine, all and hail the twenty merk land of Frierchug: the twelve merk land of Bambecula, and one merk land of Gargrinens, with Castles, Towres, Fortalices, Manner-places, Houses, biggings, Yeards, Orchards, Milnes, Milnelands, Multures, Woods, Forrests, Meadows, Banks, Islands, Lochs Fishings, Parts, Pendicles, and Pertinents of the samine whatsomever, lyand within the Island of Ʋnist, and Sheriffdome of Inverness foresaid: all and hail the Lordship and Barrony of Kintire, comprehending all and sundrie the Land, Islands, Feu-farmes, and others particularly underwritten, viz. All and hail the lands and Lordship of Kintire, comprehending specially in themselves, all and sundrie the Lands and others underwritten, viz. The lands of Cannochan and Donnanultichie extending to twentie penny land, the lands of Ochinross, extending to ten merk lands, the lands of Barr extending to nine merk lands, the land of easter and wester Balwillings extending to four merk lands, the lands of Drumoir extending to four merk lands, and the lands of Escannumon extending to three merk lands, the lands of Escanelbeg extending to three merk lands, the lands of Lorsbeg extending to two merk lands, the lands of Basconal extending to three merk lands, the lands of Ballminoch over and nether extending to five merks land; the lands of Phenorbie and Clathline extending to eight merk lands: the lands of Pemyuaire and Alteriff, extending to four merks lands; the lands of Lagan extending to three merk lands; the lands of Drumgarno extending to four merk lands the [Page 14] Corputiachen extending to four merk lands, of Clungarth extending to four merk lands: the Lands of Mergamumgath extending to four merk lands, the lands of Auchtertadour extending to two merks lands, the lands Glencardoch extending to two merks lands; the lands Belloch extending to three merk lands: the lands of Killmaluock extending to two merk lands; the lands of Annot extending to three merk and half merk lands; the lands of Garnald extending to two merk lands, the lands of Storockadaill extending to two merk lands, the lands of Moyastil extending to five merk lands; the lands of Crobstil, extending to four merk lands, the lands of Broltes extending to five merk lands, the lands of Gortinweel extending to four merk lands; the lands of Grenan extending to two merk lands; the lands of Spensadge extending to two merk lands, the lands of Crosage extending to four merk lands, the lands of Balligregan and Mansreoch extending to three merk lands, the lands of Blair extending to one merk land, the lands of Donnonophine extending to two merk lands, the lands of Kildonan extending to two merk lands, the lands of Depen extending to three merk lands, the lands of Adquoadail extending to four merk lands, the lands of Auchnasale extending to two merk lands; the lands of Ranadail extending to four merk lands; the lands of Barwarcraig and Kirdinask extending to two merk lands, the lands of Killmichael extending to two merk lands, the lands of Stronoven extending to two merk lands, the lands of Auchmera extending to two merk lands, the lands of two Duchries extending to two merk lands. And likewise all and hail the lands and others underwritten of South Kintire, the lands of Balligregan and Cragack extending to four merk lands, the lands of Lossit and Glenhaughtie extending to five merk lands; the lands of Knockantmore extending to four merk eight shilling and four pennie lands, the lands of Drumtinul Lochoridail extending to four merk lands, of the other half of the saids lands extending to two merk lands, the lands of Teranois and Largaban extending to five merk lands, the lands of Glatechel extending to one merk lands, the lands of Machriemisso extending to one merk land, the lands of Darinachin extending to one merk lands, the lands of Lystrachnie and Tralachnie extending to ten shilling land, the lands of Paobil and Jnnangowie extending to five shilling and ten pennies land, the lands of Killquhilmich extending to two merk lands, the lands of Blacknachouil extending to three merk lands, the lands of Kiluenine extending to seventeen merk lands, the lands of Wigil, Achurrich, Kilbride, Kinnachine, Ahnefleshim and Auteramaie extending to seven merk half merk lands, the lands of Knockreock, Morglenadul, Anhrerion extending to five merk and half merk lands, the lands of Knockreochbeg, Armacavish, and Altobodouie extending to four merk lands; the lands of Kinloch extending to twelve merk lands, of Killdalick, Knockquhirk, Achachon extending to four merk lands, the lands of Ballantyne, Auchtorve and Ballinabraid extending to six merk lands, the lands of [Page 15]Machriemoir extending to twelve merk lands: the lands of Culder and Glenamuckloch extending to seven merk lands: the lands of Pulvilling extending to five merk half merk lands: the lands of Glenharvy extending to three merk lands: the lands of Gornogordoch extending to one merk land: the land of Arradil extending to one merk land; the lands of Suckath extending to one merk land: the lands of Corfyne and Blairfairne extending to two merk lands: the lands of Craig extending to four merk lands: the lands of Cullilnewgirth extending to four merk lands. the lands of Kilmitchail and Achalick extending to four merk lands: the lands of Corslay extending to twelve merk lands: the lands of Mull and Kintyre extending to four merk lands: the la [...]ds of Kermanoch and Mucklock extending to two merk lands: the lands of Collison, Forti, Ballivenan and Dallarnach extending to four merk eight shilling and four penny lands: the lands of Gartavach extending to one merk lands: the lands of Mauchribeg extending to two merk lands: the lands of Leppenbeg extending to eight shilling four pennie lands: the lands of Machrechastle extending to eight shilling four penny land: the lands of Kermmoir extending to twenty shilling lands: the lands of Glaicleffincarrar extending to two merk lands: the half of the lands of Lailt and Lippinstra extending the twenty six shilling eight penny land, of the lands of Cattadul, Laborgan, Garvine: the lands of Brakleid and Garkloftan extending to eight merk lands: the lands of Brownorichnie, Drumnarenoch, Barsomeal, Leynamse and Innaracaldoch extending to four merk two shilling and ten penny lands: the lands of Killiallane, Penniegownie, Gortoscane, Elderice, Ardnascavis extending to eight merk lands: the lands of Achnaglack, Lagnacraig, Kerimarnoch, Kerifour, Kerdonal, Dungliss and Glenramskilmore, Scone and Glenadail extending to twelve merk lands: the lands of Kiulain extending to two merk lands: the lands of Culrathane, Dalnaleith, Chrishtolloch extending to four merk lands: the lands of Kilruane, Knockstake and Lenachane extending to three merk and half merk lands: the lands of Gortonougonriach extending to eight shilling four penny land: and all and hail the lands and Isle of Jura, comprehending the particular lands and others under-written. viz. the lands of Ardyne extending to sixteen shilling eight penny land: the lands of Stronyne extending to sixteen shilling eight penny land: the lands of Bowastle extending to sixteen shilling eight pennie land: the lands of Sandack extending to sixteen shilling eight penny land: the lands of Craigeib extending to sixteen shilling eight penny land: the lands of Knocknafollan extending to sixteen shilling eight penny land: the lands of Auchahorse extending to sixteen shilling eight penny land: the lands of Nyryne extending to sixteen shilling eight penny land: the lands of Knockbrowane extending to sixteen shilling eight penny land: the lands of Ardirnel extending to sixteen shilling and eight penny land: the lands of Knockbreck extending to eight shilling [Page 16]land, with all and sundry Isles, Castles, Towers, Fortalices, Manner places, houses, Biggings, Yards, Orch-yards, Milns, miln-lands, Multures, Woods, Fishings, Coals, Coal-heughs, Cunnings, Cunninghairs, Doves, Dovecots, Tennents, Tennendries, Annexis, Connexis, Dependences, Forrests, Out-sets, parts, pendicles and pertinents whatsomever, of all and sundry the foresaids lands, Isles, and others above-written: all lyand within the said Sheriffdom of Tarbot of old, and now within the said Sheriffdom of Argile: and likewise all and sundry Feu-ferms, and others aftermentioned, due to Us out of the lands above and under-written, viz. sixty six [...] Ferm, and twelve Bolls of Malt for the foresaid twelve merk lands of Auchricroce, ninety four [...] [...] of Meal for the foresaids lands of Bar: an hundreth twenty six [...] of Meal, and sixty four bolls of Malt for the foresaid seventeen merk lands of Kildonald: six [...] [...] of Meal for the foresaid four merk land of Craig: an hundred and eighty four [...] of Meal: sixty four bolls of Malt for the foresaid twelve merk lands of Carskoy: eighty two [...] of Meal for the foresaid five merk and half merk lands of Polwilling: ninety [...] of Meal, and ten bolls of Malt for the foresaid seven merk lands of Kildair and Glenmuckloch, an hundred eighty six [...] of Meal, and sixty four bolls of Malt for the foresaid twelve merk land of Machriemoir, all lyand within the foresaid Lordship of Kintire, the saids feu Ferms extending in the whole to twenty Chalders of Corn, of which, six Chalders and ten bolls of Meal, and thretteen Chalders six bolls of Malt: as also, all and hail the lands of Glendarwal: and all and hail the lands of Dounoone, with Castles, Towers, Fortalices, manner Places, Houses, Biggings, Yards, Orch-yards, Milns, Miln-lands, Multures, Woods, Fishings, Tennents, Tennendries, annexis, connexis, Dependences, Forrests, Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents of the samine whatsomever, lyand within the foresaid Sheriffdom of Argile: and all and hail the lands and others under-written, viz. all and hail the six penny land of Auchibeg and Irnes: the two penny land of Culkylyny: the four merk land of Auchiforsis: the three pound land of Auchnagowin: a penny land of Henbeg: a penny land of Adamgus: a penny land of Corasmindail: two penny and half penny lands of [...] two penny and half penny lands of Corwayne extending to twelve merk lands, House, Biggings, Yards, Woods, Fishings, parts, pendicles and pertinents whatsomever of the foresaids lands, all lyand in Moir vairne, of old within the Sheriffdom of Inverness, and now within the Sheriffdom of Argile: and likewise, all and hail the Lands of Dounamuck and Auchnasshalla, with Houses, Biggings, Yards, Parts, Pendicles, and all and sundry Pertinents of the samine whatsomever, lyand in Glastrie within the foresaid Sheriffdom of Argile: all and sundry the lands of Ferriland of Cardross, extending to four Aikers of land, with Houses, Biggings, Yards, Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents of [Page 17]the samine whatsomever, with the Office of carrying in the Ferry-boats of Cardross, with all and sundry Casualities thereof: Which also with the Pasturage of six Soums and an Horse Grass within the lands of Kicktoun of Cardross, with all and sundry Pertinent [...] of the samine, lyand within the Lordship of Cardross and Sheriffdom of Dumbartoun: all and sundry the Lands of Finlay and Locker [...] comprehending the Lands and others under-written, viz. The Lands of Moy and [...] the Lands of Barinwailitan, Invermusk, Vullen, Auchnarrie, Auchnannalla, Lochmalchri, Glenmaltre, Deurack, Invermalzie, Walward, Kilrosse, Auchnacarie, Cluins, Invertoiwolg, Avchnasal, Tailsalauchan, Mockinmoir, Kennaught, Inurualagan, Kerlacht, Glendeseroch, Glesbraega, Glenpean, Kinloch, Glenkinkie, Marserolish, Arcui with all and sundry Castles, Towers, Fortalices, mannerplaces, House, Biggings Yards, Orch-yards, Milns, Miln-lands, Multures, Suckens and Sequels of the samine, Woods, Fishings, Salmond-fishings and other fishings, Forrests, Timber, Planting, Growing-trees, Muers, Marishes, Meadows, Tofts, Crofts, Outsets, insets, Grassings, Glening, Sheallings and universal Pertinents thereof, lyand within the Lordship of Lochabar, and Sheriffdome of Inverness. And all and sundry the Lands and Barrony of Auehna garran, five pound land of old extent of Cragfurlinachin, Kaith, Balichindren, Les, Mckn [...]one, the lands Couchrychannach; Stellag and Kildalvan; with Castles, Towres, Fortalices, Maner-places, Houses, Biggings, Yeards, Orchards; Milne Multures, Woods, Fishings, Lochs, Bogs, Tennents, Tennendries, Annexis, Connexis, Dependences, Parts, Pendicles and pertinents thereof whatsomever, lyand within the Bailrie of Cowal and Shiriffdome of Argyle forsaid. All and sundry the Lands commonly called the over and nether Monies of Dollor. All and hail the Lands of Glencarne, lyand at the back of the water bank of Dollor, with all and sundrie, Houses, Biggings; Yeards, Milnes, multurs, Woods, Fishings, Parts, Pendicles and Pertients of the famine whatsomever, lyand within the Sheriffdom of Clackmanan. All and hail the Lands of Bank called bank of Dollor, and Orchards, and half Milne of Dollorbeg with Milnes, Milne-lands, Multurs, Sequells, Coals, Coal-heughs, Doves, Dovcats, and all and sundrie Pertinents of the famine whatsomever, and two quarter Sheriffdail Cinuarnniptibus Pendicles and Pertinents of the samin, lyand within the Regality of Drumfer [...]ling and Sheriffdom of Clackmanan forsaid. All and hail the Lands of Overkendder with Houses, Biggings, Yeard, Milnes. Multurs, Woods, Fishings, Coals, Coal-heughs, Doves, Dovcats, Tennents, Tennendries, Parts Pendicles and Pertinents of the samine whatsomever, lyand within the Sheriffdom of Fyfe forsaid. All and hail the two merk and ten shilling Land of Ballniab, The six shilling and eight pennie land of Arsit, the six shilling and eight pennie land of How, and half merk land of Saligo, with Houses, Biggings, Parts, Pendicles and Pertinents of the samin whatsomever, lyand within the [Page 18]Sheriffdom of Tarbat, and Isle of Isla foresaid, and now within the Sheriffdom of Argyle. All and Hail the sixteen shilling and eight pennie land of Cumnie in Jura, with Houses, Biggings, Yeards, Tofts, Crofts, Woods, Salmond-fiishings, and other Fishings, as well in fresh water as in salt, and Lochs, and Grassing, Pasturages, Parts, Pendicles, and Pertinents of the famine whatsoever, with the Libertie of Forrestrie of the saids Lands and other, abovewritten lyand within the bounds of Tarbot of old, and now within the said Sheriffdom of Argyle. And all other Lands, Heritages, Teinds, Tenements, Annualrents and others whatsomever pertaining to the said late Earl of Argyle, wherever the saminlye within the Kingdom of Scotland, of whatsomever Name, Title or Designation the samin be off, and contained in the said late Earl of Argyle his Infestments of the samin: Which are holden as exprest, designed and set down in the said Charter, whereanent We have dispensed for ever: Reserving out of the Lands abovespecified, disponed to the Trusties above-named, asmuch as at the sight and determination of Our saids Commissioners of yearly Rent, as being joyned with the lands above-written, wherein Archibald Campbel late Lord Lorn stands confirmed, will amount to the sum of fifteen thousand pounds, to be disposed afterwards be Us at Our pleasure. And, We, for Our Self and Successors, have given, granted and disponed seven thousand merks of yearly Rent to be designed be Our said Commissoners, in favours of Anna late Countes of Argyle, frae the date of Our Signator, at Our Cout, at New-mercat, the seventeen day of March last by-past, and in time coming, during all the dayes of her Life-time. Which Earldoms, Lordships, Barronies, Tennendries and others respective, abovewritten, pertained of before to the said Archibald late late Earl of Argyle, and are now fallen and become in Our hands, by the Forfaulture forsaid. And sicklike, We, with advice and consent forsaid, be Our said Charter: Have assigned, transferred and disponed to the said Sir William Paterson, Sir Alexander Gibson and George Mckenzie, and failzeing of either of them be decease, to the surviver. All and sundrie Contracts, Bonds, Obligations, Dispositions, Charters, Precepts and Instruments of Seizings, Services, Retours, Procutries and Instruments of Resignations, Tacks and rights of Teinds, and other Writs and Evidences, Rights; Titles and Securities whatsomever: made and granted be whatsomever Person or Persons: to the said late Earl of Argyle, or any other his Predecessors: or to any other person or persons for their behove; directly or indirectly in any sort: together with the Decreet and Sentence of Forefaulture: and all other sentences of that nature Pronounced, or to be Prounced against the said late Earl his Lands, or Estate in sua far as the samin may conduce to the saids Trusties their securitie, with all that his followed, or may follow on the Premisses, for now and ever: And if any part of the Lands of the said late Earl of Argyle hold of any other immediate Supperiour. We, by Our said Chartor, have [Page 19]ordained Our Lords Commissioners of Our Thesaurie, and Our Lords of Exchequer, to grant Presentations to Our saids Trusties. Presenting them as Vassells to the saids immediat Supperiors in due and competent form. As also, We have ordained our saids Lords of Exchequer, to grant Gifts to the forsaids Trusties of the said late Earl of Argyle, his hail Goods, Gear, Debts, Sums of money, Bonds, Obligations, and Insight Plenishing pertaining to him, and now belonging to Us, as said is, to be past under Our Privy Seal as accords. The Debts respective above-disponed in favours of the Laird of Glengarie, and Donald Mcdonald of Moydart being nowayes comprehended therein. And farder We by Our said Charter, have decerned and ordained that an Seising to be taken thereupon be the saids Trusties in all time coming, at the Tower, Fortalice and Maner-place of Inverrara, or upon any part of the saids Lands, Earldoms, Lordships and Barronies be earth and stone, shall be ane valid and sufficient Seising, for all and sundrie Lands, Lordships, Barronies, Burghs of barronie, Milnes, Woods, Forrests, Teinds, Feu-duties, Casualities, Liberties and others respectivè abovewritten: With all and sundrie Castles, Towers, Fortalices, Maner-place, Houses, Biggings, Yeards, Orchards, Milnes, Woods, Meadows, Parts, Pendicles and others Particularly above-specified. And for every part and portion of the samine, without any other particular Seising to be taken at any other part or place, notwithstanding of the diverse denominations of the saids Lands, Lordships, Barronies and othersforesaid. And notwithstanding that they lye discontiguous and in divers Sheriffdoms: Which Seising, with all that may follow thereupon, We, for Us and Our Successors, by Our said Chartor; have dispensed for ever to be holden be the said Trusties of Us, and Our Successors in Fie and Heritage, free Earldoms, Lordships and Barronie for ever; be all Rights and Marches of the samin. old and devised: as the samine lyes in length and breadth, in Houses; bigging. Mures, Marishes; &c. Meadows; Pasturages; Peits; Turffs; Coalls; Coal-heughs; Cunnings: Cunningars &c. Doves: Dovcats. Lyme: Lymstone: Halking Hunting: &c. With Court: Plent: Herizald: Blood-wyts: &c. With Fark: Fose: Sack: Sock: Thoil: Them: Wrack: Wair. Venison: &c. outsang-thief: infang-Theif: Pitt and Gallows: free ish and entrie. &c. With all and sundrie other Liberties: &c. Friely Quietly: &c. But any Revocation: Immpediment or Obstacle whatsomever: Givand therefore yearly the saids Trnsties to Us and Our Successors for the forsaids Lands: Earldoms: Lordships: Barronies and others respective above-written: with the pertinents. The Feu and blensh Duties and other Duties: Rights and Services: if any be due forth of the samin: And performing all other Conditions: contained in the old Infestments thereof: for all other burden: question: demand or secular service which may be any ways asked or craved forth of the saids Lands: and others forsaids in time coming; And for the better compleating of the forsaid seseveral [Page 20]Rights, We, by Our said Charter have ordained, that the Lands, Jurisdictions, Offices, Supperiorities, Patrouages, Constabularies, and others above-written shal be Annexed to Our Crown in Our nixt Session of Parliament, or Parliament to be holden by Us. In which We promised, in verbo Princip [...]s, to ratifle, and by Our said Chartor, We have commanded Our saids Estates of Parhament to ratifie accordingly, conform to the foresaids Rights, and respective Interests abovespecefied. And lastly, by Our said Charter, We have declared, that the foresaid Gift, in swa far as may be extended to the Lands, Earldomes, Lordships, and others abovewritten, with the pertinents, is granted by Us to the said Sir William Paterson, Sir Alexander Gibson and George Mckenzie, upon Trust, for the use and behove of such as shal he found to be true and lawful Creditors to the late Marquess of Argyle, and the late Earl of Argyle his Son, in whose favours the saids confident Persons, by Our said Charter are oblidged to d [...]nude themselves, and that how soon the respective parsells of the saids Lands shall be Allocated, Ordained and Appointed for the aids Creditors, by Our Commissioners afternamed: Which Ordinance, under Our Clerks hand of Our Commission underwritten, with one Disposition from Our saids Trusties shal be an valid and sufficient Right and convoyance to the saids Crediters in all time coming. And to the end the saids Debts may be instructed, and all occasions granted in manner above-specified, We, by Our saids Charter, have given and granted full Power and Commission to Sir George Gordonn of Haddo, Lord Presedent of Our Session, Robert Lord Nairn, Charles Maitland of Halt [...] Our Thesauter Depute, Sir George Mckenzie of Tarbat, Clerk to Our Registers and Rolls, Sir James Foules of Collingtoun, Sir David Nevoy of Nevoy, Sir John Lockhart of Castle-hill, Sir David [...] of Forret, Sir James Foules of Reidfoord, Sir David Falconer of Nowtoun Sir Alexander Seatoun of Pitmedden, Sir Redger Hog of Harcas, Sir Andrew Birnie of Saline, Sir John M [...]ray of Drumsairn Sir Patrick Oglvie of Boyne: ordinary Lords to Our Counsell and Session. And to John Duke of Lauderdail, John Marquess of Athol, William Marquess of Queensberry, Alexander Earl of Murray, extraordinary Lords of Our Session, and Lords of Our Privy Council, and their Successors, in Office for the time being, or any nine of them to conveen and meet within our Burgh of Edinburgh, the first dyet being upon the twentie eight day of March last, and the other dyet to be with all convenient dilligence, for the hearing, and determining of all the Claimes and Interests of the Creditors of the said Archibeld late Earl of Argyle, and Archibald late Marquess of Argyle his said Father. And of the other Donators, and Persons having Interest in the Fortune and Estate of the said late Earle of Argyle, now fallen in Our hands by the forsaid Forefaulture. And for the better effectuating of the said design. We, by Our said Charter, have likewise granted sull Power and Commission to Our saids Lords, [Page 21]to call before them all the Creditors of the said late Earl of Argyle, or the late Marquess of Argyle his said Father, and all others having or pretending to have Interest in the Fortune and Estate Personal and Real of the said late Earl of Argyle upon such times and occasions as they should think fit; and for to emit and eshew forth Letters and Warrands for citing of the saids Creditors and others, at the head Burghs of the several Sheriffdoms within Our Kingdom of Scotland upon twenty one dayes: And that for all such as are within this Our said Kingdom. And at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, Peir and Shoar of Leith upon threescore dayes, and that as to all such Persons as are without the Kingdom; declaring the said Citations to be a sufficient warning to all the foresaids Persons, Creditors, and others concerned, as said is: With Certification to all who does not compear at their respective dyets, shall be for ever secluded from having any Claime or Interest in the forsaid Fortune and Estate of Argyle: with power likewise to Our saids Lords to prefer the foresaids Persons, Creditors and others, as they shall find just and right, having a speciall respect to such of the saids Creditors, who suffered for Us and Our Royal Fathers service, (And on that accompt) as also to make such inquiry, and take such probation anent the value of the said Fortune and Estate, as they shall find cause, and to divide the samine accordingly, not within Eighteen years purchase. And to determine all other contraversies that may arise thereanent: and generally all and every thing to do conform to the tennor of the forlaid Charter and Commission, as may best effectuat the samin And for the better compleating of the forsaids several Rights, We, by Our said Charter and Commission, have ordained, That the saids Jurisdictions, Offices, Superiorities, Patronages, Constabularies and others above-specified, shall be annexed to Our Crown, in Our first Session of Parliament, or Parliament holden by Us; in which, We, by Our said Charter and Commission, have likewise promised in Verbo Principis to Ratifie and Confirm the forsaid several Rights, according to their respective Interests, above-specified. And We do by Our said Charter, Impower Our Lord Register to nominat a Clerk to the forsaid Commission; and who by vertue thereof, hes nominated Mr. Roderick Mckenzie Clerk to Our Session to be Clerk thereto, and ordained Our saids Commissioners to take the said Clerk his Oath de fideli administratione. And this Our present Commission to endure and continue untill the twenty eight day of March, one thousand six hundred and eighty seven years: and by Our said Charter, it is thereby declared, that the Syse of the Herring Fishing, within the hail Isles, Lochs and others above-written, Is no wayes comprehended in Our said Charter, but excepted therefrae, and left to be Disposed of at Our Pleasure, as the said Charter under Our Great Seal, of the Date above written, amply proports: In obedience whereunto, [Page 22]Our saids Lords impowered and Commissionate to the effect above-specified; Having upon the foresaid first day appointed for meeting by the foresaid Commission; and at several other Dayes thereafter; and last upon the Day and Date of thir Presents Met, and having considered the foresaid Charter and Commission, and being therewith well and rypely advised, they Ordained thir Our Letters to be Direct at the instance of Our Lovits Sir George Mckenzie of Rosebaugh, Our Advocate for Our Interest: and also at the Instance of the said Sir Alexander Gibson, Sir William Paterson and George Mckenzie, as Trusties by the Foresaid Charter, for, and in Name and behalf of Our Donators, the Children, Creditors and others of the Family of Argile, for Summonding of all the Creditors of the said Archibald late Earl of Argile and the late Marquess of Argile, his said Father, and all Vassals and others having, or pretending to have interest to the Lordships, Baronies and others contained in the said late Earl of Argile his Charter; and contained in the foresaid Charter granted by Us in favours of the Trusties; and of any other Estate Personal or Real, which did belong to the said late Earl, at the Mercat Cross of the head Burghs of the several Sheriffdoms within Our Kingdom of Scotland, to compear before Our saids Lords of Council and Session, Commissioners foresaid, upon twenty one dayes after publication of thir Our Letters, and that as to all Persons within Our said Kingdom; and at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, Peer and Shore of Leith upon threescore Dayes; and that as to all persons without Our Kingdom, and that they bring with them their respective Clames, Grounds, Instructions and Verifications thereof: And all Rights and Evidents of, and concerning the foresaids Lands, Teinds and others, and give in the samine to the said Mr. Roderick Mckenzie, Clerk appointed for this Commission, betwixt the twenty Day of July next to come, and eight Day of August thereafter, with Continuation of Dayes, With certification to such of the saids Creditors that does not compear and give in their Clames, Crounds and Instructions thereof, and produce, ut supra, shall never be heard thereafter to clame any share of the Benefite and Favour intended by Us: Nor the Vassals, or others to quarrel or impugne the Sentence, Allocating, Distributing and Dividing the saids Lands and others foresaids, upon pretence of any Right or interest they have, or may clame in, or concerning the samine: And Ordains the saids Persons, Creditors and others to attend such other Dayes and Dyets, as Our saids Lords shall appoint to give their Oathes anent the verity of their refpective Debts, if the samine shall be required: As likewise, Our saids Lords Ordains thir Our Letters, likewise to be direct at the foresaids Persons, their Instances, for Summoning of such Persons, as they will make use of as Witnesses for proving of the Rental; and for Exhibiting in the hands of Our said Clerk of the Rental Books, Tacks, or any others Writs which may clear the just Rent and [Page 23]Value of the said Estate, personal and real, which did belong to the said late Earl of Argile, to compear before Our saids Lords upon the saids twenty Day of July next, and eight Day of August thereafter, with Continuation of Dayes, with Certification to the saids Witnesses and others, the havers of the Rental Books, Tacks, &c. as an Act made by Our saids Lords, of the date of their Presents; Ordaining thir Our Letters, and Executorials to be direct in manner, to the effect, and with Cerrification in manner above and after exprest at more length bears. Our Will is herefore, and We Charge you straitly and Commands, that incontinent thir Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat Cross of the head Burghs of the several Sheriffdomes within this Our Kingdom of Scotland, and there at each several Cross, Summon, Warn and Charge, all the Creditors of the said Archibald late Earl of Argile, and the late Marquess of Argile his said Father, and all Vassals and others having, or pretending to have Interest to the Lordships, Baronies and others contained in the said late Earl of Argile his Charter, and repeated in the foresaid Charter granted by Us, in Favours of the foresaid Trusties, and of any other Estate personal or real, which did belong to the said late Earl, to compear before Our saids Lords of Council and Session-Commissioners foresaid, upon twenty one Dayes, after publication of thir Our Letters, and that as to all persons within Our said Kingdom, and at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, Peer and Shore of Leith, upon threescore Dayes, and that as to all persons without Our Kingdom, and that they bring with them their respective Clames, Grounds, Instructions, and Verifications thereof; and all Rights and Evidents of, and concerning the foresaids Lands, Teinds and others, and give in the samine to the said Mr. Roderick Mckenzie, Clerk foresaid, appointed for this Commission, betwixt and the saids twenty Day of July next to come, and eight Day of August next thereafter, with continuation of Dayes, with Certification to such of the saids Creditors that does not compear, and give in their Clames, Grounds and Instructions thereof, and produce ut supra, shall never be heard thereafter to clame any share of the Benefite and Favour intended by Us, nor the Vassals and others to quarrel and impugne the Sentence, Allocating, Distributing and Dividing the saids Lands and others foresaids, upon pretence of any Right or Interest they have, or may claim in, or concerning the famine: And Ordains the saids Persons, Creditors and others to attend such other Dayes and Dyets as Our saids Lords shall appoint to give their Oaths anent the Verity of the their respective Debts, if the samine shall be required: As likewise, We Command and Charge you, that incontinent, thir Our Letters seen, ye pass, and in Our Name and Authority, Summond, Warn and Charge the Persons following, To wit,
To compear before Our saids Lords of Council and Session, the saids twenty Day of the said Month of July next to come, and eight Day of August next thereafter, with continuation of Days, to exhibite and produce in the hands of the said Mr. Roderick Mckenzie, the Rental Books and Tacks, or any other Writs which may clear the just Rent and Value of the foresaid Estate, personal and real, which did belong to the said late Earl of Argile: As also to Give and Declare their Oaths of Verity, in swa far as they know, or shall be speired at them, for clearing of the just Rent and Value of the foresaid Estate, with Certification to the saids Witnesses, or other Persons, havers of the foresaid Rental Books, Tacks and others, if they failzie to compear to the effect foresaid, Our other Letters of Caption shall be direct, Charging them simpliciter thereto, according to Justice, &c. as ye will answer to Us thereupon. The which to Do, We commit to you, conjunctly and severally, Our full Power, by thir Our Letters, delivering them back again by you, duely execute and indorsed again to the bearer.
Given under Our Signet at Edinburgh, the twenty day of May, One thousand six hundred eighty two, and of Our Raign, the thretty and fourth year.
GOD save the KING.