FOrasmuch as it hath pleased the Kings most Excellent Majesty, to call a Parliament of this Kingdom to meet at Edinburgh, upon Thursday the twenty eighth of July instant; His Royal Highness, His Majesties high Commissioner, and Lords of Privy Council, Do hereby Command and Require, the Lyon King at Arms, and his Brethren Heraulds, Macers, and Pursevants, to pass to the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and there, by open Proclamation, to Warn all the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Officers of State, Commissioners of Shires and Burrows, to conveen at Halyrudhouse, the said twenty eighth of July, by nine of the Clock in the forenoon; the Lords furnished with their Gowns, Robes, Horses, and Footmantles; and the Commissioners of Shires and Burrows, with their Horses and Footmantles, to attend His Royal Highness, His Majesties high Commissioner, on Horse-back, in his going to the Parliament-House, and in his return. And to the end, it may be known who are to be Admitted as Commisioners for Shires and Burrows, that all Persons having Commission from any Shire or Burgh, deliver in their Commissions to the Clerk of Register, upon the twenty fifth instant, in the forenoon, in the Parliament-House, that accordingly they may be Admitted as Commissioners to this Parliament.