FOrasmuch as His Majesty by a Proclamation of the fourth of this instant, did, for Discovery of the Horrid Murther of the late Archbishop of St. Andrews, Require and Command all the Heretors and Masters of Fyfe and Kinross, to bring their Tenents, Cottars, and Servants, and others dwelling on their Lands, to the respective places and dyets therein mentioned; And whereas by the Neglect of the Post, entrusted for Delivery of the Printed Copies of the said Proclamation to the Sheriff-Deputs, in the said Shires, for publication thereof, the same have not been timeously proclaimed and intimate at the several parish Kirks: The Lords of His Majesties privy Council, for supplying of the foresaid Defect and Neglect, Do hereby Ordain the whole Heretors and others foresaids, within the Presbetry of St. Andrews, to bring their Tenents, Cottars, Servants, and others, dwelling on their Lands to the Town of St. Andrews, upon the twenty day of May instant; those within the Presbetry of Cowpar, to bring their Tenents and others foresaids, to the Town of Cowpar, upon the twenty third day of the said Moneth; those within the Presbetry of Kircaldy, to bring their Tenents and others foresaids, to the Town of Kircaldy, upon the twenty seventh day of the said Moneth; those within the Presbetry of Dumfermling, to bring their Tenents, and others foresaids, to the Town of Dumfermling, upon the thirtieth day, to the effect mentioned in the Proclamation, and under the Certifications therein specified: And the saids Lords do hereby sist and supercede all Execution upon Letters of Caption, or Intercommuning, or any other Warrant, for securing any persons for any cause, for the space of forty eight hours, before and after the saids Dyets of appearing, that they may safely come and go, without any trouble or impediment whatsomever: And appoints the foresaid Proclamation with this present Act, to be read at the several parish Kirks of the Shire of Fyfe, upon Sunday next, the eighteenth of this instant, immediatly after the time of Divine Service, in the Forenoon. And Ordains these presents to be printed and published.
GOD save the KING.