FOrasmuch as by divers Acts of Parliament, and particularly by an Act of King James the sixth of ever blessed memory, Parliament seventh, Cap. one hundred and twenty sixth, all Taverners are dis­charged to take upon hand to make any mixture of old Wines with new Wines, or put any water within the same; or that the buyers of Wines to be tapped again, take upon them to hoord or hide such Wines, so bought by them, in their houses and other private places, but that they put the same in their common Taverns and Vanits, for the service of the Lieges, under the pain of confiscation of the Wine so mixed, and of all other Wines belonging to them, and the loss of their liberty and freedom for ever. And that notwithstanding of all these Statutes and laudable Acts of Parliament, not only Wine Merchants and Vintners by themselves, but others hired and conduced by them, abuse the Wines by drawing the same off the lie, and mixing the new Wine, brought home this year, with the old Wine and water, and sophisticating the same with brimston, chalk and other poisonable ingredients, to the great prejudice of our Soveraign Lords Lieges. Therefore the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council do Ordain the saids Acts of Parliament to be put in execution; and discharges all Merchants or Vintners of Wine, and other persons whatsoever, to bring home, vent or sell any Wines so abused, sophisticated or mixed as is above-written, or any other manner of way to the prejudice of the Lieges. And Ordains the Sheriffs of the several Sheriffdoms and Magistrates of Burghs and Baylies of Regalities, to see the same put to due execution, as they will be answerable upon their peril, conforme to the saids Acts of Parliament in all points. And Declares, that whosoever shall delate the contraveeners, shall have a part of the penalties that shall be inflicted. And Ordains these presents to be printed, and published at the Mercat Crosses of the several Burghs of this Kingdom, that none may pretend ignorance.

Ja. Wright, Depute.

GOD save the KING.

EDINBƲRGH, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1662.

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