FOrasmuch as by an Act of Privy Council, of the date the sixth day of September last, His Majesties Royal pleasure to restore the Church of this Kingdom to its right Government by Bishops, as it was by Law before the late troubles, during the reigns of His Majesties Royal Father and Grand-father of blessed memory, and as it now stands setled by Law, was made known to all the Subjects of this Kingdom by open Proclamation at the Mercat Crosses of all Bur­roughs Royal: And that it is Statute by the first Act of the twenty one Parliament of King James the sixth, that all Presentations to Benefices should be directed thereafter to the Archbishop, or Bishop of the Diocess, within the bounds whereof any vacant Church lyeth. So that since their restitution to their former Dignities, Priviledges and Powers setled upon them by Law, and Acts of Parliament, No Minister within this Kingdom should be ad­mitted to any Benefice but upon Presentations directed as said is. And yet, notwithstand­ing thereof it is informed, that upon Presentations directed to Presbyteries, they do daily pro­ceed to admit Ministers to Kirks and Benefices, albeit the Archbishops and Bishops are re­stored to their Dignities; some of them already consecrated, and all of them within a very short time will be invested in their Rights and Benefices, and impowered to receive Presentations and grant Admissions thereupon: Therefore the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council prohi­bits, and by these presents discharges all Patrons to direct any Presentations to any Pres­byteries; as also, discharges all and sundry the Presbyteries within this Kingdom to pro­ceed to the Admission of any Minister to any Benefice or Kirk within their respective bounds, upon any such Presentations, as they will be answerable; with certification that if they do other wayes, the saids Presentation and Admission shall be void and null, as if they never had been granted. And ordains these presents to be printed, and published at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh and other places needfull, that none may pretend ignorance.

Pet. Wedderburne, Cl. S ti. Concilii.

EDINBƲRGH, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1661.

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