[...]SSOCIATION [...]n to be Subscribed at Edinburgh, April 10. 1696.
[...]VE the Lords and others of His Majesties Privy Council, with the Noblemen, Gentlemen, and others Undersubscribing, Considering that there has been a Horrid and Detestable Conspiracy Formed and Carried on by Papists and other [...]d and Traiterous Persons, for Assassinating His Majesties Sacred Person, [...] [...]der to Usher in, and Facilitat a Formidable and Cruel Invasion from [...]e, to the Ruine and Extirpation of Our Religion, Laws and Liberties: Do [...]ore, Heartily, Sincerely and Solemnly Profess, Testifie and Declare, that [...] [...]esent Majesty KING WILLIAM, is Rightfull and Lawfull King of this [...]; And we do mutually Promise, and Solemnly Engage and Oblige our [...], to Stand by, and Assist one another to the outmost of our Power in [...] [...]pport and Defence of his Majesties most Sacred Person and Government, [...] the true Protestant Religion, against the late King James, and the [...]ded Prince of Scotland, commonly called the pretended Prince of Wales, [...] [...]l their Adherents, and against all Forreign Invasions, or Intestine In [...]tions that shall be Attempted or made to Disturb His Majesties Right [...] [...]ossession; and in case His Majesty come to any violent or untimely [...], (which God of his infinite Mercy Avert) We do hereby further [...] and unanimously oblige our Selves to Unite, Associat, and Stand by [...] other in Revenging the same upon all His Majesties Enemies and their [...]rents, and in Supporting and Defending the Succession of the Crown, [...]ding to the Declaration of the Estates of this Kingdom,