Loves Mistresse OR Natures Rarity.
To a most excellent delicious new Tune, called, Tell me you wandring Spirits in the aire.
TEll me you wandering Spirits in the Aire,
when y
t you saw a nymph more bright, more fair
Then Beauties Darling (wheresoe'r she flyes)
Or twinkling Comets in the Starry Skies,
If in this world a Phenix may be found,
'Tis she, tis she, whose graces must & shal be crown'd
Oh call her from the fair
Elizium Bay
And tell her how my sences fade away,
For in her being was my fixed state;
But shee's dissolv'd, my time is out of date:
Shee's flown shee's flown unto the Azure Skies,
Then cry, then cry, Amintas for her absence dies.
Turn sacred Nymph, restore my latest breath,
That am designed for untimely death;
Tis she can cure me with her glorious looks,
Without the skil of Doctors or their books:
Then let thy beauty with such splendor shine,
To raise, to raise this drouping love-sicke heart of mine.
Search, search the Vallys, where the Vestal train
And Shepherdesses in their state remain;
walk through the woods, & view the mirtle Groves
where loves queen rangeth with her turtle doves;
Shee's like faire Venus in her glorious Rayes,
Then crown her, crown her with a wreath of royal Bayes
Walk through the gardens, view the damask Rose
And smel what scent those precious leaves inclo
'tis her sweet breath that gives this odorous sme
And peerlesse vertue, (richly doth excell:)
If there you see one like the Radiant Sun,
'Tis shee, 'tis she, whom I adore, Loves Paragon.
The second part
to the same tune
OH fast the fountains silver-streaming Springs
Hellicon, where Lady Muses sings;
Distill the Sea, wade through the Ocean deep,
She may be Tombed in eternall sleep;
But shee's convey'd from every mortal eye,
O Cloris Cloris, come away, or else for thee I die.
Search, search the rocks, where Syrens sing their charmes
She may be lull
[...]d in their inchanting armes;
Fish, fish for pearle, and you may Corals find
Or else a Iewel to content the mind;
My blisse, my joyes are turnd' to destiny,
That I, that I must yeeld to dye for loving thee.
Scale high
Olympus, where the Gods remain,
And Goddesses with all their royal Traine,
View perfectly the spangled Orbe and see
Cloris, Cloris be in royalty,
Shee's gone, shee's gone, whilst I in torments frye,
Opprest, opprest with pain, fain wold but cannot die
Search every quarter of the world, and see,
If Natures peece so excellent there be;
Turn round the Globe and view each center right
If there you find one like to
Phoebus bright,
With lustrous beauty shining in extreams,
'Tis she, 'tis she, eclipsing Luna with her beames.
[...] stay a while, I may informe you ill;
Were she on Earth, she had been with me still:
Flie, flie to heaven examine every Sphere,
And see what Stars are lately fixed there
If any brighter then the Sun you see,
Fall down, fal down and honour her for that is she
S. S.
London printed for Francis Grove on Snow-hill.