ACT OF PRIVY COUNCIL, For calling out the Heretors, &c.
THE LORDS of His Majesties Privy Council, Considering the great Fears and Jealousies of the Kingdom, from the Apprehensions His Majesties Leidges generally have, of the Papists being in Arms in Galloway and other places, and the Suspitions there may be of the Irishes, and other Papists from England and Ireland, in this dangerous Conjuncture, their joyning with them, to the manifest hazard of the Protestant Religion, and the endangering the peace and quiet of this his Majesties Ancient Kingdom; Have therefore thought fit, that all His Majesties Protestant Subjects may put themselves in their best Posture of Defence, for security of the Protestant Religion, and securing their own Lives, Liberties, and Properties: In pursuance of which, The saids Lords do hereby Require and Command the whole Heretors within this Kingdom (Armed, and Provided, according to their Conditions, and Qualities) to Repair to the Head-Burghs of their respective Shires, and Stuartries, or such Convenient Places, as the respective Commanders after-mentioned shall appoint, and there to be Rendezvouzed, under the Command of the Persons following, viz. The Shire of Nithisdale, and Stuartry of Annandale, under the Command of the Duke of Queensberry, or such as he shal appoint; the Shire of Air, comprehending all its Jurisdictions, under the Earl of Cassills; the upper Waird of Cliddisdale, under the Marquis of Douglas, or such as he shall appoint; the neither Waird, under the Duke of Hamilton, and in his absence, the Lord Carmichael; the Shire of Galloway under the Laird of Logan; the Stuartry of Kirkcudbright, under the Viscount of Kenmuir; the Shire of Renfrew, under the Command of Sir Archbald Stuart of Black-hall Barronet; the Shire of Dumbarton, under the Command of the Laird of Ardincaple; the Shire of Tiveotdale, under the Earl of Louthian; the Shire of Berwick, under Sir Archibald Cockburn of Langton Barronet; the Shires of Forrest and Peebles, under the Laird of Drummelȝier; the Shire of East Lothian, under the Command of Charles Master of Yester; the Shire of Edinburgh, under the Earl of Lauderdale; the Shire of Linlithgow, under the Earl of Linlithgow, Lord Justice General; the Shires of Stirling and Clackmannan, under the Earl of Mar; The Shire of Kinross and Western Division of Fife, under John Bruce Fiar of Kinross; The Eastern Division of Fife, under Sir Charles Halket of Pitfirren; The two Divisions of the Shire of Perth, under such Commanders, as they shall think fit to choise; The Shire of Forfar, under the Earl of Southesk; The Shire of Kincardin, under the Lord Keith; Marishalls part of Aberdeen, under the Earl of [...], [...]d in his absence the Lord Inverury; The rest of Aberdeen Shire, under the Master of Forbes, or such as he shall appoint; the Shire of Bamff under the Earl of Finlater; all betwixt Spey and Ness, under the Lord Duffus; The Shire of Ross, under Sir Rory M ckenȝie of Findon; The Shire of Sutherland, under the Lord Strathnaver, and in his absence, by Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun; The Shire of Caithnes, under the Lord Glenurchy; The Shire of Bute under the Sheriff of Bute. And Authorizes and Requires the saids Heretors so Met and Rendezvouzed, to Act and Do every thing lawful and necessary for the Security of the Protestant Religion, and Peace and Quiet of the Kingdom; with Power to the saids Commanders above-mentioned, to keep together, or dismiss them, as they shall see cause, unless they have particular Orders from the Council to the contrair. As likeways hereby Authorizes and Impowers the Magistrats of the whole Royal Burrows within this Kingdom, to Rendezvouz the whole Fencible Persons, Inhabitants within the same, for the great and laudable ends above-mentioned. Likeas the saids Lords do hereby Advertise and Require the whole Militia of Foot in this Kingdom, to be in readiness to be Rendezvouzed, when-ever His Majesties Privy Council shall have occasion for their Service; and that at the respective places of their Rendezvouz, and under their respective Commanders; And Ordains the Heretors above-mentioned, to be Rendezvouzed at the places of Rendezvouz, within their respective Shires, at the Dyets following, viz. All the Shires be-south the River of Tay upon Tuesday the first day of January next: The Shires betwixt the River of Tay and Spey, upon Tuesday thereafter, the eight day of the said Moneth; And the whole other Shires benorth Spey, upon Tuesday the fifteenth day of the said Moneth of January. And grants Personal Protection to all who may be herein concerned, from all Execution of the Law, for Personal Debts, and that for the space of one Moneth after the respective days appointed for their Rendezvouz, in manner above-mentioned But prejudice always of Quartering, or other Legal Diligence to be done for the In-bringing of the Excise, Supply, and other Publick Burdens. And Ordains the Sheriffs of the Sheriffdoms, Baillies of Regalities, and Bailliaries, and Stewarts of Stewartries, and their Deputs, to cause make Intimation hereof in the usual way and manner accustomed; And these presents to be Published at the Mercat-Crosses of the Head Burghs of the whole Shires, and Stewartries above-mentioned, that none pretend ignorance. Extracted forth of the Records of His Majesties Privy Council, By me,
GOD Save the KING