ACT OF PRIVY COUNCIL, Discharging the Export of Oysters forth of this Kingdom, for the space of three years.
WHereas, by reason of the frequent Export of Oysters forth of this Kingdom, in great quantities, not only the Scalps of Oysters are like to perish, but exorbitant Rates are exacted off the Leidges, for such of them as are sold within this Kingdom: Therefore, the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, Do hereby expresly Prohibit and Discharge all Merchants, Skippers, Mariners and others whatsomever, from Exporting Oysters forth of this Kingdom, for the space of three years after the Date hereof, under the pain of Confiscation of the Ship, Boat or Bark, in which any Oysters shall be so Exported, or payment of the value of such Ship, Bark or Boat for His Majesties use, besides what other punishment the Council shall think fit to inflict upon the Contraveeners toties quoties. And further, The saids Lords Do hereby Require and Command all Magistrats Collectors, Waiters, Customers, and others at Sea-ports, to take special notice, that the saids Prohibit Goods be not Entered or Embarqued, and in case the same shall be offered to be Entered, or shall be Embarqued without their knowledge; Ordains them upon notice thereof, to stave and destroy, not only the Boats who shall furnish any Oysters to be Exported, but to seize and secure the persons Owners of the Boats, until further Order from the Council, as they will be answerable at their peril; and do hereby expresly Prohibit and Discharge all and every of the Leidges, to furnish Oysters to Forreigners for Export: Declaring hereby, that the person or persons so furnishing, shall be Fined as the Council shall think fit, the one half of the Fine being to be applyed for His Majesties use, and the other half to the Informers, for their encouragement, and that toties quoties, as said is; And Ordains these Presents to be Published at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, by a Macer of Council, and at all the other Mercat Crosses of the Head Burghs of the Shires of this Kingdom, and Sea-Ports, that none may pretend ignorance. Extracted forth of the Records of Privy Council, by me
GOD save the KING.