Anent the Shires of Dumfreis, Air, &c. their Out-rick.

THe Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, having thought fit, for His Majesties Ser­vice, and for preserving the Peace of some of the Western Shires of this Kingdom, in stead of Calling out their Militia, to Authorize and Require the Heritors of these Shires to keep together in Arms in a Body, and that in such Proportions by turnes, as the King's Service and their own Security may require; And for the case of the small Heritors of these Shires, The saids Lords do hereby Require and Command, the Sheriffs, or their Deputs, of the Shires of Dumfreis, Air, Lanerk, Wigtoun, Renfrew, and Dunbartoun, and the Stewarts and their Deputs of the Stewartries of Annandale and Kirkcudbright, wi [...]h all possi­ble Diligence to Conveen a Quorum of the Commissioners of Assesment, and forthwith by a Cast of the saids respective Shires and Stewartries, to conjoyn so many of the saids small Heritors: as may amongst them make up six hundreth Pounds Scots of yearly valued Rent, who are to Contribute amongst themselves proportionally conform to their respective Interests, to R [...]ek out a sufficient Horse-man, well Armed and Appointed for His Majesties Service upon this Occasion. And the saids Lords considering, That several Burghs of Regality and Barony, having any considerable Common-good, ought likewise to Contribute and bear their Proportion in this His Majesties Service in the above-written Shires and Stewartries; Do therefore Ordain, That where any Burgh of Barrony or Regality, hath of yearly valued Rent One Thousand Pounds Scots, they be obliged to put forth a Horse-man sufficiently Armed as aforesaid; and where their va­lued Rent will not extend to the said Sum, that they be joyned with other small Burghs or Heritors for making up of the said Proportion of valued Rent, and that for Reiking out a Horse-man suf­ficiently Mounted as said is; which Horsemen are to be under the Command of the Persons In­trusted by His Majesties Privy Council, for Commanding the respective Shires and Stewartries above written. And to the end all concerned may have timeous notice hereof, The saids Lords Ordain these Presents to be Published at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and whole Mercat Crosses of the Head burghs of the Shires and Stewartries above-written; That none may pre­tend Ignorance. Extracted forth of the Records of Privy Council, by me

COL: M cKENȜIE Cls. Sti. Concilii.

GOD Save the KING.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno Dom. 1688.

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