ACT of Council, Appointing the Burghs Royal to send in an accompt of their several Setts and Constitutions.
HIS Royal Highness, His Majesties high Commissioner, and Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, Do find it fit and necessar for His Majesties Service, that they have a particular and exact Accompt of the Constitution and Sett of the several Royal Burghs within the Kingdom, to the effect they may know of what number each Burgh consists, of either Merchants or Tradsmen, being Magistrates and Councellers: And therefore, Do hereby Require and Command the present Magistrates of the several Burghs Royal, to send in to the Agent of the Burrows, under their Clerks hand, a particular and exact Accompt of the several Setts and Constitutions of the Burghs, and of what number, either Merchants or Tradsmen, the Magistrates, Council and Electors of them, do consist: And Ordain the said Agent of the Burrows, to form the same in a Book, and give in the same to the Clerks of Council, with all possible diligence: And Appoints the said Agent to send Extracts, or Copies hereof to the several Burghs; and the saids Magistrates to give obedience accordingly, with certification to them, if they failȝie they shall be called before, pursued and punished by the Council for their Contempt; and if need beis, Ordains these Presents to be Printed.