ACT of COUNCIL, Anent High-ways and Bridges.

FORASMUCH as by the sixteenth Act of the first Session of the second Parliament of King CHARLES the second, in anno 1669. The Iustices of Peace in each Shire, are Ordained to Conveen at the head Burgh of the Shire, the first Tuesday of May yearly, for Ordering of High-ways, Bridges, and Ferries: And the whole Heretors are Re­quired to Conveen at the respective Head-Burghs, the first Tuesday of Iune yearly, And to call for an Account from the Iustices of Peace, of what is needful for Reparation of the High-ways and Bridges, what Expenses is requisit for promoving thereof, and accordingly to Stent the Heretors, (not ex­ceeding ten shilling Scots upon the hundred Pound of valued Rent, in one year.) And se­ing by a late Act of this Current Parliament, Entituled, Additional Act anent High-ways and Bridges, the last Tuesday of Iune instant, is appointed to be the first Diet of Meeting of the Iustices of Peace, and Commissioners of Supply, in the several Shires, for this year, but there being no day appointed for Conveening of the Heretors: To the end the Reparation of the High-ways and Bridges (being so good and necessary a Work) may meet with no Obstruction: Therefore the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, Do hereby Authorize and Require the whole Free-holders, and Heretors of the several Shires, on this side of Tay, to Meet at the respective Head-Burghs within the same, upon the second Tues­day of Iuly next, for this year, to the Effect mentioned in the foresaid Act of Parliament 1669. And these beyond Tay, upon the third Tuesday of Iuly next, and yearly thereafter, conform to the Act of Parliament: And Appoints the Sheriffs of the respective Shires, or their Deputs, to cause make Intimation of the foresaid Diets of Meeting, at the several Pa­roch Kirks upon the Sunday, immediatly preceeding the same. And to the end, these Presents may be more publictly and notourly known to all the Leidges, Ordains the same to be publish­ed at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, by a Macer of Council.

Extracted forth of the Re­cords of His Majesties Privy Council, by me Sir William Paterson, Clerk of Council. WILL. PATERSON.

EDINBƲRGH, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno DOM. 1686.

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