ACT In Favours of the Brevvers of Edinburgh, and Liberties thereof; and other adjacent Brevvers.
THE Lords of his Majesties Privy Council, Having considered a Supplication given in to them, be the Brewers within the Town of Edinburgh and Liberties thereof; and other adjacent Brewers, Representing, that the Honourable Estates of Parliament, having by their Act, Dated the sixteenth day of July last, annexed to his Majesties Crown, three pennies Scots upon the pint of all Ale and Beer, brown to be vented and sold, and that over and above the former two pennies imposed thereon: As also three shill, more upon ilk pint of Aquavitae or strong VVaters, not made of Malt, and having ordained the Ale to be sold at twenty eight pennies per pint, as the least price thereof, and having Authorized and Impowred the saids Lords to prescribe such Methods and Orders as they shal judge necessary, in relation to the foresaid Act: The Supplicants humbly crave liberty to make the Representation following. 1. That the Excise being laid upon the Brewers, and thereupon the price of Ale being raised which is payed to the Vintner, it is just and reasonable that the Brewer should be allowed to raise his price proportionally, as was done when the Ale was cryed up formerly to two shill, the pint otherwise the Ventner will reap the whole Benefit, and the Brewers carry the whole Burden, which is humbly conceived was never the Design of the Act of Parliament. 2. If the Neighbouring Vintners in Abby, Yeard-heads of Leith, Caldtown, and other adjacent Places to the Petitioners, should take upon them to sell their Ale at two shill, per pint, being so near and contiguous to the Petitioners, the samen will not only evacuat the Design of the Act of Parliament, by drawing all the Consumpt to them. But likewise will tend to the Petitioners ruine, and so consequently to his Majesties loss, which is hoped their Lordships will take into their consideration: And therefore humbly Supplicating, to the effect underwriten, as the said Supplication bears. The saids Lords of his Majesties Privy Council do hereby Ordain and Allow the Supplicants to raise the price of all Ale to be vented and sold within the Burgh of Edinburgh, Sub-urbs and Liberties thereof, and Yeard-heads of Leith proportionally, as the Vintners are allowed to raise the same: and discharges the Neighbouring Ventners within the Abby, the Yeard-heads of Leith, Caldcoun and other adjacent Places to the Petitioners, to sell their Ale at a lower rate, than the price appointed to the Petitioners, with, and under the same Certification and Penalty appointed to Vintners within Burgh: and appoints thir presents to be printed and published at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and other places needful.