ACT, Explaining a former Act of Council in Favours of the Ʋndertakers of the Cloath-Manufactory at New-Milns.
FORASMUCH as the Lords of the Committee of his Majesties Privy Council, for publick affairs; Understanding, that the Undertakers of the Cloath-Manufactory at New-Milns, albeit Power and Warrand be granted to them, or those to be intrusted by them by Act of Council of the fourteenth day of August last by past; to seize on all Forraign Cloath and Serges, Silk Gloves and Stockings, Silk and Worsted Stockings, in manner and to the effect therein mentioned: Yet the saids Undertakers and those intrusted by them, do scruple to make patent and open Doors, where any of the said prohibite Goods are informed to be, untill the Council should explain the meaning thereof. The saids Lords Do therefore hereby Declare, That by seizure mentioned in the said Act, all manner of Diligence by breaking open Doors, Chests, or others where any of the saids prohibite Goods are suspect to be, is understood: And grants Warrand to the saids Undertakers and these intrusted by them, to Act accordingly; And, (if need beis,) Ordains the Magistrats of the several Burghs and Places respective, where such prohibite Goods are suspect to be, to give their concurrence to the effect aforesaid, as they will be answerable; and these Presents to be Printed, that none pretend Ignorance. Extracted by me