ACT Discharging Privy Counsellours and others in publick Trust to remove out of the Kingdom.
FOr as much as, it has pleased His Majesty, by his Letter to the Lords of His Privy Council, of the Date the fourteenth day of August instant, upon Consideration, that it may be inconvenient and prejudicial to his Service, if any of the Members of the Privy Council, Commissioners of Thesaurie or Exchequer, Officers of the Army, or others imployed in Publick Trust, should be absent from their respective Trusts, To authorize the saids Lords to intimat and make known in the most usual and convenient manner, that none of these abovementioned, remove out of this Kingdom, upon any pretence whatsoever, without leave and allowance obtained first from His Majesty for that effect, until His Royal Pleasure be further declared thereanent. Therefore the saids Lords of Their Majesties Privy Council, do hereby give Warrand and Command to their Macers, or Messengers at Arms, to make Intimation of the Premisses, by publick Proclamation at the Mercatcross of Edinburgh; As also, they Ordaine all Sheriffs and their Deputs, to cause intimate the same, by way of Proclamation, at the Head-burgh of the respective Shires within this Kingdom, with all convenient diligence, that all concerned may give due Obedience thereto, and none pretend Ignorance, and Ordains thir Presents to be Printed.
God save King William and Queen Mary.