ACT Condemning a Pamphlet, called, An apologetick Relation of suffering Ministers.

THe Lords of His Majesties Privy Council considering, that by divers ancient and laudable Laws and Acts of Parliament; and particularly by the tenth Act, Parl. tenth, the hundred and thirty fourth Act, Parl. eigth, of King James the sixth of blessed memory, and by several other Laws and Acts, the Authors, Printers, Venders or Dispersers of infamous and scandalous Lideis, are punishable by death, confiscation of moveables, and divers other high pains and punishments. And the saids Lords bring informed, that there hath been a Pamphlet, of the nature fortsaid, entituled, An apologetick Relation of the particular suffer­ings of the Ministers of the Kirk of Scotland, since August, 1660. which is printed and dispersed into several parts of this Kingdom; and upon examination and perusal thereof, is found to be full of seditions, treasonable and rebellious Principles, contrived of purpose to traduce the Kings Authority and G [...] ­ment the proceedings of the [...]ats Parliament and of the Kings Privy Council, contrait to the [...] of the Prote [...]nt Religion profest within this Kingdom and established by Law, and [...] the Lieges from their all [...]giance and obedience, and to strengthen the dis-affected in their [...] Principles and Practisies. Therefore, to vindicat the honour of this Kingdom, and to witness and [...], that such Principles and Tenets, as are contained in the said Pamphlet, are detested and abhorred by them as treasonable and seditious, and are contra [...] to the Laws of the Kingdom, and destructive of the Kings Authority and Prerogative Royal, under which this Kingdom hath flourished for many ages, and that they may show How much they abominat such Tenets and Principles; They ordain, that upon the fourteenth day of February instant, the said Pamphlet be publickly hurnt on the high Street of Edinburgh, near to the Mercat-cross, by the hand of the Hang-man: And that all havers of the saids Pamphlets, residing besouth the water of Tay, shall bring in and deliver the same to the Sheriffs of the respective Shires, or their Deputes, to be transmitted by them to the Clers of [...] Privy Council, betwixt and the last day of February instant; and benorth the said water, betwixt and the twenty first day of March next: With certification, that if there­after any person, of whatsoever [...], quality or ser they be of, shall have any of the saids printed Copies in their custody or possession, th [...] [...]ey shall be lyable in payment of the sum of two [...] Scots money, to be exacted [...] any [...] or defalcation. And further, if they or any other person shall be found hereafter to be [...], [...] or Assister to the making up, printing, publishing or [...] of [...] shall be proceeded [...] A­uthors, Printers, [...] of [...] and all [...] and penalties [...]: And [...] of the [...] of Edinburgh to cause burn out of [...] in [...]. And [...] printed, and [...] the Mercat-cross of Edinburgh; and other places needful, [...].

Pet. Wedderburne, Cl. S ti Concilii.

EDINBƲRGH, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent MAJESTY, 1666.

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