ACT, Anent the Deficients in the last Levy.
THE Lords of Their Majesties Privy Council, Do hereby Ordain Their Majesties Sollicitor, to transmit to the Sheriffs of the Shires and Stewarts of the Stewartries within this Kingdom, or their Deputs or Clerks, such Lists of the D [...]ficients of the New Levy, as have come to his hands; and where no Lists shall be sent by the Sollicitor, Ordains the saids Sheriffs, and Stewarts and their Deputs, and Clerks of Supply, to make up full and exact Lists of the saids Deficients, and to transmit Doubles thereof to their Majesties Sollicitor, within fifteen Days, after this Act shall come to their hands; And also Ordains the respective Sheriffs, Stewarts of Stewartries, and Bailies of Bailiaries within this Kingdom, and their Deputes, within the said space of fifteen days after this Act comes to their hands, to exact and uplift from the persons lyable in putting out any Men of the New Levy; and who have not put out these Men before the first day of November last, the Penalty of two hundred Merks, wherein every such person is lyable, conform to the Proclamations and Instructions thereanent. And the saids Lords Do hereby Authorize and Warrand the said Sheriffs, Stewarts, Baillies of Bailliaries and their Deputs, either to call a Party of their Majesties Forces, from any Commander within the Shire, Stewartrie, or Bailliary: And Ordains the saids Commanders to furnish Parties to them, for poynding of the persons Failȝiers and Deficient, as said is, before the said first day of November last, or otherwise to make use of their own Officers, for that end, and Declares that the persons Deficient, as said is, are to be poinded in manner prescribed by the Act of Parliament One thousand six hundred and sixty nine, anent the Militia, and the expense of the poynding is to be exacted from them accordingly. And the saids Lords Do hereby Ordain the saids Sheriffs, Stewarts and Baillies, and their Deputs, to pay, or cause pay in the Penalties to be exacted and uplifed by them, to the Collector of Supply within the Shire, and Ordains the Collector to transmit the one halfe of these Penalties to the General Receiver of their Majesties Crown Rents, to be applyed towards the perfecting the Geographical Mapps of this Kingdom, and the other half to be disposed of by the Commissioners of the Shire, for the publick Uses within the same, (the said Collector retaining always the twentieth penny for his pains) with Certification to the said Sheriffs, Stewarts, Baillies and their Deputs and Clerks, and Collectors of Supply respective who shall failȝie, in discharge of any part of their Duty specified in this Act, that they shall be lyable for the Penalties of these Deficients whom they should have Listed, and Poynded, and whose Penalties they should have Collected, and transmitted as above appointed; And that Letters of Horning shall be direct, for charging them for payment thereof simpliciter. And Ordains these Presents to be Printed, and appoints their Majesties Sollicitor to send Printed Copies of the same, to the Sheriffs, Stewarts, Baillies, or their Deputs, or Clerks, with all convenient diligence.
GOD Save King VVilliam and Queen Mary.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to Their most Excellent Majesties, Anno DOM. 1694.