ACT Allowing the Importation of
Irish Meal and Oats.
THe Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, being Informed that the Prices of Meal and Oats in the Westren Shires of this Kingdom, does still continue above the Rates set down in the Act of Parliament One Thousand Six Hundred & Seventy Two: Do therefore according to the Power given to them by the foresaid Act; allow the Importation of Meal and Oats; (but of no other Grain) from Ireland, to any Port or part betwixt the Mouth of Annand, and the Head of Kintyre, and that until the Fifteen Day of Aprile next to come: And therefore. Do hereby Suspend all Proclamations and Commissions made for Restraining the said Importation during the said Time and Space of Permission, but prejudice always to the Prohibition contained in the foresaid Act, after the said Fifteen Day of Aprile next inclusive; And likeways, as to all the other Ports and Parts of this Kingdom not hereby Priviledged, as if this allowance had not been Granted; And Ordains these Presents to be Published and Printed, Extracted by me.