ACT Against the Importation of some Bibles.
FOrasmuch as the KING's Majesty, by His Gift, dated the twelfth day of May, one thousand six hundred and seventy one, Did grant and dispone to Andrew Anderson, His Majesties Printer, now dece [...] his Heirs, Assignayes or Substitutes, to be His Majesties sole, absolute and only Master-Printer, for the space of fourty one years after his entry to that Office; with power, not only to print His Majesties [...] of Parliament, Proclamations, and other Papers relating to the publick Affairs of this Kingdom, [...] also to print and re-print Bibles in all Volumes, with the Psalms therein till, Third Parts of the Bible [...] New Testaments in all Volumes, all Books of Divinity, Commentaries, Concordances, Books of the Common or Civil Law, all sorts of School-books, School-authors, Grammars, Rudiments, Psalms, Confessions of Faith, Catechis [...] and shorter, Callendars, Primars, &c. Discharging all others so to do, without Warrand and Order from Hi [...] [...] Printer, under the pain of confiscation of all such Books, the one half thereof to the King, and the other ha [...] [...] use of His Printer and his foresaids, besides such other penalties as the Council shall think fit to inflict, in [...] failȝie. And whereas the Relict and Heir of the said deceast Andrew Anderson, have exhibited and presented [...] Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, Bibles of three several Volumes and Sizes, Printed by the said deceas [...] Anderson, one thereof on a Letter called the Peril Letter with Notes, in the Volume of Twelve, printed in the y [...] [...] thousand six hundred and seventy three; another printed in the said year, on the same Letter, without Note [...] [...] Volume of Eighteen; and the third printed in the year, one thousand six hundred and seventy six, on a Letter [...] Nonperil, with Notes, in the Volume of Eight: Of which Bibles, they have printed such a considerable num [...] [...] their very great expences) as may be able sufficiently to serve His Majesties Lieges, and to the advantage of the [...] by hindering the export of considerable sums of money which are daily taken forth thereof, for the import of [...] Bibles; and have undertaken to serve the Lieges sufficiently, at als easie rates in far better work, as any [...] can affoord. The saids Lords of Council do therefore, conform to His Majesties Gift aforsaid, prohibit and [...] any person whatsomever, after the first day of November next, to import, vend or fell into this Kingdom [...] Bibles of the foresaids Letters and Sizes; Declaring hereby, all such Bibles as shall be imported after the [...] confiscable, the one half thereof for His Majesties use, and the other half for the use of the Relict and He [...] [...] Majesties said Printer: With full Power and Warrand to them, or any having their Order, to seize upon, [...] confiscat the saids Bibles, where-ever the same can be found, they being alwayes countable for His Majesties. [...] said seizure, to the Lords of the Thesaury: Ordaining and Commanding hereby, the Tacks-men and [...] of the Customs and Excise, their Deputes and Waiters, to confiscate any of the saids Bibles that shall [...] imported after the said day, to the use aforesaid; which is to be by and attour any other punishment or p [...] [...] Majesties Council shall think fit to infl [...], or impose upon the contraveeners. And Ordains these preen [...] [...] printed, and published at the Mercat-cross of Edinburgh, Glasgow, and other places needful, that none [...] ignorance.
GOD save the King.