ACT Against the Importation of some Bibles.

FOrasmuch as the KING's Majesty, by His Gift, dated the twelfth day of May, one thousand six hun­dred and seventy one, Did grant and dispone to Andrew Anderson, His Majesties Printer, now dece [...] his Heirs, Assignayes or Substitutes, to be His Majesties sole, absolute and only Master-Printer, for the space of fourty one years after his entry to that Office; with power, not only to print His Majesties [...] of Parliament, Proclamations, and other Papers relating to the publick Affairs of this Kingdom, [...] also to print and re-print Bibles in all Volumes, with the Psalms therein till, Third Parts of the Bible [...] New Testaments in all Volumes, all Books of Divinity, Commentaries, Concordances, Books of the Common or Civil Law, all sorts of School-books, School-authors, Grammars, Rudiments, Psalms, Confessions of Faith, Catechis [...] and shorter, Callendars, Primars, &c. Discharging all others so to do, without Warrand and Order from Hi [...] [...] Printer, under the pain of confiscation of all such Books, the one half thereof to the King, and the other ha [...] [...] use of His Printer and his foresaids, besides such other penalties as the Council shall think fit to inflict, in [...] failȝie. And whereas the Relict and Heir of the said deceast Andrew Anderson, have exhibited and presented [...] Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, Bibles of three several Volumes and Sizes, Printed by the said deceas [...] Anderson, one thereof on a Letter called the Peril Letter with Notes, in the Volume of Twelve, printed in the y [...] [...] thousand six hundred and seventy three; another printed in the said year, on the same Letter, without Note [...] [...] Volume of Eighteen; and the third printed in the year, one thousand six hundred and seventy six, on a Letter [...] Nonperil, with Notes, in the Volume of Eight: Of which Bibles, they have printed such a considerable num [...] [...] their very great expences) as may be able sufficiently to serve His Majesties Lieges, and to the advantage of the [...] by hindering the export of considerable sums of money which are daily taken forth thereof, for the import of [...] Bibles; and have undertaken to serve the Lieges sufficiently, at als easie rates in far better work, as any [...] can affoord. The saids Lords of Council do therefore, conform to His Majesties Gift aforsaid, prohibit and [...] any person whatsomever, after the first day of November next, to import, vend or fell into this Kingdom [...] Bibles of the foresaids Letters and Sizes; Declaring hereby, all such Bibles as shall be imported after the [...] confiscable, the one half thereof for His Majesties use, and the other half for the use of the Relict and He [...] [...] Majesties said Printer: With full Power and Warrand to them, or any having their Order, to seize upon, [...] confiscat the saids Bibles, where-ever the same can be found, they being alwayes countable for His Majesties. [...] said seizure, to the Lords of the Thesaury: Ordaining and Commanding hereby, the Tacks-men and [...] of the Customs and Excise, their Deputes and Waiters, to confiscate any of the saids Bibles that shall [...] imported after the said day, to the use aforesaid; which is to be by and attour any other punishment or p [...] [...] Majesties Council shall think fit to infl [...], or impose upon the contraveeners. And Ordains these preen [...] [...] printed, and published at the Mercat-cross of Edinburgh, Glasgow, and other places needful, that none [...] ignorance.

Tho. Hay, Cl. S ti Concilii.

GOD save the King.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His [...] Majesty. Anno Dom. 1676.

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