FORASMUCH, as the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, Having by their Act of the thrid day of June last, discharged all Personal Execution against these Heretors who had fled to the Sanctuary of the Abbay of Hallay rude-house, for eshueing Personal Execution, for Civil debts, that they might be in a Capacity to attend the Kings Host; and might not upon that Pretext pretend Absence from the same, until further Order: And whereas, that Expedition is now over. Therefore, the saids Lords of Council, do hereby Recal, and Revock the said Act of the third of June last, and declares the same void and null, as to the intent therein specified after the ninth day of July Instant. And to the effect, all Persons concerned may have Notice hereof; Ordains a Macer of Council to make Intimation of these Presents with Sound of Trumpet, at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, that none may pretend Ignorance. And Ordains these Presents to be Printed.
Extracted furth of the Records of Privy Council, by me
God save the King.